2021年7月13日 星期二

句型重點解析 UNIT 5.7



1. V-ing..., S + V....





1. Because the boy and his family lived in poverty, they had to work diligently on the farm every day.
Living in poverty, the boy and his family had to work diligently on the farm

every day.

2. Although Joyce earned a lot of money, she never bought luxuries.
Although earning a lot of money, Joyce never bought luxuries.

3. If you go to this party, you will meet many famous singers and models.
Going to this party, you will meet many famous singers and models.


2. Vpp..., S + V....





1. After the boy was offered a glass of milk and a piece of cake, he sat down to take a rest.
Offered a glass of milk and a piece of cake, the boy sat down to take a rest.

2. Although Kate was invited to that fantastic party, she went out on a date with her boyfriend in a shabby little restaurant as planned.
Although invited to that fantastic party, Kate went out on a date with her

boyfriend in a shabby little restaurant as planned.

3. Since Alex was chosen to represent our class in the contest, he would try his best to win the championship.
Chosen to represent our class in the contest, Alex would try his best to win the



3. no-/some-/any- + -body/-one/-thing + Adj





1. Take this day for yourself and try to learn something good.

2. Is there anything special about the car?

3. We went to the famous restaurant but found nothing delicious there.


4. S + be/V + Adverbial Phrase
Adverbial Phrase + be/V + S


本句型用來強調「地方副詞片語」(adverbial phrase)。若herethere或地方副詞片語置於句首時,該句的主詞和動詞須互換位置形成倒裝,但若主詞為人稱代名詞時,則不需倒裝。



1. The house he had been searching for was at the top, but it didn't have the golden windows.
At the top was the house he had been searching for, but it didn't have the golden


2. My teacher comes here.
Here comes my teacher.

3. I stayed indoors because of the rain.
Indoors I stayed because of the rain.


5. To one’s + N                    令人感到……的是


此副詞片語多置於句首,表達人的心情,須接關於情緒、感情方面的名詞。這類名詞常見的有surprise (驚訝)disappointment (失望)sorrow (悲傷)joy (快樂)amazement (驚訝)regret (懊悔)embarrassment (尷尬)等等,使用時務必依據想表達的意思慎選情緒名詞。



1. To his great sorrow, the windows were just clear glass, like any normal ones.

2. To my disappointment, I failed the test and couldn’t get my driver’s license.

3. To Leo’s embarrassment, his ex-girlfriend’s new lover is his buddy.
Leo 感到尷尬的是,他前女友的新情人是他的好朋友。)




I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。

( ) 1. ________ Mr. Wang’s joy, his son got first prize in the competition.
At                     (B) To                       (C) As                       (D) By

( ) 2. ________ into a rich family, Laura never knows what it is like to be poor.
Born                 (B) Bear                    (C) Bearing               (D) Bore

( ) 3. ________ in the city, we could get what we want easily.
Being lived      (B) Lived                  (C) Live                    (D) Living

( ) 4. Though ________ hard, Bill didn’t get the high grade as he expected.
studied             (B) to study               (C) having studied    (D) had studied

( ) 5. ________ by the teacher, Henry has to clean the toilet for the whole month.
Be punished     (B) Punishing           (C) Punish                 (D) Punished

( ) 6. Did you ________ to celebrate your birthday?
do anything special                           (B) do special anything
did anything special                          (D) did special anything

( ) 7. ________ I bought yesterday.
(A) The watch is in the box
                     (B) In the box is the watch
Is the watch in the box                      (D) The box is the watch in

( ) 8. There is ________ in this movie.
(A) nothing excited
                                  (B) excited nothing
nothing exciting                                (D) exciting nothing

( ) 9. To Patrick’s ________, his girlfriend left him without saying a word.
sorrowed          (B) sorrowfully         (C) sorrow                (D) sorrowful

( ) 10. ________ a lot of books last week.

            (A) In the bookstore I read                       (B) In the bookstore read I
I read in the bookstore                       (D) Read I in the bookstore


II. 填空:依各題句意填入適當的分詞形式。

1. ________ (sit) on the chair, Sherry began to doze off.

2. ________ (write) in a foreign language, the book is difficult to read.

3. ________ (blame) for his poor grades, Tom cried sadly.

4. ________ (take) a bath, I love to sing my favorite singer’s songs.

5. ________ (live) far away from school, Ariel needs to get up early every day.


III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。

1. 令我感到失望的是,我最喜愛的歌手的演唱會門票在三天前就賣完了。
________ ________ ________, the tickets of my favorite singer’s concert were sold out three days ago.

2. 雖然生長在一個貧窮的家庭裡,Daniel還是靠著自己的努力而成為了一名成功的企業家。
Although ________ ________ in a ________ family, Daniel became a successful entrepreneur by his hard work.

3. 那間房子裡住了一位醫生。
In the house ________ ________ ________.

4. 冰箱裡有什麼好吃的嗎?
Is there ________ ________ in the refrigerator?

5. 這個電視節目沒什麼有趣的地方。
There is ________ ________ in this TV program.

