2021年7月15日 星期四

文法講座 10~12


文法講座十:insteadinstead ofrather than

instead; instead of; rather than 的用法如下:

1.               介係詞 「而不是instead of,後方需搭配「名詞」或「動名詞」( Ving )。可和 rather than 互換。instead of rather than 放句首時,記得打逗號。

2.               「而不是rather than 可當「連接詞」,連接形態和詞性對等的字詞,如兩個名詞、兩個動詞或兩個副詞。rather than 也可和 instead of 一樣當「介係詞」使用,後方搭配「名詞」或「動名詞」( Ving )

3.               「而不是rather than 連接兩個主詞時,動詞需和「第一個主詞」一致。 

4.               副詞「反而;卻」instead,常放在「句首」或「句尾」。  


例句:Jack 將去坐牢,而不是付罰款。

Instead of paying the fines, Jack will go to jail.
介係詞] [動名詞 Ving]

Rather than paying the fines, Jack will go to jail.
介係詞]  [動名詞 Ving]
Rather than pay the fines, Jack will go to jail.
連接詞]   [動詞1]               [動詞2]

Jack won't pay the fines. Instead, he will go to jail.
Jack won't pay the fines. He will go to jail instead.


Everyone is hungry for success instead of failure.
    [名詞1] [介係詞] [名詞] 

Everyone is hungry for success  rather than failure.
名詞1]   [介係詞]   [名詞2]
Everyone is hungry for success  rather than failure.
名詞1]   [連接詞]   [名詞2]


Nutrition labels are usually placed in one corner of the food packaging  rather than in the center.                               [地方副詞1]                             [連接詞]     [地方副詞2]

例句:這個案子是由 Kevin 負責,而不是我。

Kevin rather than I is in charge of the project.
主詞1] [連接詞] [主詞2] [動詞需和第一個主詞一致]


「寧願而不願」句型中的 rather than 不放句首,常用的表達方式如下:

1.               prefer to V rather than V原: 
當中的to為「不定詞」to,且rather than為「連接詞」,故左右對稱,兩個動作都為「動詞原形」。

2.               would rather V than V原:
would rather

3.               would V rather than V原: 
would rather


She prefers to remain poor rather than earn money by dishonest means.
She would rather remain poor than earn money by dishonest means.
She would remain poor rather than earn money by dishonest means.





文法講座十一所討論的名詞子句分成兩大類:以「關係代名詞 that」為首的名詞子句,及以「疑問詞」為首的名詞子句,又稱「間接問句」。

1.               that名詞子句」= that + 主詞 + 動詞 + ( 地點 + 時間 ),用來陳述事實。

2.               「疑問詞」為首的名詞子句,即「間接問句」= 疑問詞 + 主詞 + 動詞 + ( 地點 + 時間 ),用來提問。



That the Madonna concert has been cancelled disappoints many of her fans.
動詞1]              [動詞2]

兩個動詞,代表有兩個句子,可用關代 that 連接。

That the Madonna concert has been cancelled disappoints many of her fans.
名詞子句放句首當主詞]                       [動詞]

關係代名詞that引出「瑪丹娜取消演唱會」這「一」件事,單數主詞需搭配單數動詞 “disappoints”


How the Egyptian pyramids were built remains a mystery.
動詞1]  [動詞2]


How the Egyptian pyramids were built remains a mystery.
間接問句放句首當主詞]                  [動詞]

「間接問句」= 疑問詞 ( How ) + 主詞 ( the Egyptian pyramids ) + 動詞 ( were built )。主詞「埃及金字塔是如何建造而成的」為「一」個問題,單數主詞需搭配單數動詞 “remains”

A. Who could have told Jack this puzzles me.
B. Why the kid could survive for ten days alone in the woods was a miracle.
C. That there is life in outer space is still unknown.
D. When my sisters are going to Japan are undecided.

■ A 
選項,「誰告訴 Jack 這件事」,提出了「一」個問題,所以需用「間接問句」當主詞,單數主詞,搭配單數動詞 puzzles。「間接問句」= 疑問詞 ( who ) + 主詞 ( 也是who ) + 動詞 ( could have told Jack this )。當中的 who,有兩種功能,既是「疑問詞」也是「主詞」。
Who could have told Jack this puzzles me.
主詞]                             [動詞]
■ B
選項,「小孩獨自在森林中存活一星期」陳述一個事實,並未提問,所以需用「關係代名詞that」為首的名詞子句來當主詞,單數主詞,搭配單數動詞 was。「that名詞子句」= that + 主詞 ( the kid ) + 動詞 ( could survive ) + 時間 ( for ten days ) + 地點 ( in the woods )。正確寫法如下:
That the kid could survive for ten days alone in the woods was a miracle.
主詞]                                                           [動詞]
■ C
選項,「外太空有生物」與否仍是「一」個未知 ( unknown ) 的「問題」,所以需用「間接問句」當主詞,單數主詞,搭配單數動詞 is。「間接問句」= 疑問詞「是否」( whether ) + 主詞 ( there ) + 動詞 ( is )。正確寫法如下:
Whether there is life in outer space is still unknown.
主詞]                                 [動詞]
■ D
選項,「姐姐們何時去日本」仍是「一」個懸而未決 ( undecided ) 的「問題」,所以需用「間接問句」當主詞,單數主詞,搭配單數動詞 is。「間接問句」= 疑問詞「何時」( when ) + 主詞 ( my sisters ) + 動詞 ( are going to )。正確寫法如下:
When my sisters are going to Japan  is  undecided.
主詞]                                  [動詞]




文法講座十二:連接詞「直到」until / till

從屬連接詞「直到until till,強調「一段時間」,使用方式如下:

1.               連接詞 until 遇「未來時間」時,until 後方的動詞需用「現在式」。 

2.               想表達「直到」的意思時,需用 “not …until” 句型。若將 Not until 提至句首,則需搭配「倒裝句」。

         Not until 倒裝句結構有以下兩種:
         a.) Not until …+
助動詞 + 主詞 + 動詞原形 + ( 地點 + 時間 )
         b.) Not until …+ be
動詞 + 主詞 +  ( 地點 + 時間 )


I didn't have an umbrella with me. I stayed in the library until the rain was over. 


I will wait until you come


didn't realize that my wallet was long gone until I was ready to pay for my coffee.
Not until I was ready to pay for my coffee did I realize that my wallet was long gone. 

Not until 提至句首後,需搭配倒裝句:助動詞 ( did ) + 主詞 ( I ) + 動詞原形 ( realize )


