2021年3月18日 星期四

7000: 2701~2800

 11.7000(填充題) 27012800,挑84

題號        題 目    語音        答案


1      藍色 (n) blue

2      降低 減少 (v) lower

3      健康的 健全的 (adj) healthy

7      日本 (n) Japan

9      發光 照耀 (v) shine

10    親愛的 (adj) dear

14    借出 (v) lend

41    較深的 (adj) deeper

46    急忙 倉促 忙亂 (v) hurry

57    圓的 圓形的 (adj) round

63    十四 (n) fourteen

64    浴缸 沐浴 (n) bath

65    長條 條狀物 (n) strip

66    法國人 法語 (n) French

67    (n) lung

68    舉行 握著 抓住 保持 (v) hold

73    借入 (v) borrow

74    靜止的 平靜的 (adj) still

83    仍然 (adv) still



12    磨擦 磨損 (v) rub

15    號角 警笛 (n) horn

18    (v) drag

20    小費 (n) tip

21    韻腳 押韻 韻文 (n) rhyme

23    抓住 攫取 瞭解 (v) seize

24    徹底地 完全地 (adv) thoroughly

26    乞討 請求 (v) beg

29    發射 投擲 (v) launch

33    (v) brush

34    進餐 用餐 (v) dine

38    傾斜 坡度 (n) slope

44    男同性戀者 (n) gay

48    剝掉 (衣服) (零件) (v) strip

49    婚禮 (n) wedding

51    靜脈 血管 (n) vein

54    應付 處理 (v) cope

60    散播 散佈 驅散 (v) scatter

79    金庫 寶庫 (n) treasury

80    全體組員 工作人員 (n) crew

82    折斷 嚴歷斥責 用快照拍攝 (v) snap




1. b / p / m / f / v ///

2. d / t / n / / l / r / z / s / ʒ / ʃ / θ / ð //////

3. g / k / h / dʒ / tʃ / ŋ / j //////

4. u / v / w字母對應

5. h / s字母對應

6. a / e / i / o / u / y母音通轉



4      相等地 公平地 (adv) equally (equal / ADV)

1 equal / equality / equator / adequate / equate / equation / equity / equivalent // friendly / greatly / happily / certainly / easily / finally / politely / presently / probably / relatively / actively / actually / exactly / chiefly / currently / commercially / instantly / formally / generally / likely / naturally / positively / anxiously / costly / extremely / immediately / lively / mentally / monthly / probably / shortly / sufficiently weekly / adequately / aggressively / consequently / continuously / definitely / economically / financially / fortunately / gloriously / logically / moderately / progressively / promptly / biologically / undoubtedly / uniformly / accordingly / increasingly / repeatedly / unfortunately / incidentally / preferably / timely

&®【記助】equ 平等;相等,平均 + al …的 + ly … 相等地公平地


5      和睦 融洽 (n) harmony (fitting)

1 charm / harmony

&®【記助】harm 適合 + ony 適合的狀態 和諧


6      市郊 郊區 (n) suburb (city)

1 urban / suburb / suburban // subway / suburb / submarine / subordinate

&®【記助】sub 接近 + urb 城市 靠近城市 郊區


8      不幸地 遺憾地 (adv) un   fortunate   ly (luck) op   port   un ity  ob  serve

1 fortune / fortunate / fortunately / unfortunately / misfortune // friendly / greatly / happily / certainly / easily / finally / politely / presently / probably / relatively / actively / actually / exactly / chiefly / currently / commercially / instantly / formally / generally / likely / naturally / positively / anxiously / costly / extremely / immediately / lively / mentally / monthly / probably / shortly / sufficiently weekly / adequately / aggressively / consequently / continuously / definitely / economically / financially / fortunately / gloriously / logically / moderately / progressively / promptly / biologically / undoubtedly / uniformly / accordingly / increasingly / repeatedly / unfortunately / incidentally / preferably / timely

&®【記助】un + fort 運氣 + une + ate 表形容詞 不幸的 + ly …地→ 不幸地遺憾地


11    分析 (v) analyze (aside / loose)

1 analyze / analyze / analogy

&®【記助】ana 在旁邊 + lyz= lys〕裂開;分解 + e 分析


13    作文 作曲 (n) composition (put)

1 propose / proposal / pose / pause / purpose / position / positive / pound / opposite / suppose / postpone / deposit / impose / oppose / compose / composer / composition / expose / compound / component / opponent / dispose / disposed / composite / disposition / exposition

