2021年3月26日 星期五

7000: 2801~2900

11.7000(填充題) 28012900,挑83

題號        題 目    語音        答案


10    (v) kick

14    午餐 (n) lunch

39    星期一 (n) Monday

73    英式足球 美式橄欖球 (n) football

75    睡眠 (n) sleep

77    夾克 上衣 (n) jacket

82    戒指 (n) ring

5      演員陣容 投擲 鑄造物 (n) cast

6      神祕事件 難以理解的事物 (n) mystery

9      費用 (n) fee

16    擠出 擠壓 (v) squeeze

18    貯水槽 坦克 (n) tank

21    拳打 拳頭 (n) fist

25    帆布 畫布 (n) canvas

28    獎品 (n) award

32    玄關 走廊 (n) porch

35    投擲 (v) cast

37    客戶 當事人 委託人 (n) client

42    黏著 緊握不放 執著於 (v) cling

47    稱…的重量 考慮 權衡 (v) weigh

48    浪費 (v) waste

49    晚餐 晚飯 (n) supper

51    棉花 (n) cotton

52    頒獎 頒予 (v) award

58    反正 無論如何 (adv) anyway

62    漂流 飄浮 漂泊 (v) drift

69    承認 致謝 (v) acknowledge

76    弓形 弧形 (n) arc

81    連接 (v) link



1. b / p / m / f / v ///

2. d / t / n / / l / r / z / s / ʒ / ʃ / θ / ð //////

3. g / k / h / dʒ / tʃ / ŋ / j //////

4. u / v / w字母對應

5. h / s字母對應

6. a / e / i / o / u / y母音通轉


1      男演員 (n) actor (do)

1 act / action / acting / active / activity / actor / actress / actual / actually / exact / exactly / react / reaction / interact / interaction // actor / author / sailor / creator / collector / mentor / successor / vendor / predecessor



2      精確的 準確的 (adj) precise (cut)

1 prepare / prefer / precise / predict / precaution / precede / precedent / precision / preclude / preposition // decide / decision / suicide / precise / precisely / concise / decisive / pesticide

&®記助】pre 預先 + cis 切;殺 + e 預先切好的 精確的


3      轉變 使改信宗教 (v) convert (turn)

1 conversation / universe / university / verse / anniversary / converse / diverse / diversity / universal / adverse / conversion / convert / converted / reverse / version / diversify / diversion / versatile / advertise / advertisement / controversy / divert / vertical / advert / avert / convertible / invert

&®記助】con 加強 + vert 轉化


4      訂婚 婚約 (n) engagement (make / pledge / N)

1 engage / wage // enjoy / encourage / enlarge / endanger / entitle / enrich / enlighten / enroll / enact // agreement / movement / payment / argument / development / disagreement / government / management / measurement / statement / achievement / advertisement / basement / pavement / amusement / equipment / establishment / fulfillment / fragment / segment / garment / harassment / nourishment / refinement / refreshment

&®【記助】en 使 + gage 承諾 承諾加入 引申為忙碌從事婚姻 + ment 行為或結果 訂婚 婚約


7      邀請 (n) invitation (in / summon / N)

1 invite // preparation / invitation / imagination / determination / explanation / limitation / presentation / preservation / representation / reputation / reservation / recommendation / starvation / obligation

&®記助】invite 邀請 + ation 行為,過程,狀態,結果 邀請;邀請書


8      運輸 輸送 (n) transportation (through / carry / N)

1 entrance / transport / transfer / transform / transaction / transit / transparent / transplant / transcribe / transmit / transcend // important / airport / report / sport / port / importance / support / export / import / transport / transportation / portable / sportsman / porter / portfolio / deport // preparation / invitation / imagination / determination / explanation / limitation / presentation / preservation / representation / reputation / reservation / recommendation / starvation / obligation

