2018年11月6日 星期二

B1 U4 Sentence Patterns: Practice

說明 1. S + V/be (am/is/are)
S + V­ed/be (was/were)
S + will/be going to + V
1. 現在簡單式:1通常表示「日常習慣」、「一般的事實、不變的真理」或「現在的狀況、動作、心理狀態」。
2. 過去簡單式:1通常表示「過往的經歷」或「過去曾有的習慣」。
3. 未來簡單式:1通常表示「未來的預期或計畫」。
2所有人稱的動詞都可使用“will + V”,而“be going to + V”可替代“will + V”,表示「將要發生的動作」。
例句 1. We live in a “disposable” world. (我們活在一個「用過即丟」的世界裡。)
2. Doris went to the post office yesterday. (Doris 昨天去了郵局。)
3. They will/are going to have a meeting at 4 p.m. today.
練習 1. Mandy每天早上七點去上學。
Mandy  goes  to school every day at 7 a.m.
2. Amanda將在明年退休。
 will   retire  next year.

2. after, before, when, while, because, although
說明 從屬連接詞用來引導副詞子句,其引導的副詞子句可置於句首或句尾。置於句首時,須用逗點將副詞子句和主要子句隔開。
例句 1. After the toys are fixed, they are returned to their owners.
2. Kate didn't go to school because she had a cold.
3. Although Natalie's father expected her to become a doctor, she followed her dream of becoming a singer.
練習 1. Roger在全家人吃完晚餐後自願要洗碗。
Roger  volunteered  to do the dishes  after  the whole family finished dinner.
2. 在我和Tony互動之前,我不知道他是如此友善。
 Before  I  interacted  with Tony, I didn't know he was so friendly.

3. for + 金錢
說明 for後面加上金錢可以用來表示「以……的價格」之意,而for free則表示「免費」。
例句 1. People can bring their broken things from home, and volunteers will fix them for free.

2. Gina bought the book for 250 NT dollars.
3. Tom sold his phone for 170 US dollars.
練習 1. Claudia以台幣一萬元的價格賣掉了她的鑽戒。
Claudia sold her diamond ring  for  10,000 NT dollars.
2. 因為今天是Angela的生日,餐廳將免費供應她一杯啤酒。
Since it's Angela's birthday, the restaurant is offering her a beer
 for   free .

4. V­ing/Vpp + N
說明 此句型用現在分詞與過去分詞作為形容詞來修飾後面名詞。現在分詞修飾名詞表示主動或「正在進行」的動作;而過去分詞修飾名詞表示被動或「已完成」的動作。
例句 1. The toy doctors fix everything from broken stuffed animals to faulty electronic toys.
2. Keep the boiling water out of the reach children.
3. In Taiwan, most people drink boiled water instead of tap water.
練習 1. 消防員將小孩子們從燃燒中的房子救出。
The firefighters saved the children from the
 burning  house.
2. 這些受過訓練的狗可以在機場協助警察尋找毒品。
These  trained   dogs  can help the police find drugs at the airport.

5. Noun Clauses with “that” as Subject or Object
說明 1that引導名詞子句,可在句子中當主詞或受詞用,視為單數。
例句 1. Through the Toy Workshop program, children learn (that) broken things do not always have to be thrown away.
2. Paul noticed (that) his umbrella is missing. (Paul注意到他的雨傘不見了。)
3. That smoking is bad for health is widely known.  (抽菸對健康不好是廣為人知的事。)
練習 1. 考試不及格表示你需要更認真唸書。
Failing the test  means   that  you need to study harder.
2. 很明顯的Ali先生不會說英文。
 That  Mr. Ali doesn't speak English  is  obvious.

I. 判讀題:根據下列各題提示的動詞,填入正確的動詞時態。
      fell       1. I    (fall) asleep on the couch last night.
      does    2. In my opinion, nature    (do) not belong to anybody.
      was       3. Clark    (be) late for school again yesterday.
     change     4. Languages always    (change) with time.
 will understand  5. Ruth hopes that her children    (understand) her some day.

II. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
( B ) 1. Sandra    to do the dishes for her mother yesterday.
(A) volunteer                (B) volunteered         (C) is volunteering       (D) volunteers
( D ) 2. It is getting warmer. Spring    soon.
(A) comes                     (B) came                    (C) was coming    (D) will come
( A ) 3. There's a    cat on Peggy's car roof.
(A) sleeping                  (B) sleep                    (C) slept       (D) sleeps
( C ) 4. Jessica puts all her    animals on one side of her bed.
(A) stuff                       (B) stuffing               (C) stuffed   (D) stuffs
( D ) 5. Jeff and his family    to Paris next month.
(A) went                       (B) go                        (C) going      (D) will go
( A ) 6. The T­shirts are    10 dollars each.
(A) for                          (B) to                         (C) by   (D) with
( A ) 7.    Linda is never kind to others makes her unpopular.
(A) That                        (B) Which                 (C) This        (D) What
( A ) 8. Mrs. Smith made some    potatoes for dinner.
(A) baked                     (B) baking                 (C) bake       (D) were baked
( B ) 9. The mother asks her son to brush his teeth    he goes to bed.
(A) as soon as               (B) before                  (C) because  (D) although
( C ) 10. I think    you should stop drinking so much coffee every day.
(A) why                        (B) which                  (C) ×    (D) what

III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. Sally下個月將回臺灣一趟,因為她最要好的朋友要結婚了。
Sally  will  come back to Taiwan next month  because  her best friend is getting married.
2. Marvin昨天幫忙修理壞掉的電燈。
Marvin helped  repair  the  broken  lamp yesterday.
3. 這位老師跟學生的互動非常好。很明顯的學生們都很喜歡她。
The teacher  interacts/interacted  very well with her students. It is  apparent   that  the students like her a lot.
4. Rita今天早上幫助了一名老婦人這件事帶給她極大的滿足感。
 That  Rita helped an  elderly  woman this morning gave her great  satisfaction .
5. Jennifer成為母親之前,她不知道如何安撫哭泣中的嬰兒。
 Before  Jennifer became a mother, she didn't know how to comfort a  crying  baby.

