2018年12月3日 星期一

FTV: U21-U22

I. 選填題(每題4分,共20分)
 A. 主辦    B. 公正    C. 收入    D. 領土    E. 日誌

1.      territory      
2.      income      
3.      host      
4.      justice      
5.      journal      

II. 字彙選擇題(每題4分,共68分)
(   ) 1.    Roger finally understood how much his wife had done for him after she left him.
                    (A) immigrated    (B) realized              (C) prescribed          (D) respected
(   ) 2.    Peter is envious of Jack’s new car and new house.
                    (A) jealous           (B) golden               (C) immune              (D) cheerful
(   ) 3.    The young girl is unfriendly to any stranger who wants to talk with her.
                    (A) hostile           (B) opposite             (C) economic           (D) neglectful
(   ) 4.    Mom set for herself the aim of losing five kilograms by the end of the year.
                    (A) crew              (B) fuel                    (C) alert                   (D) goal
(   ) 5.    The local government warned the villagers that heavy rain might cause mudslides.
                    (A) gambled        (B) interfered           (C) alerted               (D) intended
(   ) 6.    The manager objected to putting off the meeting until next week.
                    (A) cheered                                          (B) opposed
                    (C) proposed                                        (D) attacked
(   ) 7.    My passion for music has been falling since I entered high school.
                    (A) realizing        (B) opposing            (C) hosting               (D) declining
(   ) 8.    I felt       when I received many birthday presents from my family and friends.
                    (A) cheerful         (B) opposite             (C) generous            (D) impatient

(   ) 9.    My cell phone has many      , but I just use a few of them.
                    (A) functions       (B) goldsmiths         (C) territories           (D) campaigns
(   ) 10.  Mr. Song established a non-profit       for handicapped children after his son died in an accident.
                    (A) hospitality     (B) organization       (C) forecast              (D) ceremony
(   ) 11.  The ballet dancer gave an       performance, followed by two encores.
                    (A) immune         (B) volcanic             (C) safe                    (D) outstanding
(   ) 12.  It’s impossible to get this medicine unless the doctor       it.
                    (A) prescribes      (B) campaigns          (C) diagnoses           (D) intends
(   ) 13.  The terrorists carried out a surprise       on a five-star hotel.
                    (A) courtesy        (B) reason                (C) cancer                (D) attack
(   ) 14.  The advertising       worked well and increased product sales
                    (A) jealousy         (B) campaign           (C) goal                    (D) justice
(   ) 15.  The soldiers encountered a powerful       and were eventually
                    (A) enemy           (B) alert                   (C) cheer                  (D) decline
(   ) 16.  The 1849       rush helped San Francisco develop from a small village into a big city.
                    (A) acid               (B) fuel                    (C) gold                   (D) cheer
(   ) 17.  The hostess impressed her guests with her warm      .
                    (A) hostility         (B) hospitality          (C) territory             (D) function

III. 填充(每題4分,共12分)
1.   Fanny對於她的晚到沒有給予任何原因。
Fanny didn’t give a
              her lateness.
2.   市長忙於準備下屆總統選舉。
The mayor is
              preparing for the next presidential election.

3.   囚犯在半夜從監獄逃出。
The prisoner
              jail in the middle of the night.

I. 選填題(每題4分,共20分)
  A. 任務   B. 赤道   C. 救護車   D. 堅固的   E. 結構

1.      equator      
2.      structure      
3.      task      
4.      tough      
5.      ambulance      

II. 字彙選擇題(每題4分,共68分)
(   ) 1.    Mr. Jones was honored as an outstanding teacher.
                    (A) a distant        (B) a distinguished  (C) an opposite        (D) a luxurious
(   ) 2.    She counted it again and again in order not to make any mistakes.
(A) calculated    (B) targeted           (C) alerted               (D) operated
(   ) 3.    That old building is in a good situation.
(A) good calculation                            (B) good campaign
(C) good condition                              (D) good classification
(   ) 4.    The new drama aims at older audiences.
(A) targets         (B) isolates               (C) attacks              (D) remains
(   ) 5.    The mountains separate this country from its neighbors, forming a natural border. 
(A) imply           (B) engage               (C) intend               (D) isolate
(   ) 6.    Dogs at this center are trained to follow their owners’ orders.
(A) distinguished                                                                 (B) escaped
(C) embarrassed                                   (D) disciplined
(   ) 7.    The man admitted providing drugs to high school students. 
(A) reserving     (B) supplying           (C) realizing             (D) forecasting
(   ) 8.    The rich widow’s hobby is to collect jewelry of great value.
                    (A) fuel                (B) worth                 (C) income               (D) rent
(   ) 9.    Some reports hinted that the singer’s death was not an accident.
(A) implied        (B) demanded        (C) reserved             (D) opposed
(   ) 10.  I       that Lisa had hidden something from us.
(A) supplied      (B) prescribed          (C) suspected         (D) vanished
(   ) 11.  To       my current weight, I must eat carefully and exercise regularly. 
(A) remain           (B) maintain           (C) realize              (D) memorize
(   ) 12.  The volunteers       food and clothes to the needy.
(A) calculated      (B) maintained        (C) distributed        (D) remained
(   ) 13.  This department store spent much money on improving its restroom      .
(A) fortunes       (B) facilities            (C) reasons              (D) opportunities
(   ) 14.  My father has a wide range of camping      .
(A) economy      (B) income              (C) equator              (D) equipment
(   ) 15.  Keep your       from that mean dog.  It may hurt you.
                    (A) distance         (B) maintenance      (C) operation           (D) function
(   ) 16.  Lots of young girls hope to achieve fame and       as models. 
(A) resident        (B) justice                (C) physics             (D) fortune
(   ) 17.  If you make your       one month earlier, you will get a 20% discount. 
(A) reservation                                     (B) organization
(C) condition                                       (D) classification

III. 填充(每題4分,共12分)
1.   喝過量的咖啡會對健康造成傷害。
Drinking too much coffee is
              one’s health.
2.   好朋友就是你有困難時可以依賴的人。
A good friend is someone you can
              when you have difficulties.
3.   Willy做了調查,找出這家購物中心消費者購物清單上的前三名項目。
       a survey to find out the top three        on this mall shoppers’ shopping lists.

