2018年12月5日 星期三

B1 U3-U4 EXAMS for Review

Unit 4
1. 字彙測驗
                      1. The dog was t______ned to help blind people.
                      2. A recent report shows that e______y people are more likely to have eye problems because of their old age.
                     3. The p______t was too weak to get out of bed by himself.
                       4. Alex c______y checks his e-mail in order not to miss any important message (訊息) from his boss.
                     5. Esther tried to r______e her cost of living by eating at home instead of (取代) eating out.
                       6. Jason usually reads e______c books on his smartphone when he is taking a bus.
                     7. A lot of w______e was left on the beach after the party.
                       8. With the help of the v______rs, the old people who live alone in the town are offered free meals every day.
                     9. I can’t lend you my car because it is now under r______r.
                      10. The baby began crying for no a______t reason. Even her mother didn’t know why she cried.
                      11. Fanny left the shop happily because she had found a dress which s______ied her needs.
                       12. Monica is very shy, and she seldom has i______n with other people.

2. 片語測驗
cut down on
for free
all on one’s own
take part in
1. In Taiwan, people over the age of 65 can take the bus                 .
2. The milk is not fresh. You should                  it                 .
3. My grandmother’s 70th birthday party yesterday                  our whole family                 .
4. Gary decided to                  sugar in his diet in order to lose weight.
5. Betty made the banana cake                 .
6.                  a summer camp is a good chance to make new friends.

4. 句型練習
現在簡單式:S + V/be (am/is/are)
過去簡單式:S + V-ed/be (was/were)
未來簡單式:S + will/be going to + V
1. Ronda cleans the bathroom every day. (tomorrow)
2. My boss will take a trip to the United States next week. (last month)
3. Samuel visited Shilin Night Market yesterday. (every weekend)
從屬連接詞:after, before, when, while, because, although
4.   Dee failed many times.
She never stopped trying. (Although)
5.   Mr. Adams is on vacation.
He always turns off his cell phone. (When)
6.   The mother told the boys to wash their hands.
They had the pizza. (...before...)
be (not) interested in + N/V-­ing
7. 你對動作片有興趣嗎?
             you                          action movies?
8. 我以前對運動不感興趣,但是現在我非常喜歡打籃球。
I                                                     sports before, but now I like to play basketball very much.
9. 我爸爸對烹飪非常有興趣。
My father              very                                       .
There + be + N....
10. along/five/are/there/the street/toy shops
11. near my house/big/is/supermarket/there/a
12. several/last year/there/serious/were/typhoons

5. 綜合測驗
Mr. Tang is 69 years old. He   1   from his job at the bank 13 years ago, but he is still very busy every day. That’s because he    a program which is called “Toy Workshop.” In the program, he   3   to become a toy doctor. He goes to Sanmin Elementary School three times a week to see “patients.” His patients are actually children’s   4   toys. He uses his skills to fix them.   5   he finishes the repair job and returns the toys back to their owners, the children always smile happily. This makes Mr. Tang happy, too.
   ) 1. (A) retired                (B) interacted        (C) satisfied          (D) wasted
   ) 2. (A) cuts down on    (B) turns on           (C) takes part in    (D) sums up
   ) 3. (A) training              (B) be trained        (C) being trained   (D) is trained
   ) 4. (A) similar                (B) interested        (C) constant          (D) broken
   ) 5. (A) Before               (B) When               (C) But                  (D) Although
People are   6   hurting the Earth by throwing away old or broken things. In fact, many of them can be fixed. If you don’t know how to fix them, just bring them   7   our Repair Café. At our Repair Café, anything that is broken has a chance   8   new or usable (可用的) again. What’s better, you don’t have to pay for the repairs. If you are interested in   9   things on your own, our volunteers will share their knowledge with you. We believe   10   the earth can become a better place if we stop producing waste.
 ) 6. (A) early                      (B) very                 (C) constantly       (D) nervously
 ) 7. (A) of                           (B) to                     (C) from                (D) with
 ) 8. (A) to become              (B) become            (C) becoming        (D) became
 ) 9. (A) fixing                     (B) fixed                (C) fixes                (D) fix
 ) 10. (A) that                      (B) which              (C) what                (D) whether

