2021年3月26日 星期五

B4U1 DIY解答


Do It Yourself

I. Vocabulary



1. The New Year’s Concert will be     live to every corner of the world.

2. Can you      your life without technology?

3. You look like a      tourist with the map and camera.


4. Kevin plans to go to England and works     .

5. Many parents      their interests and free time for their children.


II. Multiple Choice


(  ) 1. The evil queen considers herself     the most beautiful woman in the world.

(A) be                (B) ×                      (C) been           (D) being

(  ) 2. Tony has a poor memory. He seems     his things all the time.

(A) lose             (B) loses               (C) lost            (D) to lose

(  ) 3. Leave me out of it. I don’t want to take part     your arguments.

(A) on                (B) at                     (C) to            (D) in

(  ) 4. No tables are available in this restaurant. What we can do now     _     outside.

(A) is waited     (B) was waited     (C) is wait          (D) wait

(  ) 5. Jack always      getting rich by being a YouTuber, but his parents think that he is just building castles in the air.

(A) dreams of    (B) relies on          (C) looks after        (D) looks for


III. Cloze Test


E­sports, which is the short form of electronic sports, is about online video game competitions.  1  technology continues to develop, video games have become  2  complicated and difficult than before. In addition to great gaming skills, intelligence, quick responses, and gaming equipment are also keys  3  success. Thus, a lot of people view playing video games as not only a sport  4  a job. To many teenagers, it may seem  5  a full­time e­sports gamer is awesome. However, they should think twice before they decide to turn an activity they enjoy into a job. After all, working as a full­time e­sports gamer actually involves a lot of hard work.

(  ) 1.(A) As                    (B) If                      (C) Before       (D) Although

(  ) 2.(A) little                (B) less                  (C) much         (D) more

(  ) 3.(A) into                 (B) to                     (C) at                (D) for

(  ) 4.(A) and                  (B) not also           (C) but also     (D) as well

(  ) 5.(A) to be                (B) be                     (C) like         (D) that being


IV. Guided Translation


1. 這位老人靠著在街上賣口香糖謀生。

This old man m     a l       by selling chewing gum on the street.

2. 如果你想在那間有名的烘培坊買月餅,你必須至少等一個小時以上。

If you want to buy moon cakes from that famous bakery, you will have to wait a     l     an hour.

3. P.S.代表「補充說明」,通常用在信的結尾來提供額外的資訊。

P.S. s     f     “postscript,” which is usually used at the end of a letter to give extra information.

4. Jase發高燒,所以我不得不重新安排我們原先去野餐的計畫。

Jase has a high fever, so I h     n     c     b     to r      our original plan to go picnicking.

5. Cindy和她的祖父母感情很好。事實上,她每個周末都會去拜訪他們。

Cindy has a close relationship with her grandparents. As a m     of f     , she visits them every weekend.





1. B  2. D  3. D  4. C  5. A



1. A  2. D  3. B  4. C  5. D



1. makes; living 

2. at least 

3. stands for 

4. have no choice but; rearrange 

5. matter; fact


