2021年3月10日 星期三

B4U2 單字片語


I. Words for Production

1. challenge [`tS8l1ndZ] n. [C][U] 挑戰  

(a difficult task that tests one’s ability)

Wendy took on the challenge of finishing all of the desserts within 20 minutes.


2. necessity [n1`sEs1&tI] n. [C] 必需品  ANT luxury

  (something someone needs, particularly in order to live)

Air, food, water, and clothes are some of the basic necessities of human life.


3. accomplish [1`kAmplIS] vt. 完成  SYN achieve

  (to succeed in doing something)

The kids accomplished the task of building a rainbow-colored bridge with the LEGO bricks.


accomplishment [1`kAmplISm1nt] n. [C] 成就  SYN achievement

Scoring 81 points in a single game is one of Kobe Bryant’s greatest accomplishments in the NBA.


4. mission [`mIS1n] n. [C] 任務

  (an important job given to someone)

The detection dog is on a mission to find illegal things at the airport.


5. project [`prAdZEkt] n. [C] 計畫  (a planned work with an aim)

The company is working on a project to encourage the staff to come up with more creative ideas.


6. whenever [hwEn`Ev2] conj. 每當  (every time that something happens) 

Frank always thinks of his ex-girlfriend whenever he hears this song.


7. stressed [strEst] adj. 壓力大的  (too anxious to relax)

Amy was so stressed that she could not sleep well the night before the big exam.


stress [strEs] n. [C][U] 壓力

When Henry is under a lot of stress, he will hold and press a ball in his hand.


8. purchase [`p3tS1s] vt. 購買  (to buy something)

I never purchase tickets from strangers online because it is too risky.


purchase [`p3tS1s] n. [U][C] 購買()

The store offered a discount on many items to attract customers to make a big purchase.


9. awful [`OfL] adj. 極糟的  SYN terrible

My shoes got wet in the rain, and they smelled awful after I wore them all day long.


10. basis [`besIs] n. [C][sing.] (行動)方式 

(the way things are done or organized)

Larry exercises on a regular basis. He goes to a gym three to four times a week.


n. [C] 基礎  (the reason why something is done)

The best dish in the cooking contest will be chosen on the basis of flavor, cooking skills, and creativity.


base [bes] vt. 基於……

A healthy relationship between a couple is based on trust and respect.


11. desire [dI`zaIr] n. [C][U] 慾望,渴望  

(a strong hope to have or do something)

Angela has a strong desire to become a singer, so she often takes part in singing contests in order to be heard.


desire [dI`zaIr] vt. 渴望

The Smiths are a newly-married couple who desire to have a house of their own.


12. depend [dI`pEnd] vi. 依靠  

(to need someone or something to live or succeed)

The kittens depend on their mother for care and food.


vi. 取決於……  (used to say one is affected by another)

Whether to go mountain climbing or go to the movies depends on the weather tomorrow.


13. sustainability [s1&sten1`bIl1tI] n. [U] 永續性

   (the ability to continue for a long time or to continue without harming the environment)

► For environmental sustainability, most stores in Taiwan do not provide free plastic bags or straws for customers.


sustainable [s1`sten1bL] adj. 永續的

► The organization is promoting the use of sustainable energy, such as the power of the sun, wind, and water


14. complete [k1m`plit] vt. 完成  (to finish doing something)

► Lucy won’t go picnicking with us tomorrow because she has a lot of work to complete.


complete [k1m`plit] adj. 完全的,十足的  SYN total

Talking with Nick was a complete waste of time because he did not pay attention to what I said.


adj. 完整的  SYN whole  ANT incomplete

► As a fan of J.K. Rowling, Anita bought the complete series of Harry Potter.


15. recycle [ri`saIkL] vt. 回收利用

   (to change waste materials so that they can be used again)

► The used papers can be recycled into paper bags instead of simply being thrown away.


16. experiment [Ik`spEr1m1nt] n. [C] 實驗

   (a scientific test done to learn about something)

► Many people are against the idea of performing experiments on living animals.


17. citizen [`sIt1zN] n. [C] 市民;公民

   (someone who lives in a certain place or legally belongs to a country)

► Tom was praised for being a brave citizen after he saved a koala from a deadly Australian wildfire.


18. launch [lOntS] vt. 發起,開始

   (to start a plan or an activity or introduce something new)

The police launched a national search for the murderer who had already killed three people.


vt. 發射(火箭),使()下水

(to send a spacecraft into space or put a ship into the water)

The captain’s new ship was successfully launched into the sea today.



II. Words for Recognition

1. outfit [`a5t&fIt] n. [C] (特定場合、活動的)服裝

2. eco­friendly [`iko&frEndlI] adj. 環保的

3. producer [pr1`djus2] n. [C] 製作人



1. even though 儘管,雖然  (despite the fact that)

Even though Patrick set three alarm clocks, he still overslept this morning.


2. carry out 進行,執行  SYN conduct

  (to do something)

► The researchers are carrying out tests to see if the new drugs are effective.


3. get rid of 除去,擺脫

  (to remove something unwanted or unpleasant)

► Debbie put several lemons in the fridge to get rid of the bad smells inside.


4. call for 呼籲

   (to ask publicly for something to be done)

► The organization called for the public to donate money to people in need.


