2018年11月13日 星期二

B1 U7 Sentence Patterns: Practice

1. S + V +疑問詞(why/who/whom/what/when/where/how) + S (+ Aux) + V....
說明 1此句型為疑問詞引導名詞子句的間接問句用法,疑問詞所引導的名詞子句為主要子句的受詞。不同於一般的疑問句的形式,間接問句的主詞和動詞不用倒裝,以直述句的方式呈現,即S (+ Aux) + V。注意疑問句中的助動詞do/does/did通常不用於名詞子句。
2使用的疑問詞視句意不同而改變: why表示「理由」、whowhom表示「人」、what表示「事物」、when表示「時間」、where表示「地點」、how表示「方法」。
例句 1. Do you know why flowers bloom in spring? (你知道為什麼花開在春天嗎?)
2. Can you tell me where the restroom is? (你可以告訴我洗手間在哪裡嗎?)
3. I don't know who the girl in red is. (我不知道穿著紅色的女孩是誰。)
練習 1. 你可以告訴我現在幾點了嗎?
Can you tell me
 what   time   it   is ?
2. 我不知道會議什麼時候開始。
I don't know
 when  the  meeting   starts .

2. S + Vt + IO + DO
→ S + Vt + DO + Prep + IO
說明 1此句型裡的動詞稱為授與動詞,是及物動詞(Vt)的一種。授與動詞有兩個受詞(O):一個是授予的事物,為直接受詞(DO);另一個則是給予的對象,稱作間接受詞(IO)
(1) bring/give/lend/sell/send/show/teach/tell/... + DO + to + IO
(2) bring/buy/get/make... + DO + for + IO
例句 1. Demeter gave Persephone all of her love.
→ Demeter gave all her love to Persephone.
2. Fred bought his girlfriend a new purse.
→ Fred bought a new purse for his girlfriend.  (Fred
3. Ginny made her mother a cake on her birthday.
練習 1. 我把我的筆記本借給了Denise
 lent  my notebook  to  Denise.
2. Peter從美國寄了張明信片給我。
Peter  sent   me  a  postcard  from the United States.

3. because of
說明 because of 為介系詞片語,表示「因為……」,後面須接名詞或名詞片語。注意單獨because則為從屬連接詞,後面需接副詞子句,不可接名詞。兩者皆可置於句首或句中,置於句首時須加逗點隔開。
例句 1. Trees were fruitful and blooming all the time because of Demeter.

2. Because of the delayed train, Sam was late.
Because the train was delayed, Sam was late.
3. Carlos quit smoking because of his daughter. (Carlos因為他的女兒而戒菸。)
練習 1. 農民們因為今年的豐收感到愉快。
The farmers were delighted
 because   of  the good  harvest  this year.
2. Bertha因為感人的電影哭了。
Bertha cried
 because   of  the  touching  movie.

4. S1 + V1 + .... 連接副詞(Adv), S2 + V2 ....
說明 1連接副詞(conjunctive adverb)為具有連接功能的副詞,主要的目的在於連接兩個獨立子句,讓語意更為順暢。注意連接副詞雖然能連接語意,但不為連接詞,所以使用連接副詞連接兩個獨立子句時,第一個子句要用分號或句號,而不是逗號。
2常見的連接副詞: howevernevertheless表示「然而」,thustherefore表示「因此」,as a result表示「結果」, besidesin additionmoreover示「此外」。
例句 1. Hades instantly fell in love with Persephone. Therefore, he quickly seized her.
2. The old man is very rich; however, money can't buy happiness.
3. Amanda didn't sleep well last night. Thus, she fell asleep in class.
練習 1. 這位有名的演員演出了很多電影。此外,他也寫了一些他自己的歌。
The famous actor has starred in a lot of movies.
 In   addition , he has also written some of his own songs.
2. Jimmy整晚熬夜,結果他睡過頭而上學遲到了。
Jimmy stayed up all night.
 As   a   result , he overslept and was late for school.

5. so...that...
說明 so...that...表示「如此……以至於……」的意思,so後面可接形容詞或副詞,而that引導表示「結果」的子句。另外,such...that...也表示「如此……以至於……」的意思,但such後面只能接名詞。
例句 1. A mother's love is so powerful that it can even change nature.
→ A mother's love is such a powerful thing that it can even change nature.
2. Carrie always speaks so fast that I can hardly understand her.
3. Clark was so busy that he didn't have time for lunch.
練習 1. Alex為他的演講到如此緊張,以至於他整晚輾轉難眠。
Alex was
 so   nervous  about his speech  that  he tossed and turned all night.
2. Debbie的心情糟到她吃不下任何東西。
Debbie was in
 such  a bad mood  that  she couldn't eat anything.

I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
( C ) 1. Larry won't tell me   
(A) what is his secret?        (B) how is his secret?
(C) what his secret is.         (D) how his secret is.
( A ) 2. Do you want to know where   
(A) I bought this watch?        (B) did I bought this watch.
(C) I bought this watch.         (D) did I bought this watch?
( D ) 3. David    his daughter a pink bicycle.
(A) bought for              (B) was bought         (C) bought to       (D) bought
( B ) 4. Fiona    her ring   Rosetta.
(A) sold; from              (B) sold; to                (C) gave; for            (D) gave; from
( B ) 5. Elsa loves playing the violin.   , her mother sent her to a music school.
(A) However                (B) Therefore            (C) In addition     (D) Nevertheless
( A ) 6. The baseball game was canceled because   .
(A) of the bad weather           (B) the bad weather
(C) of the weather is bad        (D) the weather bad
( A ) 7. When Pandora opened the box, all the bad things came out.   , hope was still inside.
(A) Nevertheless          (B) Therefore            (C) Thus           (D) Besides
( C ) 8. Ray called in sick because   .
(A) of he has a fever                (B) his fever
(C) he has a fever                     (D) of has fever
( D ) 9. Norah was    tired    she fell asleep on her desk.
(A) very; why               (B) such; that            (C) too; to        (D) so; that
( B ) 10. The movie was    scary    Helen covered her eyes with her hands.
(A) very; why               (B) so; that                (C) too; to        (D) such; that

II. 改錯:挑出語法有誤的選項,並加以改正。
( C )  where the hotel is  1. Samuel does not know where is the hotel.
                               (A)     (B)       (C)
( A )       so         2. Harry was very hungry that he ate two lunchboxes.
                                (A)        (B)   (C)
( B )      because      3. Jenny didn’t pick up the phone because of she was asleep.
                                   (A)             (B)            (C)
( B )        ×         4. Emma brought to her friends some chocolate from France.
                               (A)  (B)                       (C)
( A )       such       5. I had so a great time in Italy that I wanted to go there again.
                           (A)    (B)                     (C)

III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. Danny 不知道為什麼Iris會對他生氣。
Danny doesn't know
 why  Iris  is   angry  with him.
2. Zoe直到考前最後一刻才唸書。結果,她考試考得不好。
Zoe didn't study for her test until the last moment.
 as   a   result , she didn't do well on the test.
3. Lydia因為健康問題必須辭掉工作。
Lydia had to quit her job
 because   of  her health problem.
4. GeorgeDenise生日那天買了一些花給她。
 bought  some flowers  for  Denise on her birthday.
5. Nina心情好到她開始唱歌。
Nina was in
 such  a good mood  that  she started singing.