7. 閱讀測驗
Since Martine Postma began the first Repair Café in the Netherlands in 2009, the movement has spread (擴展) to at least five countries in North America and Europe. As the number continues to grow, Repair Cafés bring community members (社區成員) together to repair their used things instead of throwing them away.
One example is Repair Café Palo Alto—the first Repair Café in the United States. This community service holds meetings where people are invited to bring their faulty things. These people can learn how to repair their things from Repair volunteers or have the volunteers fix them for free. Things that cannot be repaired will be recycled (回收). The volunteers are not only giving old things new lives but also helping other towns across the United States begin similar cafés.
Through the service, Repair Cafés are sending an important message (訊息) to people that broken things need not always be thrown away, just as their slogan (標語) goes, “Toss it? No way!”
   ) 1. The example of Repair Café Palo Alto shows ______.
(A) the history of Repair Cafés            (B) the importance of recycling
(C) how a Repair Café works               (D) how to fix broken things
   ) 2. Which of the following statements about Repair Café Palo Alto is true?
(A) It is the first Repair Café in the world.
(B) It is the first Repair Café in the United States.
(C) It was built by Martine Postma.
(D) It is in the Netherlands.
   ) 3. Repair Cafés want people to ______.
(A) think twice before they throw things away
(B) buy used things from the Cafés
(C) sell faulty things to the Cafés
(D) throw things away at the Cafés
   ) 4. The word “toss” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to the word “______.”
(A) throw                 (B) sell                   (C) fix                   (D) recycle
   ) 5. What CANNOT we infer from the passage?
(A) The first Repair Café was started more than five years ago.
(B) There are more than one Repair Café in the United States.
(C) People may take their broken bikes to Repair Cafés.

(D) Everything can be repaired in Repair Cafés.

1. trained           2. elderly             3. patient              4. constantly        5. reduce
6. electronic       7. waste               8. volunteers        9. repair               10. apparent
11. satisfied       12. interaction

1. for free                                2. throw; away                        3. brought; together
4. cut down on                        5. all on her own                     6. To take/Taking part in

1. Ronda will/is going to clean the bathroom tomorrow.
2. My boss took a trip to the United States last month.
3. Samuel visits Shilin Night Market every weekend.
4. Although Dee failed many times, she never stopped trying.
5. When Mr. Adams is on vacation, he always turns off his cell phone.
6. The mother told the boys to wash their hands before they had the pizza.
7. Are; interested; in
8. was; not; interested; in
9. is/was; interested; in; cooking
10. There are five toy shops along the street.
11. There is a big supermarket near my house.
12. There were several serious typhoons last year./
Last year, there were several serious typhoons.

1. A  2. C  3. D  4. D  5. B
6. C  7. B  8. A  9. A  10. A


1. C  2. B  3. A  4. A  5. D

Unit 3
                     1. The house is e______y because the Carter family is having a picnic in the yard.
                      2. Cameron is the fastest runner in our class, so he will r______t our class to run in the school race.
                      3. When I go on a trip, safety (安全) is always my top p______y.
                       4. Monica c______ed the room rates (價格) of the two hotels before she decided which hotel she would stay at.
                      5. When Barney’s weight r______hed 100 kg, he finally made up his mind to eat less and do exercise.
                     6. Cecilia’s quick r______ies to the teacher’s difficult questions showed that she was a smart girl.
                      7. During the Chinese New Year, many children in Taiwan would get red envelopes (紅包) which c______n money.
                     8. Ana and I have s______r interests. We both love reading and playing football.
                     9. The king built a beautiful castle as a s______l of his deep love for his dead wife.
                       10. Tiffany does not believe there is true f______p between men and women.
                         11. The teacher’s clear ______ (explain) helped the students understand how to do the experiment (實驗).
                       12. Customers ______ (response) well to the new bread. A lot of people came to the bakery just to buy it.

2. 片語測驗
1. Debbi喜歡收集幸運符,例如幸運兔腳和四葉草。
Debbi likes to collect lucky charms,                                   a rabbit’s foot and a four-leaf clover.
2. 我們來把這節課所學到的東西做個總結。
Let’s                                   what we have learned during the class.
3. 萬聖節前夕,人們通常會舉辦扮裝派對、參加遊行等等。
On Halloween, people usually have costume parties, go on parades,                 
4. Sally沒辦法快速穿過街道,因為有許多小孩擋住她的路。
Sally couldn’t walk through the street fast because there were many children
5. 我舅舅是位作家。換句話說,他以寫小說維生。
My uncle is a writer.                                                   
                , he makes a living by writing novels.