&®記助】trans 轉移 + port 拿,運從一個地方拿到另一個地方運輸+ation表名詞→n.運輸,運送,客運


11    信任 信賴 (n) trust (believe; true)

1 true / truly / trust / truth / trustee / trustworthy

&®記助】tru 相信;真實 + st 信任


12    詢問 質詢 調查 (n) inquiry (make / seek; search; obtain / N; ADJ)

1 question / require / request / requirement / acquire / acquired / conquer / conquest / quest / questionnaire / inquire / inquiry / query / enquire / enquiry // discovery / recovery / crazy / rainy / difficulty / delivery / sleepy / windy / greedy / steady / battery / guilty / harmony / jealousy / muddy / inquiry / mastery / fatty / faulty / mastery / tardy

&®記助】in 加以… + quir 尋求;獲得 + e 加以詢問 詢問 + y 行為 質詢


13    細緻優雅的 易碎的 嬌貴的 (adj) delicate (be allowed/permitted; allure/ entice)

1 delicious / delicate / license

&®記助】de 加強 + lic 引誘 + ate 具有…的 非常引誘人的 精緻的


15    因此 (adv) consequently (follow)

1 second / secondary / consequence / executive / consecutive / sequence / execute / subsequent / execution / prosecute // finally / happily / easily / certainly / politely / necessarily / officially / practically / presently / probably / actively / actually / exactly / relatively / shortly / generally / instantly / immediately / positively / chiefly / formally / normally / commercially / currently / mentally / anxiously / dramatically / extremely / sufficiently / adequately / aggressively / consequently / continuously / definitely / economically / financially / fortunately / gloriously / logically / moderately / partially / biologically / exceptionally / excessively / progressively / undoubtedly / accordingly // friendly / greatly / likely / lively / costly / weekly / monthly

&®記助】con 加強 + sequ 跟隨 + ent 表行為的 consequent作為結果的+ly……地→adv.從而,因此


17    娛樂 招待 (v) entertain (hold)

1 tennis / contain / continue / maintain / container / content / continuous / entertain / obtain / retain / maintenance / sustain / attain / attainment / detain / tenant / pertain / pertinent / retention

&®記助】enter 進入 + tain 拿住 在〔工作〕中間抓住時間〔休息〕→ 娛樂


19    認知 洞察力 察覺 (n) perception (to take, to hold, to seize; possess)

1 have / behave / behavior / captain / accept / except / exception / receive / concept / capacity / capture / caption / captive / occupy / occupation / anticipate / conceive / conception / deceive / receipt / reception / perceive / perception / participate / participant / principal / principle / capacity / occupation / occupy / recipe / municipal / anticipation / susceptible



20    洞察力 眼光 見識 (n) insight (vision)

1 sight / sightseeing / insight / eyesight / nearsighted / shortsighted

&®記助】in 進入 + sight 眼光 眼光刺入 洞察力


22    類似 (v) resemble (same, alike)

1 similar / similarity / similarly / assemble / assembly / resemble / resemblance / simultaneous / simultaneously

&®記助】re 一再 + sembl 相類似,一樣 + e 再怎麼都一樣 類似


23    珍貴的 貴重的 (adj) precious (price; value)

1 price / priceless / appreciate / appreciation / appreciative / praise / precious / interpret

&®記助】preci 價格;價值 + ous … 有價值的 珍貴的

31    獎金 獎賞 (n) prize (price; value)

1 price / prize / priceless / appreciate / appreciation / appreciative / praise / precious / interpret

&®記助】priz價值,估價+e→估價→珍視→獎賞, 獎金


24    憲法 (n) constitution (set up; place; stand)

1 constitute / constitution / institute / institution / substitute / superstition / superstitious / constituent / prostitute / prostitution

&®記助】con 共同 + stitut 建立;放 + ion 表物 構成;憲法


26    小說 虛構之故事 (n) fiction (do; make)

