2018年12月3日 星期一

Answers to B1 U3 Sentence Patterns: Practice

說明 1. and, but, or, so
例句 1. The teacher began to put pebbles into the jar, and the students watched.
2. Jack missed the school bus, so he took a taxi to school.
3.You can come back later or wait here. (你可以晚點再回來或是在這裡等。)
練習 1. 記者問了歌手許多問題,不過這位歌手沒有回應。
The reporter asked the singer several questions,
 but  the singer made no response.
2. Frank走到Jenny面前,並向她自我介紹。
Frank came up to Jenny  and   introduced  himself to her.

2. make + O + OC (Adj/N)
說明 此用法表示「使……變得……,使……成為……」的意思。make為不完全及物動詞,除了接受詞外,還須加上形容詞或名詞等受詞補語來說明受詞的狀態,這樣語意才會完整。
例句 1. The teacher poured enough sand into the jar to make it full.
2. Eric's leadership soon made him the president of students' union.
3. The girl's musical talent made her a superstar. 
練習 1. 比薩的味道讓我餓了。
The smell of pizza
 makes/made   me   hungry .
2. 粗重的工作使Albert的雙手變得粗糙。
All the hard work
 makes/made  Albert's  hands   rough .

3. that is (to say).... 也就是說
說明 that is to say置於句首加逗點隔開,可用來表示「換句話說,也就是說」的意思,而to say可省略。
例句 1. That is, if you concentrate too much on the small things in life, you may miss the most important ones.
2. My father is my role model. That is to say, I respect him a lot.
3. Michael and I go back 30 years. That is to say, we have been good friends since we were kids.  (Michael與我有30年的交情。也就是說,我們自從孩提時期就是好友了。)
練習 1. 這個塑膠碗是為小孩設計的。也就是說,它就算掉落也不會破裂。
This plastic bowl is designed for children.
 That   is , it won't break even if it drops.
2. 家庭是我的第一順位。也就是說,我認為我的家人比工作重要。
Family is my first
 priority .  That   is   to   say , I think my family is more important than my work.

4. S + Vt + O + by + N/V­ing
說明 此句型為S + Vt + O的延伸用法,加上介系詞片語by + N/V­ing可以用來補充說明「藉由……,透過……」之意。介系詞片語by + N/V­ing可置於句首或句尾,置於句首時以逗號來與主要子句區隔。
例句 1. By making the jar an example of life, the teacher showed his students the importance of setting priorities.
→ The teacher showed his students the importance of setting priorities by making the jar an example of life.
2. Although Wendy and Peter live in different cities, they keep in touch by phone. 
3. Alex tried to win Jessica's heart by giving her roses.
練習 1. Bryan透過電子郵件來寄發喜帖給他的親戚朋友們。
Bryan sent the wedding
 invitations  to his relatives and friends  by   email .
2. Tina提早做好功課以在週末和朋友出去玩。
 By   finishing  her homework earlier, Tina will hang out with her friends on the weekend.

5. get in one's way  妨礙
說明 get in one's way可以用來表示「妨礙,擋……的路」,其它類似的用法有be in one's wayget in the way of sth
例句 1. If you don't let the small things get in your way, you will lead a happy life.
2. Once Frank makes up his mind, he doesn't let anyone get in his way.
3. You shouldn't let computer games get in the way of your studies.
練習 1. 你不應該讓這個口角妨礙了你和Julie的友誼。
You shouldn't let the fight
 get   in   the   way  of you and Julie's friendship.
2. 我想要進去教室,不過有幾個大箱子擋住了我的路。
I wanted to get into the classroom, but some big boxes were
 in   my   way .

I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
( B ) 1. The rocks represent the most important things in your life, such as your family, your friends,    your health.
(A) but                          (B) and                      (C) or                 (D) for
( C ) 2. Ben tried to put on the shirt,    it was too small for him.
(A) or                            (B) so                        (C) but               (D) if
( A ) 3. Sandy poured all the water out of the bottle to make it   .
(A) empty                     (B) emptily                (C) emptied       (D) emptying
( B ) 4. Anna likes    to the movies and    shopping when she has free time.
      (A) going; to go                  (B) going; going
      (C) going; go                      (D) go; to go
( C ) 5. Sam has finished his homework.    is, he can go to the night market with his friends tonight.
(A) What                      (B) Which                 (C) That       (D) Where
( A ) 6. Harry didn't offer any helpful suggestions. He was just getting    my way.
(A) in                            (B) at                         (C) by   (D) with
( A ) 7. Claire got good grades on her tests    studying hard.
(A) by                           (B) with                     (C) at    (D) in
( B ) 8. Ginny caught the bus,    she forgot her lunchbox at home.
(A) or                            (B) but                       (C) after       (D) for
( D ) 9. Mandy is trying to lose weight by    and    less.
(A) exercise; eat               (B) exercised; ate
(C) to exercise; to eat       (D) exercising; eating
( C ) 10. Would you like coffee,    juice?
(A) and                         (B) but                       (C) or       (D) for

II. 重組句子:將以下各句重組並做適當修改。
1. the teacher/his homework/didn't/James/do/and/wasn't pleased
  James didn't do his homework, and the teacher wasn't pleased.                           
2. It/was/stayed/raining/outside/Kevin/so/home
  It was raining outside, so Kevin stayed home.                                          
3. Helen's/made/a/famous/good voice/her/singer
Helen's good voice made her a famous singer.                                     
4. Bob/his mother's birthday/cook/by/celebrated/a big meal/for her
  Bob celebrated his mother's birthday by cooking a big meal for her.                    
5. is trying to/Alice/her coffee/make/by/sweet/add/sugar
  Alice is trying to make her coffee sweet by adding sugar.                            

III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. Iris會與我們同行還是她會待在家?
Will Iris come with us
 or  stay at home?
2. Tiffany的善良讓她在學校很受歡迎。
Tiffany's kindness
 made/makes   her   popular  in school.
3. Eliza接受了Jimmy的道歉。也就是說,他們又是朋友了。
Eliza accepted Jimmy's apologies.
 That   is   to   say , they are now friends again.

4. 在夏天,人們藉由配戴太陽眼鏡來保護眼睛。
In summer, people protect their eyes
 by   wearing  sunglasses.
5. 你能幫我搬開這些沉重的箱子嗎?它們擋住我的路。
Could you help me move these heavy boxes? They are
 in   my   way .

