2018年12月24日 星期一

B1U6 Sentence Pattern Practice

1. S + have/has + Vpp
說明 此為「現在完成式」的句型,用以強調「過去所發生的事情」對「現在情況的影響或結果」。通常用來表示以下三種狀態:
1表示「從過去某時起一直持續到現在的動作或狀態」,通常與「for + 一段時間」或「since + 過去某個時間點」連用。
例句 1. Have you ever wondered what leads people to invent something new?
2. I have already bought a gift for my mother.
3. Helen has never been to Japan. (Helen從來沒去過日本。)
練習 1. 自從我最後一次看到Brittany,她改變了很多。
 has   changed  a lot  since  the last time I saw her.
2. 我從來沒去過法國。
 have   never   been  to France.

2. ...the + Adj­est (+ N)...
說明 形容詞最高級是用於「三者或三者以上」的比較,有「最……的」的意思。形容詞前面須加上定冠詞the。大多數的形容詞均可形成最高級,構成的方法如下:
2雙音節或多音節的形容詞:在形容詞前加上most,如most useful
3不規則變化,如best (good的最高級)
例句 1. Monopoly has since become the most popular game in the world.
2. Jennifer is the youngest in the family. (Jennifer是家裡年紀最小的。)
3. What's the worst thing that can happen? (情況最糟會怎樣?)
練習 1.台北101是台灣最高的建築物。
Taipei 101 is
 the   tallest  building in Taiwan.
2. Richard是班上最有創造力的學生。
Richard is
 the   most   creative  student in class.

說明 while作從屬連接詞時除了用來引導表示時間的副詞子句,還可以用來表示「對比」,為「然而、另一方面」之意,和whereas意思相同。while所引導的從屬子句可以放在句首或句尾,與主要子句對比。
例句 1. Sometimes people want something useful, while other times people just want to have fun. (有時候人們想要實用的東西,而其他時候他們只是為了好玩。)
2. Fred is interested in math, while his brother George finds it very boring.
3. While Sarah thinks dogs are cute, Joanne is afraid of their sharp teeth. 
練習 1. Ben覺得蝴蝶很漂亮,然而Amy討厭所有的昆蟲。
 While  Ben thinks butterflies are beautiful, Amy dislikes all insects.

2. Kevin覺得鬼是存在的,然而Arthur覺得那是胡說八道。
Kevin thinks ghosts exist,
 while  Arthur thinks it's nonsense.

4. To V,....
說明 不定詞作副詞修飾動詞時可以用來表示目的,表示「為了……」。否定用法則在不定詞前面加not,表示「為了不……」。也可以用in order to代換。
例句 1. To solve this problem, Teng decided to design a special faucet.
2. In order not to gain weight, Emily exercises every day.
3. Not to break the glass, Jimmy held it very carefully.
練習 1. 為了成為一位鋼琴師,Peter每天練習彈奏鋼琴。
 To   become  a pianist, Peter practices playing the piano every day.
2. 為了不吵醒她妹妹,Jenny把電視音量調小。
 In   order   not   to  wake her sister up, Jenny turned down the TV.

5. S + V... + without + N/V­ing
說明 without 為介系詞,意為「沒有……」,其後須接名詞或動名詞,以形成介系詞片語。除了置於句尾之外,也可置於句首,但後面須加逗點。
例句 1. The faucet could work without being touched.
2. Matt left the living room without saying a word.
3. Without enough money, Chad can't buy the new shoes.
練習 1. Steven 沒有他的眼鏡看不清楚黑板上的字。
Steven can't see the words on the blackboard clearly
 without   his   glasses .
2. Carrie在街上看見奇怪的男子時,她想都沒想就走開了。
When Carrie saw the strange man on the street, she walked away
  thinking .

I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
( B ) 1. I    in Taiwan for 16 years.
(A) have live      (B) have lived                      (C) had living       (D) had lived
( C ) 2. Mrs. Manson thinks the sweater and card from her daughter is    birthday gift of all.
(A) best              (B) most good                     (C) the best      (D) the most good
( A ) 3. It was impolite of Tina to take away my book without    me first.
(A) asking          (B) asked                             (C) to ask         (D) asks
( D ) 4.    her little sister laugh, Anna made a lot of funny faces.
(A) To making    (B) For make                       (C) For made       (D) To make
( D ) 5. Michael is great at cooking,    his brother knows nothing about it.
(A) which           (B) whose                            (C) where         (D) while
( A ) 6. I have never    to Japan, and neither    Susan.
(A) been; has      (B) went; has                       (C) went; does     (D) been; is
( B ) 7. Rachel and I have known each other    we were 10 years old.
(A) when            (B) since                              (C) for          (D) from
( A ) 8. Jack stepped out without    an umbrella.
(A) bringing       (B) bring                              (C) brought        (D) to bring
( D ) 9. I have played the violin    6 years.
(A) since             (B) in                                  (C) on           (D) for
( B ) 10. Mr. Evans likes watching the news,    Mrs. Evans enjoy watching soap opera (肥皂劇).
(A) where           (B) while                             (C) whose        (D) when

II. 改寫句子:依據提示將以下各句改寫。
1. Sandy wanted to pass the test. She studied very hard. (To V,...改寫)
To pass the test, Sandy studied very hard.                                                       
2. Natalie doesn't want to be late. She set her clock 10 minutes early. (To V,...改寫)
  Not to be late, Natalie set her clock 10 minutes early.                                   
3. Joe walked into his brother's room. He didn't wake him up. (without N/V­ing改寫)
Joe walked into his brother's room without waking him up.                              
4. Paul went to school. He didn't finish his homework. (without N/V­ing改寫)
  Paul went to school without finishing his homework.                                    
5. Daniel likes hiking. Vera prefers reading at home. (while改寫)
  Daniel likes hiking, while Vera prefers reading at home.                                 

III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. Harry是我看過最勇敢的男孩。
Harry is
 the   bravest  boy I  have   ever   seen .
2. 為了不浪費食物,Wendy用剩下的米飯做成了炒飯。
 Not   to   waste   food , Wendy made fried rice with leftover rice.
3. Samuel沒有關燈就離開他的房間。
Samuel left his room
 without   turning   off  the light.
4. Tina去過一次美國,然而Ryan從來沒有出過國。
 has   been  to France once,  while  Ryan  has   never  been abroad.
5. Jenny自從和Will吵架之後就一直忽視他。她經過他時沒有打招呼。
 has   ignored  Will  since  they had a fight. She passed him by  without  saying hello.

