2018年12月19日 星期三

Answers to B5 U6 Grammar in Use

as Adv as  possible
S + can/could

1. It is important to learn interview skills as early as possible.
2. Find out as much as you can about the department or company.
3. The model tried to walk as straight as she could.

Let’s Try!
A. 根據句型及提示字改寫下列句子。注意助動詞變化。第一題為範例。
1. Bruce tries to go to bed early every day.
Bruce tries to go to bed as early as he can/possible every day.
2. The dog jumped high to catch the Frisbee.
The dog jumped                         to catch the Frisbee.
3. My father wanted to finish the housework fast.
My father wanted to finish the housework                    .
4. I will return the umbrella to you soon.
I will return the umbrella to you                            .
5. The jogger tried to run far in an hour.
The jogger tried to run                           in an hour.

2. as high as it could/possible
3. as fast as he could/possible
4. as soon as I can/possible
5. as far as he/she could/possible

B. 根據句型將以下各題的字詞重組。
1. I/as/the survey/as quickly/completed/I could
2. will contact/as/you/as possible/soon/Our company
3. she can/Carrie/wants to stay/as long/as/in this beautiful hotel
4. as/moved/carefully/My brother/as possible/the glass vase
5. help others/tries to/The kind man/as possible/as/much

1. I completed the survey as quickly as I could.
2. Our company will contact you as soon as possible.
3. Carrie wants to stay in this beautiful hotel as long as she can.
4. My brother moved the glass vase as carefully as possible.
5. The kind man tries to help others as much as possible.

S1 + recommend/insist/demand/order + that + S2 + (should) V....
此句型用來表示「建議」(recommend)、「堅持」(insist)、「要求」(demand) 或「命令」(order)that子句中的should常被省略,故子句中的動詞常以原形動詞表示。

1. It is recommended that you (should) find a list of questions on the Internet.
2. My parents insisted that I (should) return home by 9 p.m.
3. Most interviewers demand that interviewees (should) introduce themselves.
4. The shopkeeper ordered that all the staff (should) wear name tags.

Let’s Try!
A. 根據句型合併下列句子。
1.  Ian should finish the work in a week.
His boss ordered that.
2.  We should buy a house near an MRT station.
The agent recommended that.
3.  Christine should take the medicine three times a day.
The doctor demanded that.
4.  I shouldn’t drink coffee on an empty stomach.
My mother insisted that.

1. Ian’s boss ordered that Ian (should) finish the work in a week.
2. The agent recommended that we (should) buy a house near an MRT station.
3. The doctor demanded that Christine (should) take the medicine three times a day.
4. My mother insisted that I shouldn’t/not drink coffee on an empty stomach.

B. Hank想去日本打工度假,因此他詢問了日本交流協會人員Yuki一些問題。根據句型重組提示字以完成下列對話。(H = Hank, Y = Yuki)
H: Excuse me, could you tell me how long I can stay in Japan if I have a working holiday visa?
Y: Sure. The Japanese government 1                                        
(traveler­workers/not/that/for more than one year/stay/demands).
H: OK. I’ll turn 18 next month. Can I apply for the visa now?
Y: I’m afraid not. The Japanese government 2                              
                                     (people/demands/over 18/be/that)
to apply for this visa. So, you will have to wait until the next application period
H: All right. By the way, do I need to pass the Japanese­Language Proficiency Test?
Y: Well, the Japanese government does not 3                              
          (that/the test/people/insist/pass) before they apply for the visa.
However, I still
(learn/recommend/you/that/some Japanese) before you travel to Japan.
H: I see. Oh, one more thing: During my stay in Japan, if my parents 5   
(order/come back
to Taiwan/that/I), is that all right?
Y: Yes, that’s fine, but you will then need to apply for a re­entry permit (再入國許可) before you leave Japan.
H: OK. Thank you so much for your help.

1. demands that traveler-workers not stay for more than one year
2. demands that people be over 18
3. insist that people pass the test
4. recommend that you learn some Japanese
5. order that I come back to Taiwan

