2021年7月15日 星期四

句型重點解析 UNIT 6.4



1. as soon as   一……就……


[1] 此為從屬連接詞,表示「一……就……」,用以連接兩個發生時間相近的子句。

[2] 引導的附屬子句表示未來將會發生的事情時,多用現在簡單式來表現。


1. Crowds of people are lining up to buy the bakery’s bread as soon as it is ready to be sold.

  (店內的麵包一上架,成群的人潮  便排起隊伍,準備購買。)

2. Lily jumped for joy as soon as she heard the good news.


3. As soon as you turn to the customer service center, the staff will help you.



2. On/Upon + V-ing..., S + V....     當……的時候,一……就……


[1] 用於連接兩個時間點相近的動作,為「當……的時候」、「一……就……」之意。

    類似的句型:“As soon as + S + V...” “When + S +V...”

[2] 此句型引導的片語會省略主詞,故兩個連接動作的主詞須相同。


1. On/Upon seeing the First Lady in this elegant dress, the entire world wanted to know who had designed it.


2. On/Upon receiving this honor, Pao-chun Wu did not move to Europe to set up a bakery there.


3. On/Upon walking out of the movie theater, Emily saw her favorite idol.

  As soon as/When Emily walked out of the movie theater, she saw her favorite idol. 



3. with + 情緒名詞 = 狀態副詞


[1] 此為介系詞with加上「情緒名詞」構成「狀態副詞」的用法。

[2] 常見搭配:with anger = angrily「生氣地」、with care = carefully「小心地」、with ease = easily「輕易地」、with kindness = kindly「親切地」、with surprise = surprisingly「驚訝地」


1. Some eager apprentices are watching Pao-chun Wu with enthusiasm (= enthusiastically).


2. When I told Louis the truth, he looked at me with surprise (= surprisingly).


3. It’s amazing that the 5-year-old kid can solve such a difficult math problem with ease (= easily).



4. S + do/does/did not V1.... Instead, S + V2 ....   反而

   Instead of + V1-ing, S + V2....


[1] 此句型用以表示「反而,相及地」的意思,可置於句首或句尾。

[2] instead所接的句子為表示「有去做的事」,而instead of 接的則是「沒有去做的事」。


1. Pao-chun Wu did not move to Europe to set up a bakery there. Instead, he returned to Taiwan to offer baking courses.

   Instead of moving to Europe to set up a bakery there, Pao-chun Wu returned to Taiwan to offer baking courses.


2. Jessica didn’t answer the teacher’s question. Instead, she started to cry in class.

  Instead of answering the teacher’s question, Jessica started to cry in class.

  Jessica started to cry instead of answering the teacher’s question.


3. Gina didn’t have dinner at home. Instead, she decided to eat out.

  Instead of having dinner at home, Gina decided to eat out.

  Gina decided to eat out instead of having dinner at home.



5. look forward to + N/V-ing        期待




1. Currently ranked as the number one female golfer in the world, Yani Tseng is looking forward to a long and rewarding career in professional golf.


2. After final exams, students are looking forward to their summer vacation.


3. Mandy is looking forward to meeting her Japanese boyfriend.





I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。

(  ) 1.

The waiter introduced us today’s special ________.


(A) with kindly

(B) with kindness

(C) with easily

(D) with being easy

(  ) 2.

Girls in the room screamed ________ the light was off suddenly.


(A) as if

(B) as though

(C) as well as

(D) as soon as

(  ) 3.

The boy isn’t looking forward ________ his dentist in the evening.


(A) going to

(B) to go to

(C) to going to

(D) go to

(  ) 4.

In the end, Eunice stayed home all day ________ going out with her friends.


(A) instead of

(B) instead

(C) on

(D) as

(  ) 5.

________ Brad read the passage from the book, he thought of his parents.


(A) On

(B) Upon

(C) When

(D) What

(  ) 6.

________ Mary saw a cockroach on her desk, she cried for help.


(A) As possible as

(B) As well as

(C) As soon as

(D) As well

(  ) 7.

________ the bookstore, Judy saw a variety of magazines and books on the shelves.


(A) On walking into

(B) Upon walked into

(C) On she walking into

(D) Upon she walked into

(  ) 8.

The last runner didn’t give up. ________, he kept running and reached the finish line at last.


(A) Instead of

(B) As soon as

(C) Upon

(D) Instead

(  ) 9.

After knowing the result, the man went out of the room with ________.


(A) be angry

(B) anger

(C) angrily

(D) angry

(  ) 10.

Mr. Tang is ________ his granddaughter this weekend.


(A) looking forward to visiting

(B) looking forward to visit

(C) looking to visit

(D) looking to visiting


II. 配合題:從以下框中選出最適合的答案,以完成句子。

(A) ...going to Wonder Girls’ concert.

(B) ...Jack rushed to the movie theater with his classmates.

(C) ...with surprise to my invitation.

(D) ...as soon as she heard the bad news.

(E) ...the baby boy smiled at everyone.

_____1. At first, my teacher reacted...

_____2. Instead of crying,...

_____3. Francis burst out crying...

_____4. Upon finishing the exam,...

_____5. Thousands of fans are looking forward to...



III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。

1. 大家期盼很快再次見到你。

   Everyone is ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ you again soon.

2. 那個女士一發現超市裡有搶匪,就馬上打電話報警。

   The lady called the police ____________ ____________ ____________ she found the robber in   the supermarket.

3. 才一關上門,就發現我把鑰匙忘在客廳裡。

   ____________ ____________ the door, I found that I left my keys in the living room.

4. Betty小心地栽種庭園中這些花。

   Betty planted these flowers in the garden ____________ ____________.

5. 這些衣服並非使用動物皮毛,而是以自然纖維製成。

   ____________ ____________ ____________ made of animal fur, the clothes were made from natural fibers.


