2021年7月29日 星期四

句型重點解析 UNIT 4.5


 1. S + make/find/think/consider + it + Adj (+ for sb) + to V....


1. 不完全及物動詞makefindthinkconsider加上受詞之後,必須再加上形容詞作為受詞補語,才能使句意完整。

2. it在此句型中為虛受詞,真受詞為之後的不定詞片語(to V)



1. My busy job and family life made it extremely difficult for me to visit her regularly.  (我忙碌的工作及家庭生活讓我很難經常去探望她。)

2. I found it dangerous to ride a motorcycle without a helmet.


3. Most companies consider it necessary for employees to have basic computer skills.  (大部分的公司認為員工需要有基本的電腦技能。)


2. S + V + as if + S + were/V-ed....


1. as if為連接詞,表示「彷彿,好像」,用來引導「與現在事實不符」的假設句。

2. 其中as if所引導的副詞子句,be動詞不論人稱一律用were;一般動詞或助動詞則一律用過去式。



1. You look as if you were going to attend a banquet for a king.


2. Michelle always talks as if she knew everything.


3. Troy eats up all the food on the table as if he starved for days.



3. with + 抽象名詞 = 狀態副詞


介系詞with加上「抽象名詞」形成副詞片語,可代換成狀態副詞;常見的搭配有:with/in surprise = surprisingly「驚訝地」、with ease = easily「輕易地」、with kindness = kindly「親切地」、with anger = angrily「生氣地」、with care = carefully「小心地」等。



1. At first, my mother reacted with surprise (= surprisingly) to my invitation.


2. Betty takes care of these flowers with care (= carefully).


3. Sebastian passed the exam with ease (= easily).



4. used to V                                       以前經常……


此句型用來表示「過去的狀況或經常發生的動作」。另外有兩個易混淆的句型, “sb + be used to + N/V-ing”表示「某人習慣……」;“sth + be used + to V”表示「……被用作……」。



1. It was I who used to read menus to you, but now it’s the other way around.


2. Rita, an exchange student from the U.S., is used to the life here in Taiwan.


3. The giant machine is used to dig the tunnel.



5. Vpp + N





1. It was then that I realized how important it is to give our loved ones the time they deserve.  (就在那時我才了解到多花點時間和我們所愛的人相處是多麼重要。)

2. The stolen car was found by the police.  (被偷的車子被警方找到了。)

3. We lowered our voice in order not to wake up my sleeping father.





I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。

( ) 1. I don’t know why Sarah looked at me with ________.
(A) angry        (B) anger         (C) angrier                 (D) angrily

( ) 2. My parents used ________ a walk after dinner, but now they don’t.
(A) to take              (B) to taking             (C) take                     (D) taking

( ) 3. We should hand in our ________ report by the end of this week.
(A) write                (B) writing                (C) written                (D) to write

( ) 4. Most people think it convenient ________ near an MRT station.
(A) live                  (B) lived                   (C) to live                 (D) to living

( ) 5. Kelly treats her father as if he ________ a stranger.
(A) is                      (B) was                     (C) are                       (D) were

( ) 6. It’s amazing that the kid can solve the difficult math problem ________ ease.
(A) to                     (B) by                        (C) on                        (D) with

( ) 7. People ________ go to a library to find information before the computers were invented.
were used        (B) used                    (C) were used to       (D) used to

( ) 8. My sister screams loudly ________ she saw a ghost.
(A) as if                  (B) as well as
            (C) even if                (D) if

( ) 9. The book provides tips on how to comfort a ________ baby.
(A) cry                   (B) cried                   (C) crying                 (D) to crying

( ) 10. The teacher found ________ for the students to focus after the vacation.

(A) difficult         (B) be difficult         (C) difficult it           (D) it difficult


II. 改錯:挑出語法有誤的選項,並加以改正。

( ) ____________ 1. I asked my father to have the breaking window fixed.

(A)           (B)       (C)           (D)

( ) ____________ 2. My parents consider it important for me form a good reading

                              (A)      (B)          (C)        (D)


( ) ____________ 3. My brother and I used to playing in the park when we were

(A)         (B)  (C)                   (D)


( ) ____________ 4. The owner of that coffee shop always treats customers with

(A)      (B)           (C)



( ) ____________ 5. The old lady talks loudly on the phone as if there are no other

(A)                  (B)     (C)    (D)

people around.


III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。

1. 當我告訴Luisa事實的時候,她驚訝地看著我。

When I told Luisa the truth, she looked at me ________ ________.

2. 這名壯漢輕易地抬起那塊岩石,彷彿石塊就像羽毛一樣輕。

The strong man lifts the rock easily ________ ________ it ________ as light as a feather.

3. 網路讓我們能和朋友保持聯絡,無論他們身在何處。

The Internet makes ________ p________ for us ________ k________ in touch with our friends no matter where they are.

4. 我們試著要打開那道上了鎖的門,但是沒有人有對的鑰匙。

We attempted to open the ________ door, but no one had the right key.

5. 以前當我還是學生的時候,我常常早起。

I ________ ________ ________ up early when I was a student.