&®【記助】com 共同 + posit 放,放置 + ion 表名詞 放到一起 組合 組合文字 作文


16    支撐 維持 承受 (v) sustain (hold)

1 tennis / continue / contain / maintain / container / content / continuous / entertain / obtain / retain / maintenance / sustain / attain / attainment / detain / tenant / pertain / pertinent / retention /// success / succeed / successful / successfully / support / suffer / suppose / suppress / suspend / suspense / suspension / susceptible / sustain / suspect / suspicion / suspicious

&®【記助】sus + tain 拿住 拿住下面使穩固 支持


17@獨家的 唯一的 (adj) exclusive (close)

1 close / include / including / conclude / conclusion / closet / enclose / disclose / exclude / exclusive

&®【記助】ex + clus 關閉 + ive … 排他的;專有的


19    中立的 中性的 (adj) neithre neut  ral (middle) natural

1 either / / / n   ever / nevertheless / neutral  con   centr   ation centre

&®【記助】neutr 中間 + al … 中立(的)


22    現實的 實際的 (adj) realistic (real / ADJ)

1 real / really / realize / reality / realistic / realism // artistic

&®【記助】real 真實的 + istic …主義的 現實的;現實主義的


25    刺激 使興奮 激起 (v) excite (quote; call)

1 excite / excited / exciting / excitement / cite / recite

&®【記助】ex + cit 引用;喚起,激起 + e 激起〔情緒〕→ 刺激


27    源自於… (v) originate (rise; begin)

1 origin / original / originally / orientation / aboriginal / orient / oriental / originate

&®【記助】orig 開始 + in …素,…精 →〔生命〕開始 起源origin 起源 + ate 表動詞 起源


28    期待 預期 盼望 (n) expectation (look; see)

1 expect / respect / expectation / inspect / inspector / suspect / suspicion / aspect / inspection / respectable / respectful / suspicious / perspective / prospect / spectacular / spectator / spectrum / speculate / despise / prospective / respective / respectively / spectacle / conspicuous / despite / retrospect / retrospective / specifically / special / especially / specific / species / specialist / specialize / specialty / specify / specimen

&®【記助】ex 加強 + pect=spect〕看 + ation 狀態 期待


30    用品 公共設施 (n) util   ity (use)

1use / useful / useless / usually / usage / abuse / utility / utilize / utensil

&®【記助】util + ity 具備某種性質,狀況 公用事業;有用


31    非凡的 (adj) extra    ordinary (out / order)

1 extra / extraordinary / extraterrestrial / extravagant / extravert // ordinary / disorder / coordinate / subordinate / extraordinary

&®【記助】extra 超過;以外 + ordin 命令;秩序 + ary …的 超出普通 格外的


32    零用錢 津貼 (n) allowance (N)

1 importance / appearance / balance / guidance / allowance / assistance / ignorance / appliance / resemblance / disturbance / reliance / disturbance / perseverance

&®【記助】allow 允許 + ance 表名詞 零用錢 津貼


35    住處 居住 居留權 (n) residence (sit)

1 consider / considerate / president / considerable / considerably / considerate / residence / resident / subsidy / preside / reside / residential

&®【記助】re 重新 + sid + ence 狀態 居住;住宅

45    總統的 (adj) presidential (sit)

1 consider / considerate / president / considerable / considerably / considerate / residence / resident / subsidy / preside / reside / residential // facial / financial / influential / beneficial / confidential / potential / judicial / presidential / residential / provincial

&®【記助】pre 前;預先 + sid + ent 表人 在前面坐的人 president 總統,校長 + ial 具有…的,屬於…的 總統(職位)的


36    缺點 毛病 錯誤 (n) fault (fail; err, to deceive)

1 fail / fall / failure / false / fault / faultless / default / faulty



37    辯論 爭論 討論 (v) debate (beat)

1 bat / battle / debate / combat / batter

&®【記助】de 加強 + bat 打,擊 + e 加強打擊 辯論


39    暗示 啟示 含義 (n) implication (fold)

1 apply / supply / complex / reply / display / complicate / imply / complexity / complication / comply / explicit / implication / complexion / implicit / perplex / perplexed

&®【記助】im 加以… + plic 重疊,折疊 + ation 行為,過程,狀態,結果 連累;含蓄


40    正常地 (adv) normally (rule; norm)

