2018年11月7日 星期三

B5 U4 Sentence Patterns: Practice

Unit 4
1. V­ing/Vpp + N
說明 此句型用現在分詞與過去分詞作為形容詞來修飾後面名詞。現在分詞修飾名詞表示主動或「正在進行」的動作;而過去分詞修飾名詞表示被動或「已完成」的動作。
例句 1. There was once a man who walked a long distance through the countryside to a running stream to fetch water.
2. Peter was soaked in the pouring rain.  (Peter在傾盆大雨中濕透了。)
3. The evil witch gave the princess a poisoned apple. 
練習 1. 專家們正在尋找方法解決氣溫上升的問題。
The experts are trying to find a way to solve the problem of the        temperature.
2. 我妹妹把燒焦的雞肉丟掉了。
My sister threw away the        chicken.

2. with + O + OC (Adj/V­ing/Vpp)
說明 1. 此句型以with附帶「狀況、狀態」的獨立分詞構句,可接形容詞、現在分詞或過去分詞。
2. 分詞作為受詞補語時,現在分詞(V­ing)表示「主動或正在進行」,過去分詞(Vpp)表示「被動或已經完成」。
例句 1. With the pole balanced on his shoulders, he carried the heavy buckets home.  (他把竿子平衡放穩在肩上,把沉重的水桶扛回家。)
2. The fans stood at the airport with their cameras ready.
3. It is amazing that Terry can still type fast with his right hand injured.
練習 1. 這位母親溫柔地抱著小嬰兒,喜悅的眼淚滑落雙頰。
The mother held her baby gently        tears of joy        down her cheeks.
2. Willie的眼鏡被掉落在地,他什麼也看不見。
Willie couldn't see anything        his glasses        to the ground.

3. S + feel/look/smell/sound/taste + 
like + N
說明 1. 此句型為連綴動詞用法。連綴動詞為不完全不及物動詞,後面不接受詞,但須接主詞補語來修飾主詞。主詞補語可以是「形容詞(Adj)」或是介系詞片語「like +名詞」。
2. 這類常見的動詞有:feel表示「覺得,感覺起來」、look表示「看起來」、smell表示「聞起來」、sound表示「聽起來」和taste表示「嚐起來」。
例句 1. The cracked bucket began to feel frustrated and got increasingly conscious of its imperfection. 
2. Sarah thinks the exotic cuisine tastes weird. 
3. What Harry suggested sounds like a good idea. 
練習 1. Alice在今天的晚宴上看起來真有魅力。
Alice        very        at the dinner party tonight.
2. 當我發現我弟弟一直在對我說謊時,我覺得像個傻瓜。
I               a fool when I found my brother had been lying to me.

4. a bit + Adj­er
說明 副詞a bitmuchfarevenrathera lot等可用來修飾比較級,並可視不同程度替換表示。
例句 1. The lovely sight of the flowers made the bucket feel a bit better.
2. The situation was much more serious than I had expected.
3. Jennifer thinks chemistry is far more interesting than math.
練習 1. 深呼吸讓Tina在演講前感到比較不緊張一點。
Taking big breaths helps Tina feel                            before the speech.
2. Frank比他的哥哥Ryan隨和多了。
Frank is m                     than his brother Ryan.

5. be able + to V
說明 be able用來表示「能夠……」,後面須接不定詞(to V)。表示「不能夠……」則用 be unable + to V
例句 1. Because you are just the way you are, I was able to have this beauty in my home.
2. To get the job, you should be able to speak fluent English.
3. Tim hurt his legs, so he was unable to run the marathon.
練習 1. 那個五歲的小女孩能夠背出元素週期表。
The 5­year­old girl was                      the periodic table of elements.
2. 經理無法出席會議,因為他的班機延誤。
The manager                             the meeting because his flight was delayed.
I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
(  ) 1. If I finish my homework by seven, I will be able ____ to the party.
(A) to go                       (B) to going           (C) of go                 (D) of going
(  ) 2. It is impolite to talk ____ your mouth ____.
(A) with; filling             (B) ×; filling          (C) with; full           (D) ×; fill
(  ) 3. A regular cell phone is a lot ____ than a smartphone.
(A) least expensive       (B) less expensive (C) expensive          (D) little expensive
(  ) 4. My father fell asleep on the sofa ____ the movie still ____.
(A) ×; play                    (B) at; played        (C) ×; to play          (D) with; playing
(  ) 5. It seems that Rita is unable ____ down her boss's requests.
(A) to turning                (B) to turn             (C) of turning          (D) of turn
(  ) 6. The perfume my sister wears smells ____ strawberries.
(A) like                          (B) ×                      (C) for                     (D) to
(  ) 7. The new medicine given to the patient had the ____ effect.
(A)desires                     (B) desiring           (C) desired              (D) desire
(  ) 8. The wealthy man's house is far ____ than the farmer's.
(A) biggest                    (B) more big          (C) big                     (D) bigger
(  ) 9. The lifeguard jumped into the river and saved the ____ girl.
(A) drowns                   (B) drowning        (C) drown               (D) to drown
(  ) 10. Rachel felt ____ because someone stole her bicycle.
(A) angry                    (B) to anger           (C) angrily               (D) angers

II. 重組句子:將以下各句重組並做適當修改。
1. bought/Billy/at an affordable price/car/used/a
2. Steve/the small words/read/was/on the poster/able to
3. after/some words of encouragement/my mother/a lot/I/felt/better/gave/me
4. its gas/drove down/with/The car/the road/leaking
5. looks/Jack/the gray suit/in/handsome

III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. 我的記性很差,所以我無法在短時間內記住大量的字彙。
I have a poor memory, so I am               m       a lot of words in a short time.
2. 這碗湯嚐起來像洋蔥和奶油。
The soup               onion and butter.
3. 當面向Amy道歉會顯得真誠多了。
Apologizing to Amy in person would seem                            .
4. 在音樂播放的情況下我很難專心做作業。
It is difficult for me to focus on my homework        the music       .
5. 那個被赦免的男子感謝皇帝的仁慈。
The        man thanked the emperor for his mercy.

