2021年3月18日 星期四

Section 2---Unit 08 Six Steps to a Smarter You

 Section 2---Unit 08 Science and Technology

Six Steps to a Smarter You

Do you want to think more clearly and solve problems more easily? Here are some steps you can take toward a smarter you.


For a fit brain, you need a fit body. Get at least 30 minutes of exercise four days a week. Try something fun that requires your attention, like hip-hop dancing, or just take a fast walk around the park.


Sleep strengthens your memory, which is important for learning new things. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, and aim for eight hours of sleep a night.


What you eat plays a big part in how you think. Your brain needs healthy fats to work, and salmon is a great source. Berries, spinach, and tomatoes also keep your brain working at its best.


Read books that show you a new way of looking at the world. You can also read to learn a skill or figure out how things work. The more challenging the book is, the more your brain will benefit from it.


Try a simple activity, like brushing your teeth, with the other hand. This will help strengthen the side of the brain that you don't use as often. In addition, learn to do things that take some time to master. Practicing a musical instrument is a great way to do this.


Don't forget to play! Puzzles, word games, and Sudoku all exercise your brain. To make your mental workout even more effective, play some games against the clock or find a smart friend to challenge.

By following these easy steps every day, you will help make sure that your brain is able to perform at its highest level. This can make smarter today, tomorrow, and well into the future. no.

 activity第二級[名詞] 活動
 addition第二級[名詞] 加;附加
 against第二級[介系詞] 反對
 aim第二級[動詞] 瞄準,對準; [名詞] 目標,目的
 attention第二級[名詞] 注意;專心
 benefit第三級[動詞] 對...有益; [名詞] 利益;好處
 berries第三級[名詞] berry(莓果) 的複數
 brain第二級[名詞] 腦;智力,頭腦
 brushing第二級[動詞] brush(刷) 的現在分詞
 challenge第二級[動詞] 對...提出異議; [名詞] 挑戰;艱鉅的事
 challenging第二級[動詞] challenge(對...提出異議) 的現在分詞
 effective第二級[形容詞] 有效的
 figure第二級[動詞] 估計;描繪; [名詞] 外形;數字;圖表;(溜冰等)花式
 fit第二級[形容詞] 適合的;恰當的;相稱的;能勝任的; [動詞] 合身;適合; [動詞] fit(合身;適合) 的過去式及過去分詞; [名詞] 適合;合身
 following第二級[形容詞] 接著的,其次的;下面的; [介系詞] 在...以後; [名詞] 一批追隨者;下列事物(或人員)
 hip第二級[名詞] 臀部
 hop第二級[動詞] 單足跳; [名詞] 單足跳;跳躍;麻藥(尤指鴉片)
 instrument第二級[名詞] 儀器
 learning第三級[名詞] 學習;學問,學識
 master第二級[動詞] 精通; [名詞] 主人
 memory第二級[名詞] 記憶
 mental第三級[形容詞] 精神的,心理的
 musical第二級[形容詞] 音樂的; [名詞] 歌舞劇;音樂片
 perform第三級[動詞] 履行;執行;表演, 演奏
 puzzles第二級[動詞] puzzle(使迷惑) 的第三人稱單數現在式; [名詞] puzzle(謎) 的複數
 requires第二級[動詞] require(需要) 的第三人稱單數現在式
 salmon第五級[形容詞] 鮭肉色的,淺澄色的; [名詞] 鮭魚;鮭肉;鮭肉色; [名詞] salmon(鮭魚;鮭肉;鮭肉色) 的複數
 skill第二級[名詞] 技能
 solve第二級[動詞] 解決
 source第二級[名詞] 源頭
 spinach第三級[名詞] 菠菜
 steps第二級[動詞] step(跨(步);踏(腳)) 的第三人稱單數現在式; [名詞] step(步;臺階) 的複數
 strengthen第四級[動詞] 加強;增強
 strengthens第四級[動詞] strengthen(加強;增強) 的第三人稱單數現在式
 toward第二級[介系詞] 向;對
 workout第四級[名詞] (身體)鍛煉,訓練

Reading Comprehension

(   ) 1. According to the article, how often should you exercise?

(A) At least thirty minutes a week          (B) At least one hour a week

(C) At least two hours a week                 (D) At least three hours a week

(   ) 2. According to the article, what is a benefit of reading?

(A) Reading can help you be mentally fit.

(B) Reading is important for your memory.

(C) Reading can help introduce you to people around the world.

(D) Reading is a great way to learn skills and figure out how things work.

(   ) 3. According to the article, what should you do if you want to build up the side of the brain you use less?

(A) Try any activity with the other hand.

(B) Read a book with a challenge.

(C) Learn some things that take time to master.

(D) Play games that can exercise your brain.

(   ) 4. Which of the following is NOT true, according to the article?

(A) Berries and spinach are both good for your brain.

(B) When you exercise, you should try to do something fun.

(C) You should try to sleep for seven hours every night.

(D) Playing games against the clock can make your mental workout more effective.

 according第五級[動詞] accord((與...)一致;調解) 的現在分詞
 activity第二級[名詞] 活動
 against第二級[介系詞] 反對
 article第二級[名詞] 文章;報導;論文;物件;條款
 benefit第三級[動詞] 對...有益; [名詞] 利益;好處
 berries第三級[名詞] berry(莓果) 的複數
 brain第二級[名詞] 腦;智力,頭腦
 challenge第二級[動詞] 對...提出異議; [名詞] 挑戰;艱鉅的事
 effective第二級[形容詞] 有效的
 figure第二級[動詞] 估計;描繪; [名詞] 外形;數字;圖表;(溜冰等)花式
 fit第二級[形容詞] 適合的;恰當的;相稱的;能勝任的; [動詞] 合身;適合; [動詞] fit(合身;適合) 的過去式及過去分詞; [名詞] 適合;合身
 following第二級[形容詞] 接著的,其次的;下面的; [介系詞] 在...以後; [名詞] 一批追隨者;下列事物(或人員)
 introduce第二級[動詞] 介紹
 master第二級[動詞] 精通; [名詞] 主人
 memory第二級[名詞] 記憶
 mental第三級[形容詞] 精神的,心理的
 mentally第三級[形容詞] mental(精神的,心理的) 的衍生的副詞
 skills第二級[名詞] skill(技能) 的複數
 spinach第三級[名詞] 菠菜
 true第二級[形容詞] 真實的;正確的; [動詞] 配準,擺正; [副詞] 準確地;真實地
 workout第四級[名詞] (身體)鍛煉,訓練

