2018年12月18日 星期二

B1 U6 Vocabulary & Phrases

I. Words for Production
1. invent [In`vEnt] vt. to produce something that has never been created before 發明
► In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
invention [In`vEnS1n] n. [C] 發明物
► The computer is a great invention. It has changed the modern world.
n. [U] 發明
Thanks to the invention of the refrigerator, we can now store food for a longer time.
inventor [In`vEnt2] n. [C] 發明者,發明家
► The Wright brothers were the inventors of the airplane.
2. wonder [`w^nd2] vt.; vi. to think about something and try to figure out the truth about it or what will happen to it 想知道
► I wonder how William finished that difficult job on his own.
3. occur [1`k3] (occur—occurred—occurred) vi. (formal) to happen 發生 SYN happen
► Four traffic accidents occurred this morning. That was why the police were so busy.
4. economy [I`kAn1mI] n. [C] the system by which a country or a region’s money and goods are produced and used 經濟
► If a country’s economy grows, the people of the country may not have so many money problems.
economic [&ik1`nAmIk] adj. (only before n.) 經濟的
► The country’s economic problems caused many people to lose their jobs.
5. tough [t^f] adj. difficult to deal with 艱苦的,艱難的 SYN difficult ANT easy
► Because Larry’s English wasn’t that good, he had a tough time during his first year in the U.S.A.
6. afford [1`ford] vt. to have enough money to pay for something 買得起
► Samuel does not have much money, so he cannot afford to own a car.
7. location [lo`keS1n] n. [C] the position of someone or something, or a place where something happens 地點,位置 SYN place
► The apartment is in a good location because there is an MRT station nearby.
8. origin [`Or1dZIn] n. [C][U] the place or moment in which something starts, or the cause of something 起源,起因 (rise / begin)
► Elaine went to the library to learn about the origins of Christmas.
original [1`rIdZ1nL] adj. (only before n.) 原本的,起初的
► The original price of this computer was NT$35,000, but it is on sale for NT$25,000 now.
9. reality [ri`8l1tI] n. [U] the true situation in life 現實,實際情況
► I don’t want to work, but the reality is that I need to work hard to survive.
10. creative [krI`etIv] adj. being very good at using one’s imagination to produce something new 有創造力的
► Those students are very creative. They turned the garbage into a piece of art.
create [krI`et] vt. 創造
► Today, teenagers in Taiwan have created many new words to show their feelings.
creativity [&krie`tIv1tI] n. [U] 創造力
► A person with a lot of creativity can always think of new ideas.
11. solve [sAlv] vt. to find a way to deal with a problem 解決 (問題) SYN resolve
► Money may solve some of your problems, but it cannot fix all of them.
solution [s1`luS1n] n. [C] 解決方法 SYN answer
► The leaders of the countries held a meeting to find a solution to the world’s economic problems.
12. design [dI`zaIn] vt. to make drawings or plans of something to decide how it will look or work 設計
As we design the new house, we need to decide how each area will look and be used.
design [dI`zaIn] n. [U][C] 設計
► The design of this lamp is very special. I wonder who created it.
13. control [k1n`trol] (control—controlled—controlled) vt. to make a machine or system operate in a particular way 操縱,控制 (機器或系統等)
► The robot is controlled by a computer, so it won’t work without the computer.
vt. to make someone do something, or to make something happen in the way you want 控制
► Don’t worry about the things that you can’t control.
control [k1n`trol] n. [U] 控制
► The meeting went well because our boss had everything under control.
14. device [dI`vaIs] n. [C] a machine or a tool that does a particular job 裝置,設備
► A hair dryer is a useful device for drying hair fast.
15. daily [`delI] adj. (only before n.) happening, produced, or done every day 每日的,日常的 SYN everyday
Reading newspapers is an important part of my daily life.

1. pay a visit to  to visit a place or a person 造訪 SYN pay a call to, visit
► Joanna drove to Taichung to pay a visit to the famous night market.
2. start out  to begin as one thing or in a particular way but change later (以某身分或某方式) 開始
► This large plant started out as a small seed.
3. put...into practice  to actually start using an idea or a plan 將……付諸實行
► I was glad that my teacher gave me the chance to put my ideas into practice.
4. before long  soon; in a short time 不久
► My sisters will be home soon. You will get to meet them before long.
5. as well  too; in addition to someone or something else 
► Donna’s father is a doctor, and Donna hopes to become a doctor as well.

