2021年7月15日 星期四

句型重點解析 UNIT 6.2



1. ...N + V-ing/Vpp...


[1] 此句型為限定關係子句簡化成「分詞片語」的用法。

[2] 關係子句表示主動時,可以將子句中關係代名詞省略,動詞改成現在分詞(V-ing)

[3] 關係子句表示進行式時,將關係代名詞和be動詞省略即可。

[4] 關係子句表示被動時,將關係代名詞和be動詞省略,保留過去分詞(Vpp)


1. I mean the Jack who works in the bakery.

  I mean the Jack working in the bakery.


2. Do you notice the lady who/that is sitting over there?

  Do you notice the lady sitting over there?


3. The gossip which/that was told in their conversation is popular on the Internet.

  The gossip told in their conversation is popular on the Internet.



2. ...times (倍數) +  as + Adj/Adv + as...

                 Adj-er/Adv-er + than...


[1] 這兩個句型用以表示「倍數」的用法,為「比……多或大幾倍」。

[2] 第一個句型在原級 “as + Adj/Adv + as...” 前加上倍數詞(...times)

[3] 第二個句型在比較級 “Adj-er/Adv-er + than...” 前加上倍數詞(...times)


1. A man who was two times as tall as other men might be known as Jack the long fellow.

  A man who was two times taller than other men might be known as Jack the long fellow. 


2. The blue sports car is four times as expensive as the white van.

  The blue sports car is four times more expensive than the white van.


3. Ray can write three times as fast as Jerry.

  Ray can write three times faster than Jerry.



3. It + be + Adj (+ for someone) + to V....

  To V... + be + Adj (+ for someone).


[1] 此為it作為虛主詞的句型。主詞為不定詞片語(to V)較長時,可移至句末並用it代替成為虛主詞。

[2] 此句型可以還原為“To V... + be + Adj (+ for someone).”for someone 為「對某人而言」,可視情況省略。

[3] 此句型中所使用的形容詞為非人稱形容詞,常見的有:convenientdifficulteasyhardimportantnecessarypossibleuseful等。


1. When you first meet someone, it is polite to tell that person your name.

  When you first meet someone, to tell that person your name is polite.


2. It is difficult for Anna to finish her homework on time.

  To finish her homework on time is difficult for Anna.


3. It is necessary for salesmen to attend the meeting every morning.

  To attend the meeting every morning is necessary for salesmen.



4. be used to + N/V-ing   習慣於……,適應於……


[1] 此為用以表示「習慣……」的句型,亦可寫成“get + used to + N/V-ing”。否定型為“be not used to + N/V-ing”

[2] 常混淆句型:“sb + used to + V”表示過去的狀況或經常發生的動作,為「以前經常……」之意;“sth + be used + to V”被動語態,表示「……被用作……」之意。


1. Some people are used to giving their surnames or family names first.


2. Ray, an exchange student from Canada, is used to the life in Taiwan.


3. People used to look up information in the library before the Internet was invented. 


4. The tiny robot is used to help people clean up.


5. It + be (not) + Adj + that-clause


[1] 此句型用以表達「事實」或「意見」。

[2] 此句型中,It為虛主詞,that子句才是真正的主詞。為避免that所引導的子句過長,常以It作虛主詞替代,將that子句移到句末。

[3] 在此常見的形容詞amazingclearcommonembarrassingpossiblestrangetrueunlikely等。


1. It was unlikely that using just the name Jack would cause any confusion in the village.


2. It is common that people think only of themselves when they are in danger.


3. It was strange that my sister didn’t come home right after school.



I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。

( )1. It was not easy ________ so much housework in two hours.

     (A) doing              (B) to do          (C) do              (D) done

( )2. Ricky is a counselor ________ advice for teenagers ________ by problems.

     (A) providing; bothering              (B) provided; bothered

     (C) provided; bothering                        (D) providing; bothered

( )3. ________ was very impolite ________ you took my books away without asking me first.

     (A) That; that                (B) It; that       (C) It; ×                   (D) That; ×

( )4. My parents ________ going to bed at ten and getting up at six in the morning.

         (A) are used to     (B) used to      (C) use to                 (D) are using

( )5.The small town grew ________ it has been before.

         (A) larger several times than         (B) as large as several times

         (C) several times larger than         (D) as several times as large

( )6. There ________ a forest and a river close to my house.

         (A) is used to be                            (B) is using to being

         (C) used to be                               (D) using to be

( )7. It will be ________ the old building in the small town can be saved and moved somewhere.

        (A) great that          (B) greatly that (C) great to            (D) greatly to

( )8. ________ is impossible for most of us to reach the goal in such a short time.

        (A) That                  (B) This          (C) There                 (D) It

( )9. High-speed trains travel three times ________ the traditional ones.

        (A) fast than            (B) as fast as   (C) as faster as        (D) fastest than

( )10.The little cat ________ toward us looks cute.

        (A) walked              (B) walks         (C) walk                  (D) walking


II. 配合題:從以下框中選出最適合的答案,以完成句子。

(A) ...the man wore a heavy coat on such a hot day.

(B) ...force left-handed kids to write with their right hands.

(C) ...describing a healthy and eco-friendly lifestyle.

(D) ...to shop on the Internet.

(E) ...as big as Vicky’s.

_____ 1. Annie’s handbag is two times...

_____ 2. It is very convenient...

_____ 3. It was strange that...

_____ 4. Parents and teachers used to...

_____ 5. LOHAS has become a term...




III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。

1. 要在兩天內完成這個大計畫是不可能的。

   ____________ ____________ this big project in two days is ____________.

2. 我們的友誼維持這麼長一段時間是美好的。

   ____________ ____________ w____________ ____________ our friendship has lasted for
   such a long time.

3. Ricky以前曾住過新加坡,所以現在很習慣南臺灣炎熱的天氣。

  Ricky ____________ ____________ ____________ in Singapore, so now he ____________
   ____________ ____________ the hot weather    in Southern Taiwan.

4. Julie媽媽的年紀是Julie的三倍。

   Julie’s mother is ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ Julie.

   Julie’s mother is ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
      ____________ Julie.

5. 在課堂上被老師懲罰的學生是Kevin的弟弟。

   The student ____________ ____________ ____________ by his teacher in class is Kevin’s

   The student ____________ by his teacher in class is Kevin’s brother.