1 normal / normally / enormous / abnormal / abnormally / norm // naturally / officially / dramatically / normally / practically / occasionally / partially / exceptionally / systematically // finally / happily / easily / certainly / politely / necessarily / officially / practically / presently / probably / actively / actually / exactly / relatively / shortly / generally / instantly / immediately / positively / chiefly / formally / normally / commercially / currently / mentally / anxiously / dramatically / extremely / sufficiently / adequately / aggressively / consequently / continuously / definitely / economically / financially / fortunately / gloriously / logically / moderately / partially / biologically / exceptionally / excessively / progressively / undoubtedly / accordingly // friendly / greatly / likely / lively / costly / weekly / monthly

&®【記助】norm 規則,準則 + al … 符合規則的 normal 正常的 + ally …地 通常,正常地


42    幫助 協助 (v) assist (to / stand)

1 adventure / accompany / appoint / associate / assure / adapt / addict / appreciate / arrange / adjust / adjustment / arrest / assist / attract / adopt / admire / administrate / accelerate / aggression / applause / assault / abbreviate / accumulate / attain / aggravate / assimilate / adhere / adjacent / advent / attach / attachment /   administrative // exist / existence / insist / assist / assistant / resist / consist / resistance / persist / insistence / persistence / persistent / irresistible

&®【記助】as 加強 + sist 站立 站起來幫助別人 幫助


43    勇氣 (n) courage (heart) k…dtnlr

1 record / accord / according (to) / accordance / recorder / courage / encourage / encouragement / discourage / core / cardin

al&®【記助】cour+age狀態→來自心的狀態→勇氣, 精神


47    地區的 局部的 地域性的 (adj) regional (rule / ADJ.; N.)

1 right / regular (rule) / regularity / region / regulate / regulation / regime / rectangle (straight) / direct / direction / director / correct /// animal / hospital / national / arrival / cereal / cultural / natural / personal / personally / survival / traditional / trial / criminal / educational / emotional / regional / continual / economical / mechanical / memorial / occasional / refusal / rural / agricultural / clinical / continental / exceptional / external / horizontal / rival / aboriginal / cynical / marginal / appraisal / dismissal / incidental / systematical / withdrawal

&®【記助】reg統治,規定+ion表名詞→統治的[區域]→地區,區域region 地區 + al …的→ 地區性的


50    鼓舞 激勵 (v) inspire (not; in; make / breathe)

1 spirit / inspiration / inspire / spiritual / aspire / conspiracy / expiration / expire / aspiration // include / increase / import / impress / indoor / indoors / immigrate / impose / input / insert / inspire / impulse / incentive / incorporate / indifferent / inevitable / infect / inject / imprison / incur / indifference / indignant / induce / inflict / injustice

&®【記助】in 使… + spir 呼吸 + e 使呼吸 吸氣


52    發表意見 評論 (v) comment (together/mind)

1 mention / mental / remind / mentor / mentality // correct / complete / conclude / conflict / comparison / comfort compete / confirm / connect / concept / correspond / consist / compassion / combat / commentary / compact / compel / component / comprehend / conduct / confront / corrupt / contemporary / concise / condense / consonant

&®【記助】com 共同 + ment 頭腦,智力 共同思考,述說各自觀點 評論


53    畢業 (v) graduate (step; degree; walk)

1 grade / gradual / graduate / graduation / gradually / degrade / centigrade

&®【記助】gradu= grad〕步;度,級;走 + ate 使… 完成所有步驟 畢業()

77@畢業生 研究生 (n) graduate (step; degree; walk)

1 grade / gradual / graduate / graduation / gradually / degrade / centigrade

&®【記助】gradu= grad〕步;度,級;走 + ate 使… 完成所有步驟 畢業


55    東方的 (adj) eastern (ADJ.)