1 office / fact / factor / factory / perfect / official / affect / effect / efficient / effective / profit / proficient / proficiency / facility / fiction / sacrifice / manufacture / facilitate / sufficient / infect / defect / affection / affectionate / faction / feasible / infection / infectious / feature / feat / facsimile / proficient

&®記助】fict + ion 表名詞 造出的〔故事〕→ 小說


27    描述 記述的特徵 (v) characterize (feature; quality)

        1 character  / characteristic / characterize

&®記助】character特性,性質+ize…表動詞 v.表現…的特色, 刻畫的…性格


29    發抖 (v) tremble (quiver)

1 tremendous / tremble / tremor

&®記助】trem 顫抖 + ble 發抖;搖動


30    王子 (n) prince (first; chief)

1 primary / primarily / prince / principal / principle / prime / primitive / priority / prior / premier

&®記助】prin 第一 + ce 王位的第一繼承人 王子


33    焦慮 憂慮 (n) anxiety (distress)

1 anxious / anxiety / anguish

&®記助】anx 苦惱 + ie 與…相關的物 + ty 狀態 焦慮

41    焦慮的 (adj) anxious (distress)

1 anxious / anxiety / anguish

&®記助】anx 苦惱 + ious 有…性質的,關於…的 焦慮的


34    扭轉 扭曲 纏繞 (v) twist (two)

1 twice / twin / twist / twilight



36    交響樂 交響曲 (n) symphony (sound, voice, speech)

1 telephone / microphone / symphony // system / syllable / sympathy / syndrome / symmetry / symphony / synonym

&®記助】sym 同時 + phon 聲音 + y 狀態,行為 同時發出聲音 交響樂


38    過度的 (adj) excessive (go)

1 necessary / success / succeed / successful / successfully / necessity / process / ancestor / access / accessible/ excessive / recession / accessory / concession / excess / procession / succession / successive / inaccessible / procedure / proceed / exceed / unprecedented / precede / precedent // necessarily / excessively / exceedingly



40    抗議 反對 (v) protest (test, witness)

1 test / contest / protest / testify / contestant / testimony

&®記助】pro 在前 + test 測試;證據 在前面論證 堅決聲明 引申為表示抗議


43    爭論 爭議 (n) controversy (turn)

1 conversation / universe / university / advertise / advertisement / verse / anniversary / converse / diverse / diversity / universal / controversy / convert / converted / divert / vertical / advert / avert / convertible / invert / adverse / conversion / convert / reverse / version / avert / diversify / diversion / versatile



44    疼痛的 引起痛苦的 (adj) painful (penalty)

1 pain / painful

&®記助】pain懲罰;痛苦+ful…的→adj.疼痛的, 使痛苦的


45    雇主 老板 (n) employer (use/involve)

1 employ / employment / employee / exploit / deploy / redeploy // leader / reporter / singer / teenager / writer / employer / manager / printer / prisoner / stranger / banker / designer / heater / producer / receiver / recorder / commander / manufacturer / pioneer / observer / batter / interpreter

&®記助】em 使… + ploy 使用 employ雇用+er人→n.雇主,老板


46    抵達 到達 (n) arrival (run; flow)

1 arrive / river / derive / arrival // animal / hospital / national / arrival / cereal / cultural / natural / personal / personally / survival / traditional / trial / criminal / educational / emotional / regional / continual / economical / mechanical / memorial / occasional / refusal / rural / agricultural / clinical / continental / exceptional / external / horizontal / rival / aboriginal / cynical / marginal / appraisal / dismissal / incidental / systematical / withdrawal

&®記助】arrive 到達 + al 行為,狀況,事情 到達者;到達物


50    專攻 專門從事 (v) specialize (look; kind)

1 expect / respect / expectation / inspect / inspector / suspect / suspicion / aspect / inspection / respectable / respectful / suspicious / perspective / prospect / spectacular / spectator / spectrum / speculate / despise / prospective / respective / respectively / spectacle / conspicuous / despite / retrospect / retrospective / specifically / special / especially / specific / species / specialist / specialize / specialty / specify / specimen

