2021年3月26日 星期五



Unit 2 Crazy Challenge, Special Change

I. Vocabulary and Phrases           填入單字以完成句子。(每題2分,共16)

 Whenever 1. W  r I go to the café, I always order a cup of hot coffee and a chicken sandwich, because they are my favorites.

 necessities 2. One hundred years ago, cars weren't common. Nowadays, cars are

n  ies for most people.

 experiment 3. The YouTuber did an e  t to show how fast the fire could spread through the building.

 recycle    4. To protect our environment, more people have made it a habit to

r  e plastic bottles, cans, and bags.

 desire     5. Samuel is an excellent football player and has a strong d  e to win the game.

 sustainable 6. Biking around the island is a s  e form of tourism that aims to protect the environment and local culture.

  basis     7. The restaurant lost its Michelin star (米其林星) because it made a wrong decision on the    (base) of incorrect information.

 accomplishment 8. It is meaningful to work on activities and projects that give you a sense of    (accomplish).



(  B  ) 9. The terrible smell that burning garbage creates may harm people’s health

and the environment.

(A) negative           (B) awful                (C) various             (D) edible

(  D  ) 10. The parents often warn their son not to talk to a total stranger about

something personal.

(A) familiar            (B) curious             (C) anxious             (D) complete


根據提示,完成句子。每格限填一字。(需適當變化動詞時態) (每題2分,共6)

1. 與其把這些舊鞋和衣服丟掉,你可以把它們捐給國際慈善機構。

Instead of g  getting   rid o  of   the old shoes and clothes, you can donate them to international charities.

2. 儘管這對夫妻分隔兩地,他們對彼此的愛從不消散。

E  Even  t  though  the couple were far apart, their love for each other never faded away.

3. 今天早上,一大群人聚集在警察局外面,呼籲警方公開更多事件的相關資訊。

This morning, a large crowd gathered outside the police station to c  call   

f  for   the police to release more information about the incident.


II. Multiple Choice        根據句意,選出最適當的答案。(每題2分,共10)

(  A  ) 1. Stanley         play basketball for the local team when he was in

college, but he dropped out two years ago.

(A) used to     (B) was using to      (C) got used to       (D) was used to

( D ) 2.    the students need to do is set clear goals and do their best to pass the test with a perfect score.
(A) Only                  (B) How         (C) When
                (D) All

( B ) 3. The doctor suggested that my parents cut down    sugar and fat in their diet to stay healthy.
(A) for                     (B) on             (C) below
                (D) in

( B ) 4. The coach insisted that each team player    to the basketball court no later than 6 p.m. today.

(A) coming              (B) come        (C) came                  (D) to come

( B ) 5. You have to explain everything to your sister    avoid argument between you two.
(A) as to                  (B) in order to        (C) as for 
        (D) in order for


III. Cloze Test  請依短文文意,選出最適合該空格的答案。(每題2分,共10)

Some people have launched special challenges for themselves or for the world. Let's take a look at the three extraordinary examples below. Hannah Poston, a beauty blogger, challenged herself to buy  1  but what she needed for a whole year. During the no­buy year, she  2  had to depend on spending money to make herself happy anymore. Another interesting example is Julia Mooney, an American teacher, who wore the same dress to school for 100 days  3  teach her students a lesson about sustainability. The other example is “Plastic­Free Challenge” Project. During the challenge, an NHK producer managed to live  4  plastics for 3 weeks. On a rainy day, for example, he covered his head with a  5  of cloth. Even when it's raining, he still refused to use plastic umbrella.

( A )1. (A) nothing             (B) anything           (C) everything  (D) something

( C )2. (A) for instance      (B) on the contrary (C) no longer   (D) after all

( B )3. (A) in addition to   (B) so as to             (C) as soon as   (D) as a result

( D )4. (A) on                    (B) with                  (C) for              (D) without

( D )5. (A) group               (B) glass                 (C) pair             (D) piece


IV. Grammar


1. should / instead of / Lara insisted / that her husband / a used one / buy a new car

Lara insisted that her husband should buy a new car instead of a used one.          

2. suggested that the patient /or processed foods / should not / The doctor / eat too much meat

The doctor suggested that the patient should not eat too much meat or processed   foods.                                                             



3.    Nick told a harmless lie to his daughter.

He wouldn’t hurt her feelings.

Nick told a harmless lie to his daughter in order not to / so as not to hurt her feelings.                  

4.    You must learn to stay calm in high-pressure situations.

You will be a great leader.

You must learn to stay calm in high-pressure situations in order to / so as to be a great leader.                                                              



5. 為了省錢,我們必須犧牲旅遊的品質。

In order to save money, we have to sacrifice the quality of the trip.                   