4. 句型練習
對等連接詞:and, but, or, so
1.   Write the main point down now.
You may forget it later.
2.   My grandmother has looked for her glasses for one hour.
She still can’t find them.
3.   I needed some fresh air.
I went outside.
make + O + OC (Adj/N)
4. her/Samantha’s sweet voice/a popular singer/made
5. very/The rainbow/the sky/made/beautiful
6. made/The war/a terrible place/the country
less + Adj (+ than...)
7. I became                  (tired) after taking a hot bath.
8. To me, math is                  (difficult) Chinese.
9. The writer’s new book is                  (interesting) the previous one.
by + V-­ing
10. A: How did your mother make such a delicious dish? (add her love)
11. A: How can I finish the work more quickly? (work with others)
12. A: How does Ms. Miller teach her students about life? (share her life experience with them)
5. 綜合測驗
A teacher asked one of his students to fill up an empty jar   1   rocks, pebbles, and sand into it. The student   2   the sand into the jar first.   3  , he dropped some pebbles into the jar. However, there was not enough room for all the pebbles. Of course, there was no space for the rocks, either. The teacher then said that the rocks, the pebbles, and the sand stood for the most important things, the less important things, and small things respectively (分別地) in life. He said to the class, “  4   you fill your life with small things first, you may miss the important things in life. So, be careful not to let the small things   5   in your way.”
   ) 1. (A) as put                 (B) to put               (C) for putting       (D) by putting
   ) 2. (A) poured               (B) responded       (C) explained        (D) compared
   ) 3. (A) Thus                  (B) Next                (C) For example    (D) That is
   ) 4. (A) Although           (B) Before             (C) If                     (D) Unless
   ) 5. (A) get                     (B) getting             (C) got                   (D) to get
I thought my first year of high school would be easy,   6   I was wrong. There were so many things   7   I needed to do every day. When I was trying to finish one thing,   8   one popped up (突然出現). Was it possible for me to finish all of the things? I was not very sure. I felt so worried. My mom found what troubled me and asked me to decide what meant most to me. “Do the most important thing first, and do   9   later,” she said. After learning the lesson on setting   10  , I’ve known how to make plans for my everyday life.
   ) 6. (A) and                    (B) or                     (C) but                   (D) so
   ) 7. (A) who                   (B) where              (C) whether           (D) that
   ) 8. (A) other                  (B) the other          (C) another            (D) any other
   ) 9. (A) else everything                                (B) everything else
(C) other everything                              (D) everything other
   ) 10. (A) explanations    (B) priorities          (C) responses         (D) symbols

7. 閱讀測驗
Mitch Albom had not met Morrie Schwartz, his favorite college professor (大學教授), for sixteen years. One night, he saw Morrie on TV. Old Morrie was seriously ill with muscle disease (肌肉疾病). Mitch soon called his old professor, and they had a nice talk. After the talk, they decided to meet regularly before Morrie died.
The two men began meeting weekly. Mitch asked questions about difficulties in life, and Morrie always answered with wise words. For example, as a successful sports reporter, however, Mitch was unhappy about his life and job. He thus turned to Morrie for help. Although Morrie was in poor health, his mind was sharp. He told Mitch to find his own way of life which was based on love. Then, he would be pleased. Morrie’s words not only made Mitch realize that he had to make some changes, but also gave him the courage to take a step forward (向前地). Their talk continued every Tuesday until Morrie met his end.
To Mitch, Morrie was far more than a college professor. Morrie taught him the greatest lessons in life and, above all, led him to find the power to make himself better.
   ) 1. What is the best title for the passage?
(A) “An Old Man”                               (B) “Strength and Courage”
(C) “Going Forward”                           (D) “Life Lessons from Morrie”
   ) 2. What was the relationship (關係) between Mitch Albom and Morrie Schwartz?
(A) A student and a teacher.                 (B) A doctor and an ill person.
(C) A son and a father.                          (D) A superstar and a fan.
   ) 3. When we say that a man “met his end,” it means that he “______.”
(A) died                                                (B) finished the game
(C) lost his strength                              (D) left the hospital
   ) 4. According to the passage, Morrie and Mitch did NOT talk about ______.
(A) how to report on sports                  (B) how to be happier
(C) having a change in life                    (D) finding a life based on love
   ) 5. According to the passage, which of the following is true?
(A) Mitch was a college professor.       (B) Mitch got hurt seriously.
(C) Morrie was a wise man.                  (D) Morrie couldn’t think clearly.

1. empty             2. represent         3. priority             4. compared         5. reached
6. replies             7. contain            8. similar              9. symbol             10. friendship
11. explanation   12. responded

1. such; as                                2. sum; up                                3. and; so; on
4. getting; in; her; way            5. That; is; to; say

1. Write the main point down now, or you may forget it later.
2. My grandmother has looked for her glasses for one hour, but she still can’t find them.
3. I needed some fresh air, so/and I went outside.
4. Samantha’s sweet voice made her a popular singer.
5. The rainbow made the sky very beautiful.
6. The war made the country a terrible place.
7. less tired
8. less difficult than
9. less interesting than
10. She/My mother made such a delicious dish by adding her love.
11. You can finish the work more quickly by working with others.
12. She/Ms. Miller teaches her students about life by sharing her life experience with them.

1. D  2. A  3. B  4. C  5. A
6. C  7. D  8. C  9. B  10. B

1. D  2. A  3. A  4. A  5. C