&®記助】special 特別的;專門的 + ize … 專門化;專攻


53    禁止 (v) forbid (against / demand)

1 forbid / bid / abide

&®記助】for-否定相反 + bid命令 及命令不許做某事的禁止做某事的 禁止


54    旅程 旅行 行程 (n) journey (day)

1 journal / journey / journalist

&®記助】journ 日期 + ey按日期〔規劃的行程〕→ 旅行


55    迅速地 敏捷地 (adv) promptly (ADV)

1 friendly / greatly / happily / certainly / easily / finally / politely / presently / probably / relatively / actively / actually / exactly / chiefly / currently / commercially / instantly / formally / generally / likely / naturally / positively / anxiously / costly / extremely / immediately / lively / mentally / monthly / probably / shortly / sufficiently weekly / adequately / aggressively / consequently / continuously / definitely / economically / financially / fortunately / gloriously / logically / moderately / progressively / promptly / biologically / undoubtedly / uniformly / accordingly / increasingly / repeatedly / unfortunately / incidentally / preferably / timely

&®記助】prompt 迅速的 + ly … 迅速地 敏捷地


56    目前 (adv) currently (run)

1 occur / course / cure / secure / security / current / curious / curiosity / currency / curriculum / occurrence / courier / excursion / incur / recur / intercourse // naturally / officially / dramatically / normally / practically / occasionally / partially / exceptionally / systematically // finally / happily / easily / certainly / politely / necessarily / officially / practically / presently / probably / actively / actually / exactly / relatively / shortly / generally / instantly / immediately / positively / chiefly / formally / normally / commercially / currently / mentally / anxiously / dramatically / extremely / sufficiently / adequately / aggressively / consequently / continuously / definitely / economically / financially / fortunately / gloriously / logically / moderately / partially / biologically / exceptionally / excessively / progressively / undoubtedly / accordingly // friendly / greatly / likely / lively / costly / weekly / monthly

&®記助】curr 跑,引申為發生” + ent 具有性質的,關於 + ly … →跑地 目前


57    海生的 海洋的 (adj) marine (sea / N; ADJ)

1 medicine / heroine / routine / submarine / doctrine / marine / caffeine

&®記助】mar + ine 具有…性質的,如…的 海的


59    對手 敵手 (n) opponent (put)

1 propose / proposal / pose / pause / purpose / position / positive / pound / opposite / suppose / postpone / deposit / impose / oppose / compose / composer / composition / expose / compound / component / opponent / dispose / disposed / composite / disposition / exposition

&®記助】op 逆,倒 + pon 放置 + ent 表人 反著站 對手


60    恢復 (v) restore (back; again / store)

1 return / rest / remove / represent / reaction / rebel / recall / reflect / retreat / reassure / recommend / reverse / reproduce / resent / revolt // store / restore / storage

&®記助】re+store[n.&v.貯藏, 貯備, 存儲]→取回原貯藏之物→恢復,歸還


61    反應 (v) react (back; again / do; drive)

1 return / rest / remove / represent / reaction / rebel / recall / reflect / retreat / reassure / recommend / reverse / reproduce / resent / revolt // act / action / acting / active / activity / actor / actress / actual / actually / exact / exactly / react / reaction / interact / interaction

&®記助】re 相反 + act 做;驅使 與行動相反 反應;反抗


63    情感 情緒 感傷 多愁善感 (n) sentiment (feel)

1 sense / sensitive / sensible / nonsense / sentence / consent / sensation / sensitivity / sensor / sentiment / sentimental / dissent / resent / resentment / scent

&®記助】senti= sent〕感覺 + ment 表名詞 感覺 感情


64    模糊不清的 (adj) vague (wander)

1 vague

&®記助】vag 漫游 + ue 漫游而思想不集中 含糊的


65    噴射機 (n) jet (throw)

