2021年3月26日 星期五

B4U1 Grammar



1  S + seem(s) + to V....

It seems (that) + S + V....

1. 動詞seem表示「似乎……,好像……」,含有推測的意思,用來表達不太確定的推論或看法。句子中以人或具體的事物作主詞,後面則以seem(s) to加上原形動詞來表示。注意seem不能為進行式。

2. 此句型也能以第二個句型替換。句子中的it為虛主詞,用以代替that所引導的子句 (真主詞) 。換成第二個句型時,須注意that子句的動詞,要和主詞單複數、時態一致。

3. seem + to V的否定形式有兩種:「not + to V」,以及「S + Aux + not + to V」。

例:Nathan seemed to be puzzled by the complex math problem.

It seemed that Nathan was puzzled by the complex math problem.


The farmer seems to be concerned about the upcoming typhoon.

It seems that the farmer is concerned about the upcoming typhoon.



1. Jacob seems to have feelings for Sarah.

__It seems that Jacob has feelings for Sarah.__

2. Daisy seemed to be quite confident about the monthly exam.

__It seemed that Daisy was quite confident about the monthly exam.__

2   + S + V + is / was +

1. 此句型介紹複合關係代名詞what以及all (that)的用法。複合關係代名詞相當於the thing(s) that,用來引導後方的子句 (S + V)

2. 藉由what或者all (that) 所引導的子句詞性為名詞,通常作為主要句子的主詞。這個子句視為單數,後面需要搭配單數be動詞,像是is或者was

3. 在此句型中,be動詞後面可以接名詞或不定詞 (to V),而且不定詞中的to常常會被省略。

例:What Carolyn needed was the recognition from her sisters.


All Lorraine could do was (to) keep her best friend company.



1. a breathtaking view of / What / was / mountains. / Joanna saw

__What Joanna saw was a breathtaking view of mountains.__

2. was / All / to take every chance / to practice her painting skills. / Alice / wanted

__All Alice wanted was to take every chance to practice her painting skills.__

3  if條件子句:if + S + V, S + Aux + V

1. 從屬連接詞if能夠引導從屬子句來陳述條件,補充說明含有情態助動詞 (willwouldcancouldmaymightshould) 的主要子句。

2. 在此if開頭的子句表示對於「現在或未來可能實現」的情況假設,或是事件成立的可能條件;而主要子句則為條件成立後,將導致的結果。其中if子句的時態為現在簡單式,主要子句中則須在動詞前面加上助動詞。

例:If your answers are “yes,” you will surely be interested in “e-sports”!


If you are willing to take responsibility, you will gain experience during the process.



1. you don’t / regret it / take the opportunity, / If / you will / definitely

__If you don’t take the opportunity, you will definitely regret it.__

2. promises / in return / to do the laundry / If Martha / I can do the dishes / for me,

__If Martha promises to do the laundry for me, I can do the dishes in return.__

4  consider + O + OC

不完全及物動詞後面除了搭配受詞 (O),還需要受詞補語 (OC) 才能使語意完整。表達思考、感受或意見的相關動詞便是此類動詞,例如:believeconsiderfeelknowfindthinkunderstand等。consider後面必須接上受詞,並搭配to be + N / Adjas + N作為受詞補語,表示「(……) 認為……」。其中to beas在句子中可以省略不用。

例:Therefore, more and more people consider playing video games (to be) not only a sport but also a job nowadays.


Hayley considers representing her school in a national competition (to be) an honor.


Economists consider the video game industry (as) a profitable sector.



1. EmilySusan視為她畢生的夥伴。

Emily __considers Susan (as)__ her lifelong companion.

2. 許多人認為Stephen Hawking是現代歷史上最偉大的物理學家。

Many people __consider(ed) Stephen Hawking (to be)__ the greatest physicist in modern history.

5  without + N / V-ing

without可以當作介系詞或者副詞使用,當作介系詞使用時後面需搭配名詞 (N) 或者動名詞 (V-ing),表示「不用……,不和……在一起,沒有……」。

例:Many teenagers may think all that they have to do is play games all day, and they can earn money without leaving home.


Most modern people cannot live without electricity.



1. Joseph在我們不在他身邊時前往巴黎。

Joseph left for Paris __without us__ by his side.

2. Maria去游泳而沒有告訴她的媽媽。

Maria went swimming __without telling__ her mother.



(  B  ) 1. It seems that Candice ________ interested in the sales at the supermarket.

(A) are     (B) is     (C) to be     (D) Í

(  C  ) 2. Ms. Wang considers James ________ a suitable leader of the class.

(A) at     (B) for     (C) Í     (D) to
(  D  ) 3. What you need to do to stay healthy ________ a balanced diet.

(A) are     (B) to be     (C) being     (D) is

(  A  ) 4. Kenneth is a heavy user of online media, he cannot live ________ his mobile phone.

(A) without    (B) by    (C) like    (D) in

(  B  ) 5. Evan does not seem ________ by the rude comments.

(A) to influence  (B) to be influenced  (C) influence  (D) influences

(  A  ) 6. All Ken wanted for Christmas ________ those teddy bears.

(A) was     (B) being     (C) were     (D) to be

(  C  ) 7. If you ________ not come to the party, everyone will be disappointed.

(A) does     (B) did     (C) do     (D) doing

(  C  ) 8. ________ his elder brother, Sam suddenly doesn’t know what to do.

(A) Within     (B) During     (C) Without     (D) About

(  A  ) 9. The judges considered Jane ________ a talented designer.

(A) as     (B) for     (C) to     (D) with

(  D  ) 10. If you ________ on a daily basis, your English ability will improve.

(A) practiced     (B) practices     (C) to practice     (D) practice


1. focused on / Jay / to be / reading the book. / seems (重組句子)

__Jay seems to be focused on reading the book.__

2. on time. / cannot come / It / Gloria / to the meeting / seems that (重組句子)

__It seems that Gloria cannot come to the meeting on time.__

3. a part of / Maria / considers / her daily life. / reducing plastic waste (重組句子)

__Maria considers reducing plastic waste a part of her daily life.__

4. another step to finding / James / the mistake / considers / a better solution. (重組句子)

__James considers the mistake another step to finding a better solution.__

5. Elena只想要為明日的考試做準備。(中翻英)

__What / All Elena wanted is (to) prepare for the exam tomorrow.__

6. Dorothy現在所需要的只是使用想像力來完成那幅圖畫。(中翻英)

__What / All Dorothy needs now is (to) use imagination to finish the painting.__

7. 線上購物使得人們能夠從其他國家買東西。(中翻英)

__Online shopping allows people to buy things from other countries.__

8. 科技使得人們能夠在家工作,而不用到辦公室。(中翻英)

__Technology allows people to work from home without having to go to the office.__

9. 如果日期對你來說不方便,Ann將會重新安排到下週二。(中翻英)

__If the date is inconvenient for you, Ann will rearrange for next Tuesday.__

10. 如果Joan不把握每次練習的機會,她可能會落後其他人。(中翻英)

__If Joan does not seize / take every opportunity to practice, she may fall behind others.__


