2018年12月25日 星期二

U1 U5 Sentence Pattern Practice

1. To V1/V1-ing... (+ Aux) + be/V2....
說明 1不定詞或動名詞片語皆可當句子的主詞,視為第三人稱單數,須接單數動詞。
2作主詞時,若不定詞片語過長,常會以虛主詞it替代,並將真主詞置於句子的後半部,避免整個句子頭重腳輕。其句型為“It (+ Aux) + be/ V2... to V1.... ”
例句 1. To Juan Mann, arriving/to arrive at an airport alone was very depressing.
Juan Mann來說,一個人孤零零地抵達機場非常令人沮喪。)
2. To say/Saying is one thing, but to do/doing is another.
3. To give a speech in public makes Brian nervous.
It makes Brian nervous to give a speech in public.
練習 1. 為家人煮晚餐帶給Jackson太太喜悅。
 Making/Cooking/Fixing  dinner for her family  brings/brought  Mrs. Jackson joy.
2. 跑馬拉松需要堅強的毅力。
 To   run  a marathon takes a strong will.

2. S1 + suggest + that + S2 + (should) V....
說明 1此句型表示「建議某人應該做某事」之意。動詞suggest後接that所引導的名詞子句當受詞,而子句中的助動詞should常被省略,所以不論何種時態或人稱,其後動詞均可用原形。
3其他類似用法的動詞尚有:recommend (推薦)advise (勸告)demand (要求)order (命令)insist (堅持)require (需要)等。
例句 1. Juan Mann suggested that he and the lady (should) share a hug.
(Juan Mann
2. Elsa's stylist suggests that she (should) try a new hairstyle.
3. The waiter recommended that we (should) order roast beef.
練習 1. Claire建議她父親應該戒菸。
 suggests/suggested   that  her father  should  quit smoking.
2. Ryan堅持要我參加他的生日派對。
 insists/insisted   that  I  join/attend  his birthday party.

3. make + O + V....
說明 make為使役動詞,表示「使……做某事,讓……做某事」之意。若受詞為主動發出動作者,其後須接原形動詞。
例句 1. Arriving at the airport alone made Mann feel lonely and depressed.
2. The clown's funny tricks are making the children laugh.
3. My mother made me finish my homework before dinner.
練習 1. John的父母要他吃飯前先洗手。
John's parents
 made   him   wash  hands before he ate.

2. 這部悲傷的電影讓Sandy哭了。
The sad movie
 made  Sandy  cry .

4. to one's + N  令人感到……的是
說明 此副詞片語多置於句首,表達人的心情,須搭配關於情緒、感情方面的名詞。常見的情緒名詞有surprise (驚喜)disappointment (失望)regret (懊悔)joy (喜悅)delight (欣喜)embarrassment (尷尬)satisfaction (滿意)relief (鬆一口氣)amazement (驚訝)等。
例句 1. To Mann's delight, an elderly lady stopped and told him her story.
2. To my surprise, my elementary school teacher still remembers me after 10 years.
3. To Leo's embarrassment, his ex­girlfriend falls in love with his buddy.
練習 1. 令球迷們失望的是,國家棒球代表隊以一分之差輸了比賽。
 To  the fans'  disappointment , the national baseball team lost the game by one point.
2. 令這名病人極度喜悅的是,他在手術後得以重見光明。
 To  the patient's great  joy , he is able to see again after the surgery.

5. much + Adj­er/more Adj
說明 副詞much可用來修飾比較級,表示「更……」。much亦可視不同程度而用farevenrathera lot等替換。
例句 1. After Mann and the old lady shared a hug, he felt much better.
2. The heavy rain made the rough mountain paths even more dangerous.
3. With the new MRT line, traveling in the city is far more convenient.
練習 1. 冬天要早起困難多了。
It is
 much   more   difficult  to get up early in winter.
2. 我哥哥的房間遠比我房間大得多。
My brother's bedroom is
 far/much   bigger  than mine.

I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
( A ) 1.    everyone's surprise, the beautiful woman was already 70 years old.
(A) To                           (B) For                      (C) Of          (D) On
( C ) 2. The new buildings in the city are    taller than the old ones.
(A) more                       (B) many                   (C)much           (D) most
( B ) 3. Ray's mother suggested that he    some milk before bed.
(A) to drink                  (B) drink                   (C) drinking        (D) drinks
( B ) 4. Ms. Lee    her students write down what she said.
(A) asked                      (B) made                   (C) told           (D) wanted
( A ) 5.    to the movies on weekends is one of my hobbies.
(A) To go                      (B) Go                       (C) Be going        (D) To going
( D ) 6.    Mrs. Wang's relief, her son was not hurt in the car accident.
(A) Of                          (B) On                       (C) For         (D) To
( C ) 7. The clerk    that I buy the pink shoes to go with my dress.
(A) hoped                     (B) needed                (C) suggested       (D) wanted
( A ) 8. I think English is    interesting than math.
(A) much more             (B) much                   (C) most       (D) more much
( C ) 9. After taking the medicine, Kelly feels    better.
(A) more                       (B)most                     (C)a lot        (D) most
( D ) 10. The flowers make the house    good.
(A) to smelling             (B) to smell               (C) smells     (D) smell

II. 判讀題:依據各題句意選出適當的選項。
( b ) 1. Traveling around the world is    convenient these days.
( e ) 2. Mandy    that Frank should think twice before he quits his job.
( d ) 3. To Nate's   , the service at the expensive restaurant wasn't very good.
( a ) 4. The funny jokes made Ian    for a while.
( c ) 5. To Andy,    a speech in public takes a lot of courage.

III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
David's boss  
 demanded/demands  that he  finish/complete  the work within two days.
The doctor
 suggested/suggests  that Rachel  should   exercise  every day.
My father's advice
 made  me  change  my mind.
 Enjoying  life is  much   more   important  than making a lot of money.
 To   drive  to work is  much   faster  than to take a bus.

