2018年11月14日 星期三

B5 U7 Sentence Patterns: Practice

Unit 7
were/V­ed/Aux + V....
1. S + wish (+ that) + S +  
had + Vpp....
說明 1. 此為wish的假設語氣用法,wish後的that子句表示「與事實相反」的假設。
2. 表達「與現在事實相反」時,that子句中的動詞或助動詞要用過去式,be動詞用were
3. 而表達「與過去事實相反」時,that子句中的動詞要用過去完成式(had + Vpp)
例句 1. Most of them wished they had had more wisdom. 
2. Nicole wishes (that) she could be accepted by the big company.
3. Michael wishes (that) he had followed his father's advice three years ago.
練習 1. 我真希望我現在會說法語。
I wish I               French now.
2. Pauline希望自己有跟Tom說實話。
Pauline wished
       she               Tom the truth.

2. S + should/shouldn't + have + Vpp....
說明 此句型用來談論過去的事情,should have + Vpp用來表示「過去應該做卻沒做的事」,而shouldn't have + Vpp表示「過去不應該做卻做了的事」之意。
例句 1. I should have used better judgment.  (我應該要更有判斷力的。)
2. Helen feels that she should have spent more time with her children.
3. Alan shouldn't have cheated in the exam.  (Alan不應該在考試時作弊。)
練習 1. 我移動電視時應該要更小心的。
I                      more careful while moving the TV.
2. Betty不應該把她的秘密告訴她的好朋友。
Betty                      her best friend her secret.

→ S + Vt + DO + Prep + IO

說明 1. 此句型裡的動詞稱為授與動詞,是及物動詞(Vt)的一種。授與動詞有兩個受詞(O):一個是授與的事物,為直接受詞(DO);另一個則是給予的對象,稱作間接受詞(IO)
2. 授與動詞後方可先加間接受詞,再加上直接受詞。但是,若授與動詞後方先加上直接受詞,則須於其後加上介系詞(Prep),例如tofor等,再加上間接受詞。
3. 常見的授與動詞和其搭配的介系詞如下:
(1) bring/give/lend/sell/send/show/teach/tell... + DO + to + IO
(2) bring/buy/get/make... + DO + for + IO
例句 1. Their grandfather would give each of the teenage children in the family some spending money.
→ Their grandfather would give some spending money to each of the teenage children in the family.
2. I lend my friend Dora some books.
→ I lend some books to my friend Dora.
3. My mother made my little sister a sweater.
→ My mother made a sweater for my little sister.
練習 1. Ethan 幫他的狗買了一些玩具。
Ethan        some toys        his dog.
2. James從澳洲寄信給我。
James               a letter from Australia.

4. spend, cost, take
說明 1. not only...but also...為對等連接詞,前後所連接的字詞的詞性及時態須相同,表示「不僅……而且……」之意。also可省略。
2. cost的主詞必須為「事物」或虛主詞it,只用來表示花費「金錢」,後接人和金錢,寫作“sth + cost + O +金錢”或是“it + cost + O +金錢 + to V”,表示「某事物花費(金錢)」。
3. take的主詞為「事物」或虛主詞it,用來表示花費時間,寫作“it + take (+ O) + 時間 + to V”或是“事物 + take + O + 時間”,表示「做某事花費(某人)多少時間」。
例句 1. She continued to spend all of her money on luxuries.
2. The dress cost Ellen 500 NT dollars.
It cost Ellen 500 NT dollars to buy the dress.
3. It took Harry an hour to finish his homework.
→ Finishing his homework took Harry an hour.
練習 1. Charlie 花了一個下午在超市裡購物。
Charlie        the whole afternoon shopping in the supermarket.
2. 我花了兩天完成這個報告。
                     two days to complete this report.

5. so...that...
說明 so...that...表示「如此……以至於……」的意思,so後面可接形容詞或副詞,而that引導表示「結果」的子句。另外,such...that...也表示「如此……以至於……」的意思,但such後面須接名詞。
例句 1. He was so impressed with her outstanding talent that he was glad to teach her
2. The movie was so boring that Greg fell asleep in the theater.
3. Dan was in such a good mood that he felt like dancing.
練習 1. 音樂是如此大聲以至於我聽不見Joe在說什麼。
The music was        loud        I couldn't hear what Joe was saying.
2. Tiffany是如此驕傲的一個人以至於她無法接受任何批評。
Tiffany was        a proud person        she couldn' t take any criticism.

I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
(  ) 1. Patrick wishes he ____ harder when he was young.
(A) had worked           (B) has worked     (C) worked             (D) works
(  ) 2. The cell phone is ____ old that Ryan can't even turn it on.
(A) very                       (B) so                    (C) such                  (D) most
(  ) 3. Nick buys a cup of coffee ____ the girl he likes every day.
(A) to                           (B) for                   (C) at                       (D) on
(  ) 4. Sally is ____ a good friend that I trust her with all my heart.
(A) so                           (B) very                 (C) most                  (D) such
(  ) 5. It will ____ us far less time if we go there by plane.
(A) take                       (B) cost                 (C) spend                (D) pay
(  ) 6. Carol thinks that she should ____ more about her father in the past.
(A) care                        (B) be cared          (C) have cared        (D) have been cared
(  ) 7. I shouldn't ____ fun of Alice. She hasn't talked to me since then.
(A) be make                 (B) be made          (C) had made          (D) have made
(  ) 8. Lucy gave ____ me a beautiful necklace on my birthday.
(A) to                           (B) ×                      (C) for                     (D) in
(  ) 9. Sometimes I wish that I ____ a bird.
(A) am                         (B) been                (C) were                  (D) had been
(  ) 10. Cindy ____ 1,000 NT dollars on the concert ticket.
(A) paid                     (B) took                 (C) cost                   (D) spent

II. 重組句子:將以下各句重組並做適當修改。
1. Bruce/the opportunity/wished/to study overseas/that/had taken/he
2. taught/his secret recipe/The chef/to/one of his students
3. shouldn't/I/Sophie's birthday/have forgotten/about
4. Ron/It/took/his bad cold/two weeks/to recover from
5. almost burned/The soup/that/was/my mouth/so hot/I

III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. 搭計程車回家花了我新臺幣200元。
It               200 NT dollars to take a taxi home.
2. 這個盒子如此重以至於Mark無法移動它。
The box was                      Mark could not move it.
3. 我把我舊的智慧型手機賣給了Rita
I        my old smartphone        Rita.
4. 我的鑽石戒指不見了。我真希望當初有把它放在保險箱裡。
My diamond ring is gone. I wish I               it in the safe.
5. 你不應該像那樣對你媽媽大呼小叫。去向她道歉。
You                      at your mother like that. Go and apologize to her.

