2021年3月26日 星期五



Unit 1   E-sports Gamer: a Dream Job?

I. Vocabulary and Phrases   填入單字以完成句子。(每題2分,共16)

  broadcast  1. The new talk show will be b________t live on YouTube and

Facebook every evening.

  professional 2. It is important for students to get p________l help when they

have difficulties in learning.

  intensive   3. Johnny took a two-month i________e English course before starting a new school year.

 rearranged  4. The manager has been busy this week, so he has r  ed the event for next Wednesday.

  sufficient  5. All our family members coming over for dinner tonight; we have to make sure that the food is s  t for them.

 advanced   6. Technology has a________ed rapidly in recent years. Look how

much the Internet has changed our lives!

imagination  7. The writer wrote stories about witches and wizards with her great


 equipment   8. More and more students have the opportunity to learn in classrooms with the latest computer    (equip).



(  A  ) 9. Meryl Streep was considered the perfect actress for the role in the TV movie.
(A) ideal            (B) formal               (C) anxious              (D) odd

(  D  ) 10. Barry is so smart that he always scores at the top of his class.

(A) necessary     (B) particular          (C) incredible         (D) intelligent


根據提示,完成句子。每格限填一字。(需適當變化動詞時態) (每題2分,共6)



   According to Steve Jobs, the “i” in iMac, iPhone, and iPad s  stands  f  for   

   “Internet, individual, instruct, inform, and inspire.”

12. 事實上,如果情況保持不變,我哥哥就會辭掉他的工作。

As a m  matter   of f  fact  , if the situation remains unchanged, my brother will quit his job.

13.   Susan不得不打工,因為她找不到全職工作。

Susan had no c  choice   b  but  to work part-time since she couldn’t find a full-time job.

II. Multiple Choice        根據句意,選出最適當的答案。(每題2分,共10)

(  C  ) 1.      of money is not enough for a greedy man like Tom.

(A) A large number                                (B) Large numbers

(C) A large amount                                 (D) Large amount

(  D  ) 2. You have to be well-prepared for the test, because it is not as       as

you imagine.

(A) easier                (B) easily                (C) more easily       (D) easy

(  C  ) 3. It seems       back pain is the most common type of pain that family

doctors see. Many people experience low back pain at least once in their lifetime.

(A) to be                 (B) be                      (C) that                   (D) to

(  B  ) 4.       children get older, they begin to understand that their parents

won’t always be by their side.

(A) Because           (B) As                     (C) Though             (D) If

(  A  ) 5. Mr. Wang has only one daughter and no sons. All he talks about      his

baby girl!

(A) is                      (B) are                    (C) be                     (D) being


III. Cloze Test        請依短文文意,選出最適合該空格的答案。(每題2分,共10)

Sean is a full­time e­sports gamer. He loves his job and always  1  it seriously. In his typical daily routine, he does gaming activities for  2  14 hours a day. Since video games have become more complicated than before, Sean practices with his teammates more often than ever. They seize every moment to practice their gaming skills in order to win large  3  of prize money. Being a full­time gamer is sometimes much  4  than fun and games. Sean has to sacrifice his friendships or even family. In fact, making a living by playing online games  5  a lot of hard work. It is not all fun and games as people think.

( A )1. (A) takes                 (B) makes               (C) has             (D) runs

( B )2. (A) at home            (B) at least              (C) at first        (D) at last

( D )3. (A) number            (B) numbers           (C) amount       (D) amounts

( C )4. (A) less                   (B) fewer                (C) more           (D) lighter

( A )5. (A) involves            (B) involve             (C) is involved (D) are involved


IV. Grammar


1. It seems that the baseball team is very confident about winning the game.

The baseball team seems to be very confident about winning the game.              

2. Electronic books seem to become more and more popular in Taiwan.

It seems that electronic books become more and more popular in Taiwan.         


3. a movie with his wife / do now / John wants to / is watch / All

All John wants to do now is watch a movie with his wife.                         

4. this competition / What Sally / trust her teammates / has learned from / is to

What Sally has learned from this competition is to trust her teammates.                


5. 你必須做的事是上課專注。

What you need to do is (to) pay attention in class.                               

6. 當農夫似乎對許多青少年而言是一個艱辛的工作。

Being a farmer seems to be a difficult job for many teenagers.                   


V. Conversation     請依對話內容,選出最適合的答案。(每題4分,共20)

(  B  ) 1. Bella: The basketball game is so boring. I am leaving now.


Bella: How about going for lunch together?

Tiffany: Good idea! Let’s go to the Italian restaurant near my apartment.

(A) It doesn’t matter to me.                    (B) That makes two of us.

