2021年7月29日 星期四

句型重點解析 UNIT 4.3


 1. It + takes/took/will take (+ O) + time + to V....


此句型表示「做某事須花費(某人)多少時間」,it是虛主詞,代替後面真正的主詞to V;而take在此表示「花費/需要(時間)」,O (受詞)可視句意增減。



1. It took nature only a few seconds to change millions of people’s lives there forever.


2. It will take us a whole week to clean up the mess.


3. It takes a sapling many years to become a tall tree, but it takes only a few minutes to cut down the tree.



2. If + S + had (not) Vpp..., S + would/could/should/might (not) + have Vpp....





1. If Michael Jackson hadn’t written the original song, the 2010 version might never have been recorded.

(假如Michael Jackson當時沒有寫這首歌,2010年的版本就不可能被錄製了。)

2. If my parents had not kept encouraging me, I could not have overcome so many difficulties.


3. If the boy had got lost in the forest, he might have been attacked by the wolves.



3. S + V1... + without + N/V2-ing....





1. Survivors were left without food or clean water.


2. Abby married Kevin without her parents’ permission.


3. Tom left without saying goodbye.



4. There be + N + V-ing/Vpp....


1. 此句型表示「人或事物存在的情況」,省略關係代名詞與be動詞。

2. 如果名詞(N)表示「主動」,則後面接現在分詞(V-ing),若表示「被動」,則後面接過去分詞(Vpp)



1. There are people dying.


2. There is a man giving away balloons in the park.


3. There was an old house surrounded by tall trees here.



5. It is/was time (+ for sb) to V....





1. It’s time to lend a hand to life.


2. It is time for the kids to go to bed.


3. The party ended, and it was time for us to leave.





I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。

( ) 1. It ________ Luke only five minutes to finish his lunch.
(A) spent
        (B) took             (C) cost                     (D) needed

( ) 2. Paige left her house in a hurry ________ locking the door.
(A) without            (B) with                    (C) of                        (D) by

( ) 3. There were a lot of fans ________ for the superstar to arrive at the airport.
(A) to wait              (B) waiting               (C) wait                     (D) waited

( ) 4. It is time ________ the students ________ hard for the coming exam.
(A) for; to study     (B) to; to study          (C) for; study            (D) to; study

( ) 5. If I ________ your message, I would have called you back.
(A) had seen           (B) have seen            (C) saw                     (D) see

( ) 6. It usually ________ four years ________ college education.
(A) spends; finishing
                               (B) takes; finishing
(C) spends; to finish                                (D) takes; to finish

( ) 7. If Johnson hadn’t missed the train, he ________ late for the meeting.
(A) would be
                                            (B) would have been
(C) wouldn
t be                                        (D) wouldnt have been

( ) 8. Hurry, Cathy! It’s time ________ to school.
(A) to go                 (B) going
                  (C) go                        (D) to going

( ) 9. There was a student ________ by a bus in front of our school yesterday.
(A) hit                    (B) hitting                 (C) to hit                   (D) to be hit

( ) 10. My father has been working for hours without ________ a rest.

(A) take                  (B) to take                 (C) taking                 (D) taken


II. 改錯:挑出語法有誤的選項,並加以改正。

( ) ____________ 1. If I didn’t take her advice, I would have made a big mistake.

                  (A)   (B)        (C)            (D)

( ) ____________ 2. There was a girl smiled at me at the coffee shop, but I didn’t

                       (A)       (B)      (C)

know who she was.


( ) ____________ 3. Spring is coming. It is time for the farmers to growing crops.

                           (A)       (B) (C)             (D)

( ) ____________ 4. Our team won the game without difficult.

                      (A)  (B)          (C)    (D)

( ) ____________ 5. It takes only a few seconds sending an e-mail.

                  (A)(B)      (C)          (D)


III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。

1. 假如Patrick當初真的愛你,他就不會跟別的女生約會了。

If Patrick ________ truly ________ you, he ________ ________ ________ another girl.

2. 在非洲,每天都有很多人死於饑餓。

In Africa, ________ ________ lots of people ________ of hunger every day.

3. 警察花了兩年的時間才找出兇手。

It ________ the police two years ________ ________ out who the killer was.

4. 沒有收到邀請就不能參加這個派對。

You cannot go to the party ________ the invitation.

5. 既然你太太有孕在身,你是該停止抽菸了。

Since your wife is pregnant, it is ________ ________ you ________ ________ smoking.

