2018年3月21日 星期三

Translation & Composition

A、句型重點Sentence Pattern Focus
I. Not until S1 + V1… Aux. + S2 + V2… 直到
We wont realize how spectacular the Great Wall is until we have walked along it.
àNot until we have walked along the Great Wall will we realize how spectacular it is.
Not until Judy stormed out of the room did her brother realize that he had offended her.
2. 直到你寫完回家作業之後,才可以看電視。
II. from N to N 各個,從
I have learned that table manners vary from culture to culture.
The salesman went from house to house asking if anyone wanted to buy this new product.
1. 這個手勢在各國會有不同的意思。
2. 郵差挨家挨戶遞送信件和包裹。

Unit 2: I. 1. Not until I stood at the top of Mt. Jade did I realize how tall it is.
        2. Not until you have finished your homework can you watch TV.
      II.1. This gesture carries different meanings from country to country.

        2. Mailmen go from door to door to deliver letters and packages.

B、寫作構思流程Writing Process
注意:1.說明主題句(Topic Sentence)時,要盡量使用具體的例子或是個人經驗來加以陳述,以增加說服力。
D.實戰演練提示:請以 “Travel Is The Best Teacher”為主題,寫一篇至少120個字的英文作文,第一段針對文章主題,說明旅行的優點,並在第二段舉自己在國內或國外旅行的經驗,以印證第一段的說明。[93年指考]

In my opinion, travel not only brings pleasure to us but also broadens our horizons. We may read a lot about the world in newspapers, books, or magazines, but only real experience can leave a deep and lasting impression on our minds. Not until we have walked along the Great Wall will we realize how spectacular it is.

When we travel, we also need to deal with cultural differences that may not have been mentioned in the books we have read. For example, my parents and I traveled in India last summer. On our first night in Mumbai, we decided to try the local cuisine at a famous restaurant. After we were all seated, we were surprised to see that most of the diners ate their meals with their hands rather than chopsticks or forks. Although we had read many articles about Indian culture, we knew little about Indian during etiquette. From this special experience, I have learned that table manners vary from culture to culture. In short, travel is not just a way to relax, it is also a way to learn about the real world we live in.

