2021年3月23日 星期二

Pattern P9


11. in + n.    以、用(方式材料)

They might copy down a famous poem in fancy handwriting or even try to write their own.

Please speak in English.

He always speaks to me in a loud voice.

12. Instead of + n., S + V   沒有……反而……

※→ S + V + instead. Instead, S + V

Instead of their real names, they often use nicknames or initials.


èInstead of staying home, we went out playing.

èWe didn't stay home. Instead, we went out playing.

13. By the time + S + V, S + V  到了……的時候

By the time the boy showed up at home, his family was already eating dinner.


èBy the time she arrived at the station, the train had gone / left.

14. There is no way + (that) + S + V It is impossible that .

There is no way we could give you that much money.


èThere was absolutely no way (that) she would lend you money.

15. I wish I were / would + V / V-ed  但願(與現在事實相反)

I wish I could help you.


èI wish I had one million dollars.

16. Wh-word + to V 名詞片語 O

They showed her where to put her clothes, how to operate the faucets in the bathtub, and even where to find a fresh towel and a new bar of soap.


èPlease teach me how to make a speech in English.

17. Maybe S + V , but .  也許……但是……

Maybe that's true in Taiwan, but not in America.


èMaybe you were right, but you should not have been so rude to her.

18. figure out + n. / Wh-word + S + V  理解

It's hard to figure out how I should act.


èI couldn't figure out why she said so.

19. No wonder + S + V  難怪

No wonder the children are so excited. This is their first time to go abroad.


èNo wonder you threw the milk away. It really smelled bad.

20. 關係子句 ( n. + who / whom )    修飾前面的名詞

He is the man who drove me home yesterday.

He is the person who/whom I'd like to talk with.

Is this the boy about whom the teacher always complains?


èThe girl who sits in the front row is / comes from Japan.

21. someone + who (to give a definition)   ……人

A friend is someone who always tells us the truth.


èA mother is someone who takes care of us.

22. It's true that .   ……是真的

It's true that compliments can really make people feel good.


èIt's true that practice makes perfect.