1 subject / object / project / reject / objective / objection / rejection / inject / jet / projection / adjective / eject



66    志願者 義工 (n) volunteer (wish; will)

1 voluntary / volunteer // engineer / pioneer / volunteer

&®記助】volunt 意願 + eer 人(專做某種工作或從事某種職業)→ 自願去做的人 志願者


67@紀律 風紀 教規 戒律 (n) discipline (to take, to hold, to seize; possess)

1 have / behave / behavior / captain / accept / except / exception / receive / concept / capacity / capture / caption / captive / occupy / occupation / discipline / anticipate / conceive / conception / deceive / perceive / participate / participant / principal / principle / cop / capacity / recipe / municipal / anticipation / susceptible



68    痊癒 復原 恢復 (v) recover (cover)

1 cover / discover / discovery / recovery / coverage / uncover / covering

&®記助】re + cover 遮,蓋;蓋子 痊癒 復原 恢復


70@令人愉快的 舒適的 (adj) pleasant (glad)

1 please / pleased / pleasure / pleasant

&®記助】pleas愉快,高興+ant表形容詞→adj.令人愉快的, 舒適的


71    合併 納入 (v) incorporate (body)

1 important / impossible / inconvenient / include / increase / import / impress / indoor / immigrate / impose / insert / impulse / incorporate / inevitable / infect / inject / imprison / incur / induce / inflict / injustice / impolite / impetus / inability / inaccessible / incidence / inevitable // corporate / corporation / incorporate / corpse

&®記助】in 向內;進入 + corpor 團體 + ate 使… →〔兩個公司、機構等〕加入團體 合併


72    天花板 (n) ceiling (sky)

1 ceiling

&®記助】ceil= cel〕天空 + ing 與…有關的物品 天花板


74    壯觀的 宏偉的 (adj) magnificent (big / do; make)

1 magnificent / magnify / magnitude / magnificence // office / fact / factor / factory / perfect / official / affect / effect / efficient / effective / perfection / profit / proficient / proficiency / fiction / sacrifice / manufacture / facility / facilitate / sufficient / infect / defect / feasible / infection / infect / affection / infectious / affectionate / faction / defect / feature / feat / facsimile / magnificent

&®記助】magni + fic + ent 表狀態 做得很大的 壯觀的 宏偉的


78    猶豫 遲疑 (v) hesitate (stick)

1 hesitate / hesitation / coherent / inherent

&®記助】hes 黏附 + itate 表動詞 腳像被粘住 躊躇,猶豫


79    解散 (v) dismiss (send; cast)

1 disagree / disappear / discover / discuss / display / dishonest / dislike / disadvantage / discourage / disgust / dismiss / disorder / discourse / discriminate / distract / disable / dismay / dispense / discern / disgraceful / displace / distrust // miss / missing / mission / admit / admission / missile / committee / promise / omit / permit / permission / commit / promising / dismiss / commission / emission / emit / missionary / submit / transmission / transmit / premise / intermittent

&®記助】dis 加強 + miss 送,放出 不斷把人送出 解散


80    人類 (n) mankind (kind)

1 mankind / humankind

&®記助】man + kind 人的群體 人類


83    懷疑 (n) suspicion (under / look; see)

1 support / suffer / suppose / suppress / suspend / suspense / suspension / susceptible / sustain / suspect / suspicion / suspicious // expect / respect / expectation / inspect / inspector / suspect / suspicion / aspect / despite / inspection / respectable / respectful / suspicious / suspiciously / perspective / prospect / spectacular / spectator / spectrum / speculate / despise / prospective / respective / respectively / spectacle / spectacular / spectator / conspicuous / despite / retrospect / retrospective / specifically / special / especially / specific / species / specialist / specialize / specialty / specify / specimen

&®記助】sus 下,後 + pic=spic〕看 + ion 表名詞 在下面看來看去 懷疑

