2021年3月3日 星期三

B4U1 單字片語例句


I. Words for Production

1. individual [&Ind1`vIdZ51l] adj. 個別的

  (relating to a single person or a thing)

The coach asked Mike to stay after class for some individual training.


individual [&Ind1`vIdZ51l] n. [C] 個人

Each individual in this company has the right to decide whether to go on the company trip or not.


2. record [rI`kOrd] vt.; vi. 錄影,錄音 (to make a copy of sounds or images)

Sandy recorded her favorite film, so she could watch it over and over again.


vt. 記錄 (to keep or write down what has happened)

My father recorded in his diary that he met my mother on the first day of university.


record [`rEk2d] n. [C] 紀錄

Lisa is on a diet, so she keeps a record of what she eats every day.


3. rearrange [&ri1`rendZ] vt. 重新安排;重新布置

  (to change the order, position, or time of an event)

David just learned that the meeting had been rearranged for next Monday.


arrange [1`rendZ] vt. 安排;布置

The students arranged the tables and chairs in rows after they finished using the classroom.


4. seize [siz] vt. 把握;抓住  SYN grab

  (to make use of something quickly or hold someone)

The two sisters seized the opportunity to sing onstage in front of the talent show judges.


5. intensive [In`tEnsIv] adj. 密集的

(involving a lot of efforts or activities in a short time)

► Irene took a two-week intensive English course before she went backpacking in the US.


6. typical [`tIpIkL] adj. 典型的 SYN representative ANT atypical

  (having the usual features or qualities of a particular group of things)

Stinky tofu, fried chicken, and bubble tea are typical Taiwanese snacks.


7. routine [ru`tin] n. [C][U] 例行公事 (things one regularly does)

Drinking a cup of coffee and reading the morning newspaper are two important parts of Julia’s daily routine.


8. professional [pr1`fES1nL] adj. 職業的,專業的 ANT amateur

  (relating to work that needs special training and skills)

The injured man went to a doctor to get some professional help.


9. electronic [I&lEk`trAnIk] adj. 電子的

  (relating to the use of electronic equipment, especially computers)

An electronic book is a type of digital book for people to read online.


10. advance [1d`v8ns] vi.; vt. 進步,進展 (to develop or improve)

Over the past few years, the use of Augmented Reality (AR) in our daily lives has advanced greatly.


advance [1d`v8ns] n. [C][U] 進步,進展

With advances in information technology, people can contact each other much more conveniently than before.


11. sufficient [s1`fIS1nt] adj. 足夠的 SYN enough ANT insufficient

   (as much as is needed)

The ingredients on the table are sufficient for making two cakes.


12. intelligence [In`tEl1dZ1ns] n. [U] 智力

  (the ability to learn, think, and understand something difficult)

Some animals of very high intelligence can learn certain human behavior through training.


intelligent [In`tEl1dZ1nt] adj. 聰明的 

SYN smart, clever  ANT unintelligent

The little girl is so intelligent that she can solve difficult math problems in a short time.


13. equipment [I`kwIpm1nt] n. [U] 設備;裝備

   (the things needed for a particular activity or purpose)

Louis bought pieces of kitchen equipment after moving to his new apartment.


equip [I`kwIp] vt. 配備,裝備 (equip—equipped—equipped)

Hotels, which are equipped with a swimming pool and a movie theater, are very common nowadays.


14. ideal [aI`di1l] adj. 理想的  SYN perfect   (the best or most suitable)

This park is an ideal place for outdoor activities and picnics.


15. broadcast [`brOd&k8st] vt.; vi. 播送,廣播 (broadcastbroadcastbroadcast)

   (to send out messages or programs on television or radio)

A ball game will be broadcast live on television across the nation tonight.


  broadcast [`brOd&k8st] n. [C] (電視、廣播) 節目

My parents always watch the evening news broadcast after dinner every day.


16. global [`GlobL] adj. 全球的,全世界的

   (involving or affecting the whole world)

Air pollution is one of the global environmental issues that influence everyone around the world.


17. overseas [`ov2`siz] adv. 海外地 

(to or in a foreign country that is across the sea)

Emma works overseas and returns to her hometown twice a year.


18. sacrifice [`s8kr1&faIs] vt. 犧牲

   (to give up something valuable to get something more important)

Michael sacrificed his sleeping time for an important meeting the next day.


sacrifice [`s8kr1&faIs] n. [C][U] 犧牲

Nick is willing to make any sacrifice to protect his child from getting hurt.


19. imagine [I`m8dZIn] vt. 想像

   (to create an image of something in ones mind)

The girl dreams about traveling to space, and she often imagines herself walking on the moon.


imagination [I&m8dZ1`neS1n] n. [C][U] 想像力

The teacher asked me to use my imagination to guess the meaning of this painting.



II. Words for Recognition

1. e­sports [is`pOrts] n. [U] 電子競技

2. tournament [`t3n1m1nt] n. [C] 錦標賽

3. full­time [&f5l`taIm] adj. 全職的

4. Hearthstone [`hArT&ston] n. 爐石戰記

hearthstone [`hArT&ston] n. [C] 壁爐底石

5. Arena of Valor [1`rin1 ^v `v8l2] n. 傳說對決

arena [1`rin1] n. [C] 競技場

valor [`v8l2] n. [U] 英勇

6. friendship [`frEn(d)SIp] n. [C][U] 友情



1. have no choice but to  不得不 SYN cannot but, cannot help but

  (to show one cannot avoid doing something)

Due to the heavy rain, Tony had no choice but to cancel his plan to play soccer outside.


2. stand for  ……的縮寫,代表 SYN represent

  (to represent what something means, especially as a shorter form)

ASAP stands for “as soon as possible,” which means at the earliest possible time.


3. key to  實現……的關鍵

  (the most important thing to help one achieve something)

Regular exercise is the key to health and happiness.


4. as a matter of fact  其實,事實上 SYN in fact

  (used to add more details about what one has just said)

I know our new classmate very well. As a matter of fact, she is my neighbor.


5. make a living  謀生 SYN earn a living

  (to make enough money to live)

The painter makes a living by painting pictures for tourists on the street.


6. at least  至少  (not less than)

It will take you at least an hour to see the doctor because there are many people waiting before you.



Word Smart


re + use reuse  重複利用

re + appear reappear  再出現

re + cycle recycle  回收利用

re + arrange rearrange  重新安排



write → ___________ 重寫

consider → ____________ 重新考慮