6. 這個任務完成後,我們老師建議我們休息一陣子。

After the task was completed, our teacher suggested (that) we (should) rest for      

a while.                                                               



V. Conversation  請依對話內容,選出最適合的答案。(每題4分,共20)

( A ) 1. Richard: I sold my house and bought a new one near the MRT station  recently.


     Richard: The old one is far away from work, and it took me a long time to

drive to work in the morning. Taking the MRT is much faster.

     Scott: I also think taking the MRT is more convenient than driving a car,

especially during bad weather.

     (A) What did you do that for?

     (B) Why do you have to go so early?

     (C) How much did the new house cost?

     (D) How many people can we fit in the car?

( C ) 2. Kevin: You are soaking wet (溼透的)! Why didn't you buy an umbrella?
  Holt: I'm sorry, Kevin. I couldn't buy an umbrella.
  Kevin: Why not?
  Holt:   The umbrella is made of plastic.
  (A) I did it to raise public awareness of food waste.
  (B) I was planning to go shopping in the department store.
  (C) It is because I'm trying not to use any plastic products.
  (D) I think our newspapers do a great job reporting the accident.

( D ) 3. Helen: Shirley, how come you look so tired today? Are you sick?

     Shirley: Actually, I didn't fall asleep until two o'clock this morning.
   Shirley: It's because I drank too much coffee before bed.
   (A) Why are you always late for class?
   (B) What do you do when you feel tired?
   (C) How often do you drink coffee with your sister?
   (D) How come you couldn't fall asleep at such a late hour?

( C ) 4. Ross: Rachel,   

     Rachel: I was at another important meeting that I must attend at that time.

     Ross: Did you tell the manager about this?

       Rachel: Of course, I sent an email to her a week before the meeting.

     (A) will you be able to attend the online meeting tomorrow night?
      (B) could you please explain why you skipped class this morning?
      (C) may I inquire why you didn't attend the meeting yesterday?
      (D) don't you worry people will think you're not taking things seriously?

( B ) 5. Wife: Honey,   
  Husband: It's a secret. Now close your eyes and take a guess.
  Wife: I'm guessing you want to show me something, but I cannot correctly      

    answer the question.
  Husband: Open your eyes and see what it is now.
  (A) why don't you like romantic movies?
  (B) why are you covering my eyes with your hands?
  (C) how come you put that cloth on top of your head?
  (D) how come you are wrapping the fruit in old newspaper?


VI. Reading Comprehension選出最適當的答案。(每題4分,共12)

I've recently taken on Zero Waste Challenge. To do this, I had to try to send no waste at all to a landfill.

 I first had to reduce what I used, so I stopped buying things I didn't truly need. My old clothes were fine and therefore I didn't buy new ones on impulse. Also, if I was thirsty, I wouldn't buy bottled water from stores. I would use my bottle to get water for free. The second thing I did was reuse things. Instead of getting food in a plastic container, I always brought my own cup and glass no matter when I ate out. The third thing I did was sort garbage as much as I could. Leftovers, plastic products, metal, glass, and paper were all properly sorted and collected.

I sent one small garbage bag to the landfill last month. I hope to send even less this month!


(  C  ) 1. What is the main idea of the passage?
(A) It is difficult to take Zero Waste Challenge to lose weight.
(B) People should use a container to drink water instead of buying a bottle

  of it.
(C) There are three ways that the author used to produce less waste.
(D) Recycling is the most effective way to reduce waste.

( A ) 2. According to the passage, what might a landfill look like?
(A)         (B)

 (  C  ) 3. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
(A) The author didn't buy any new clothes because the old clothes were

(B) The author always brought a cup or glass container when eating out.
(C) The author finally succeeded in sending no waste at all to a landfill.
(D) Things that the author didn't need or like were properly sorted.




ALS Ice Bucket Challenge (關懷漸凍人冰桶挑戰) Rules

participant 參與者

dump 傾倒


(  A  ) 1. According to the information above, if you accept the challenge, what will   

         you do?
(A) (B)
(C) (D)

 (  D  ) 2. According to the rules above, how much are you expected to donate if

refusing the challenge?

(A) $0.                     (B) $1.                     (C) $10.                           (D) $100.

(  C  ) 3. According to the rules above, which of the following statements is true?

(A)  The participants will receive phone calls which require them to take the


(B)  It is unnecessary to upload a video if the participants donate less than


(C)  Even though the participants complete the challenge, they may donate


(D)  If the participants don’t record a video within 24 hours, they will lose

        the game.



