2021年7月26日 星期一

句型重點解析 UNIT 6.8


 1. S + V... + in order to/so as to + V....


[1] 此句型用以表示「目的」,意為「為了……」,後面接原形動詞片語。否定形為in order not to so as not to

[2] in order to常可以省略,並以to +V 來表示,可以置於句首或句中。

so as to 用法相同但不能放於句首。


1. I once had an enemy at school who always accused me of things in order to insult and wound me.


2. People used to set off firecrackers on New Year’s Eve in order to/so as to frighten Nian away. (人們過去在除夕放鞭炮是為了要趕走年獸。)

3. In order to/To make more money, Ethan takes three part-time jobs.

Ethan takes three part-time jobs so as to make more money.



2. S + V... + so that + S + Aux + V....


[1] so that 為從屬連接詞,用以強調前面子句的動作為達成後面子句的「目的」、「結果」,
意為「為了……,以便……,如此……」,so that前不加逗點。

[2] 相同用法為in order that


1. Even if it hurts, you must listen so that you can learn from it.


2. Father put on his glasses so that/in order that he could read the newspaper.


3. The audience are reminded to turn off their cell phones in the movie theater so that/in order that they wouldn’t be disturbed while watching a movie.



3. once    以前曾經…;一旦…就…


[1] once當副詞(Adv)時,表示「以前曾經」之意。

[2] once當從屬連接詞(Conj)時,則表示「一旦」,後面要接副詞子句。


1. I once had an enemy at school.


2. It is said that Queen Elizabeth once stayed here for a year.


3. Sammy will never forget the story once she reads it.



4. Why don’t + S + V...?              何不……?

Why not + V...?

How/What about + N/V-ing?


[1] 此為表示「提議、建議」的句型,意為「何不……」或「……如何?」。

[2] Why notWhy don’t + S + V 的省略句,後面須接原形動詞。而How/What about則須接名詞或現在分詞(V-ing)


1. Why don’t you make a list of everything the girl said?

  Why not make a list of everything the girl said?

  How/What about making a list of everything the girl said?


2. Why don’t you recycle this box if you don’t need it?

   Why not recycle this box if you don’t need it?

   How/What about recycling this box if you don’t need it?


3. Why don’t you go for a walk with me? It’s cool outside.

   Why not go for a walk with me? It’s cool outside.

   How/What about going for a walk with me? It’s cool outside.



5. regardless of      不管,不顧


[1] 此為副詞片語regardless of 的用法,用以表示「不管……,不顧……」之意。

[2] of之後可接名詞或子句。


1. I simply swore to work twice as hard so that I would succeed, regardless of those useless comments.  (我決心要加倍努力以獲得成功,而不管那些無用的評論。)

2. Regardless of the danger, Sam decided to catch the robber by himself.


3. The company refused to take back their bad products, regardless of how the customers had complained.




I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。

(  ) 1.

We decided to go on a picnic, ________ whether it will rain tomorrow or not.


(A) once

(B) in order to

(C) so that

(D) regardless of

(  ) 2.

________ you explain the situation to her right now?


(A) How about

(B) Why not

(C) Why don’t

(D) What about

(  ) 3.

Betty ________ worked in the restaurant; thus, she may be good at cooking.


(A) so that

(B) in order to

(C) once

(D) as well as

(  ) 4.

Allen rushed home after school ________ watch his favorite TV show.


(A) so as to

(B) so as not to

(C) in order not to

(D) in order that

(  ) 5.

The king cut taxes ________ the local people could have time for art.


(A) once

(B) in order that

(C) while

(D) in order to

(  ) 6.

My younger brother played online games all day and quit school, ________ my advice.


(A) so as to

(B) in order to

(C) regardless of

(D) once

(  ) 7.

________ turn on the radio?


(A) Why don’t

(B) Why not

(C) What about

(D) How about

(  ) 8.

You will be surprised at the beauty of the park ________ you visit it.


(A) once

(B) regardless of

(C) so that

(D) why not

(  ) 9.

Remember to put on your coat ________ you could keep warm outside.


(A) so that

(B) in order to

(C) so as to

(D) why don’t

(  ) 10.

________ catch the first train, we had better start off at five-thirty in the morning.


(A) Once

(B) Why not

(C) In order to

(D) So as to

II. 配合題:從以下框中選出最適合的答案,以完成句子。

(A) ... once you really listen to your heart.

(B) ... regardless of how her parents disliked him.

(C) ... if you feel tired?

(D) ... so that the neighbors won’t complain.

(E) ... so as to do some grocery shopping.

_____1. Turn down your music...

_____2. You will know the truth about yourself...

_____3. Why not take a short break...

_____4. Judy decided to marry Larry, ...

_____5. On my way home, I stopped at a supermarket...


III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。

1. Carol曾經有個總是傾聽她心聲的好朋友。

Carol ____________ ____________ a good friend who always listened to her.

2. 為了要吸引更多的顧客,現今一些速食餐廳提供沙拉及新鮮水果。

Some fast-food restaurants are now offering salads and fresh fruit ____________ ____________ ____________ attract more customers.

3. 不管是否會干擾到其他人,Kenny喜歡大聲地聽音樂。

____________ ____________ whether he will disturb others or not, Kenny likes to listen to music loudly.

4. 我媽媽總是先列出購物清單好讓自己不會忘記想要買的東西。 

My mother always makes a shopping list beforehand ____________ ____________ she won’t forget what to buy.

5. 何不去參觀日月潭呢?對你的外國朋友來說那是個不錯的地方。

____________ ____________ visiting Sun Moon Lake? It is a good place for your foreign friends.