1 modern / eastern / northern / southern / western

&®【記助】east 東方 + ern …方向的,…性質的 東方的


56    起程 出發 離開 (v) depart (part; divide)

1 part / apartment / department / particular / particularly / party / partner / apart / depart / partial / partly / particle / counterpart / impart / particle / partition / participate / participant / participation

&®【記助】de 加強 + part 部分;分開 分開 離開


58    神聖的 不可侵犯的 (adj) sacred (holy)

1 sacrifice / sacred

&®【記助】sacr 神聖 + ed 表形容詞 神聖的


59    義務 責任 (n) obligation (choose; gather / speak; read / tie; bind)

1 collect / select / selection / collection / elect / election / intellectual / lecture / neglect / collective / dialect / intellect / elegant / eligible / intelligence / intelligent / legend / allege / legendary / electorate / elite / diligent / religion / religious / oblige /// examination / production / preparation / invitation / imagination / combination / determination / explanation / limitation / presentation / preservation / representation / reputation / reservation / recommendation / obligation / starvation


Ob   serve

61    工作 職業 佔領 佔據 (n) oc   cup    ation (to take, to hold, to seize; possess) ob   serve

1 have / behave / behavior / captain / accept / except / exception / receive / concept / capacity / capture / caption / captive / occupy / occupation / anticipate / conceive / conception / deceive / perceive / participate / participant / principal / principle / capacity / occupation / occupy / recipe / municipal / anticipation / susceptible 

&®【記助】oc 加強 + cup 握住 + ation 行為 職業;佔有


62    成功地 順利地 有成就地 (adv) successfully (go)

1 necessary / success / succeed / successful / successfully / necessity / process / ancestor / access / accessible/ excessive / recession / accessory / concession / excess / procession / succession / successive / inaccessible / procedure / proceed / exceed / unprecedented / precede / precedent // support / suffer / suppose / suppress / suspend / suspense / suspension / susceptible / sustain / suspect / suspicion / suspicious // successful / wonderful / powerful / cheerful / hopeful / handful / thoughtful / faithful / shameful / powerful / forgetful / fruitful

&®【記助】suc + cess 行走,前進 成功,勝利 + ful … + ly … →成功地 順利地 有成就地


69    衝動 一時的念頭 (n) im   pulse (not; in; make / drive; push)

1 important / impossible / inconvenient / include / increase / import / impress / indoor / immigrate / impose / insert / impulse / incorporate / inevitable / infect / inject / imprison / incur / induce / inflict / injustice / impolite / impetus / inability / inaccessible / incidence / inevitable // compel / compulsory / impulse / pulse / propel

&®【記助】im 使…;加以…;飾以… + puls 驅動,推 + e 用力推 衝動


70    保險 (n) insurance (sure)

1 sure / assure / assurance / ensure / insure / insurance / reassure

&®【記助】in 使… + sur 肯定;安全 + anceinsure 的名詞 保險


71    察覺 留意 體認 (n) ware   62  ward  ness (watch)  a   sleep alive

1 aware / awareness

&®【記助】a 表加強 + ware 注視 + e + ness 表名詞 察覺 留意 體認


72    引起 喚起 (v) arouse (rise; wake)

1 rouse / arouse

&®【記助】a+rouse[v.喚醒, 激起, 使振奮, 驚起 n.覺醒, 奮起]v.喚醒, 喚起, 鼓勵, 引起 v.睡醒


75    懸掛 暫停(職務 學業) (v) suspend (hang)

1 expensive / spend / pound / depend / expense / independent / dependent / compensate / pension / suspend / dispensable / dispense / expenditure / pending / suspense / suspension // support / suffer / suppose / suppress / suspend / suspense / suspension / susceptible / sustain / suspect / suspicion / suspicious

&®【記助】sus + pend 懸掛 掛在下麵 懸吊,引申為停止


76    熱情 熱忱 (n) enthusiasm (god)

1 enthusiasm / enthusiastic / theology

&®【記助】en 進入 + thustheo 神〕+ i + asm 表情況 很入神 熱情


78    動機 (n) motive (move)

1 emotion / motion / motorcycle / automobile / emotional / mob / mobile / motor / promote / remote / promotion / motivate / motive / mobilize / locomotive / motorway

&®【記助】mot + ive 表名詞 動機


81    顯著的 傑出的 突出的 (adj) outstanding (out)

1 out / outside / outdoor / outdoors / outer / outline / outstanding / outlet / output / outbreak / outgoing / outing / outlaw / outlook / outnumber / outrage / outset / outskirts / outward

&®【記助】out超過.過度+standing標準的→adj.突出的, 顯著的


84    視力的 視覺的 (adj) visual (see; separate)

1 visit / visitor / divide / division / provide / advice / advise / advisor / individual / visible / vision / device / devise / evidence / evident / revise / revision / visual / supervise / supervisor / visa / visualize

&®【記助】vis + ual 有…性質的 視力的