(C) Nothing boring has happened.          (D) You wouldn’t want to miss it.

(  C  ) 2. Ted: I’m glad we finally finished our report. Let’s go out and have some

drinks to celebrate.

Sam: Well, I think we should finish our math homework before going out.

Ted: Come on. Why not relax a bit before we continue? We need some rest.

Sam:     Let’s finish it now. It won’t take much time.

(A) I think this is the best.

(B) I totally disagree with them.

(C) My opinion is a little different from yours.

(D) You should learn to solve problems by yourself.

(  A  ) 3. Jacob: Ella, do you have any plans for this summer?

Ella: My family has planned to travel to Japan. We will go there by cruise.

Jacob: You can’t be serious. That’s very tiring. Traveling by plane is a little bit expensive but it’s faster and safer.

Ella:    , but my parents have been dreaming of taking a cruise trip for years.

(A) I am with you

(B) Thank you for flying with us

(C) I planned the trip all by myself

(D) That sounds like a really exciting trip  

(  D  ) 4. Holly: We need to choose a topic for our project. I am thinking we can

focus on Western art history.

Michael:    The topic is too broad.

Holly: How about the modern Western artists?

Michael: Sounds much better.

(A) You can say that again!             (B) That’s amazing, isn’t it?

(C) I can’t agree with you more.     (D) I’m afraid I can’t agree with you.

(  D  ) 5.Julia: In your opinion, what is the most difficult language for English

speakers to learn?

Henry: As I see it, Japanese is probably the most difficult one for them.

Julia:     Many of my American friends think, for them, Chinese is much harder than Japanese.

Henry: Well, perhaps you’re right. Chinese is a language that even its native

speakers feel hard to learn.

(A) Sounds like a good idea.          (B) I’m on your side.

(C) I see your points.                      (D) Not necessarily.


VI. Reading Comprehension       選出最適當的答案。(每題4分,共12)

Unlike other jobs that require eight hours per day, professional gamers often work at playing games for 14 hours a day. If a gamer is lucky enough to get a contract to play, that gamer must build his image. Without popularity, the gamer can quickly lose his or her job playing games. In fact, e-sports gamers have shorter careers than many professional athletes.

There are many demands that professional gamers must deal with. One of the demands is that they must play a lot. Professional gamers usually only get one day off per week, and some claim to hardly ever see their friends.

        Being a professional gamer sounds like fun and games, and there is real money from prizes and sponsorships. However, professional e-sports gamers actually exchange time for a faint possibility of success.

unlike 不像

popularity 人氣

demand 要求

sponsorship 資助


( A )1. What is the best title for this passage?

(A) All Fun and Games?
(B) How to Win Prizes?
(C) Never Give up Your Dreams
(D) Work Hours for E
­sports Gamers

( C )2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

(A) Popularity plays an important role in winning a game.
(B) E
­sports gamers have shorter careers than most people.
(C) Professional e
­sports gamers have to sacrifice their time.
(D) Professional e
­sports gamers only have two days off a month.

( D )3. According to the passage, if you are a professional e­gamer, what will possibly happen to you?
(A) You are less likely to win prizes or get sponsorships.
(B) You can meet your friends more often and keep in touch with them.
(C) You often work at playing games for eight hours a day.
(D) You have to build your image and increase your popularity.





After the release of the 2017 multiplayer video game (多人電子遊戲), PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG), “Winner winner chicken dinner!”  became popular online. If the players win the game, they will see it appear on the screen. Later on, people often use it when they succeed in doing something. Read the following information to learn more about three popular online video games that interest many teenagers, including PUBG.



Z1 Battle Royale




PUBG Corporation

DaybreakGame Company

Mojang Studios


Brendan Greene

Chris Wynn

Markus Persson

Jens Bergensten


Microsoft Windows



Xbox One

PlayStation 4


Microsoft Windows

PlayStation 4

Microsoft Windows









developer 開發商

designer 設計者

platform 平台

mode 模式

( D )1. According to the information above, which of the following statements is true?

(A) Minecraft was designed by Brendan Greene.
(B) Playing PUBG on PlayStation 4 is not allowed.
(C) No online game was developed by Mojang Studios.
(D) Z1 Battle Royale can be played on two platforms.

( D )2. Martha wants to invite her friends to play video games with her. According

to the information, how many video games can Martha and her friends play?
(A) 0.                       (B) 1.                          (C) 2.       
        (D) 3.

( B )3. Read the following conversation and answer the question.

Ken: How was the performance going?
Belle: Winner winner chicken dinner!
What does Belle mean?
(A) The performance was boring.
(B) The performance was successful.
(C) The performance was a total failure.
(D) The performance was a shame.


