2021年7月5日 星期一

句型重點解析 UNIT 5.1


句型重點解析 UNIT 5.1

1. No other + A + be + as Adj as + B

說明1. 此句型用形容詞原級來表示最高級涵義,特別注意no other之後的名詞為單數。

2. 此句型也可用形容詞比較級來替換,改寫成“No other + A + be + Adj-er/more Adj + than + B”


1. In Brazil, no other gesture is as offensive as the OK sign. (在巴西,沒有其他手勢比OK手勢更得罪人。)
In Brazil, no other gesture is more offensive than the OK sign.

2. No other stone is as hard as diamond. (沒有其他石頭比鑽石更堅硬。)
No other stone is harder than diamond.

3. No other dessert is as tasty as the apple pie that my mom makes.
No other dessert is tastier than the apple pie that my mom makes.



2. N + that-clause (同位語)



1. David wants to give the Brazilian reassurance that everything is fine.

2. We were excited about the news that our school team had won the game.

3. The employee had no idea that he had made a huge mistake. (這名雇員不知道自己犯了大錯。)


3. S + Vt + O + by + N/V-ing....

說明此句型為S + Vt + O的衍生用法,於受詞後加上介系詞by引導之介系詞片語,表示「藉由……,透過……」。


1. David flashes the OK sign to the man by making his thumb and index finger into a circle and spreading his other three fingers out.(David藉由將拇指與食指圍成圓圈並張開其他三根手指對那名男子比OK手勢。)

2. You can make a hotel reservation by phone. (你可以透過電話訂房。)

3. A dog expresses its happiness by wagging its tail. (小狗用搖尾巴來表達快樂。)


4. seldom/rarely/little/never... + Aux/Be + S....

說明含有否定意味的副詞放句首時,句子須倒裝,也就是將助動詞或be動詞置於主詞前。其他否定副詞有hardly (幾乎不)scarcely (幾乎不)not until (直到……才)no sooner (一……就) 等。


1. Little did the tourist know how much trouble this small gesture could cause him.

2. Seldom is my father angry at me. (我爸爸很少對我生氣。)

3. No sooner had I reached the bus stop than the bus left. (我才到公車站,公車就開走了。)


5. sth + be used + to V/for N

說明1. 此句型為被動語態,表示「被用來……」。

2. 易混淆的句型為“sb + be used to + N/V-ing”,表示「習慣……」。


1. The thumbs-up signal was in truth used by the emperor to give the order for someone to be executed.

2. These animals are used for scientific experiments. (這些動物被用來做科學實驗。)

3. My parents are used to taking a walk after dinner. (我的父母習慣在晚餐後散步。)


I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。

( ) 1. No other rumor is ________ the one Gary told me.
(A) more ridiculous as        (B) more ridiculous to   (C) as ridiculous as         (D) as ridiculous than

( ) 2. My English teacher gave me a suggestion ________ I should write more articles to improve my writing skills.
(A) which               (B) that                     (C) what                    (D) who

( ) 3. Microscopes (顯微鏡) are used ________ very tiny things.
(A) for observe       (B)
for observation   (C) to observe           (D) to observing

( ) 4. Never ________ out with a rude person like you.
I go                  (B) I will go              (C) will go I              (D) will I go

( ) 5. I keep in touch with my friend studying in the U.S. ________ e-mail.
for                    (B) by                        (C) in                        (D) to

( ) 6. These gloves are used ________ protection.
to                     (B) for                       (C) of                        (D) by

( ) 7. No other building is ________ Taipei 101 in Taiwan.
as tall as           (B) as tall than          (C) taller as               (D) taller to

( ) 8. You can get good grades ________ hard.
(A) to study            (B) to studying
          (C) by study              (D) by studying

( ) 9. Not until yesterday ________ the report.
(A) I did finish       (B) did I finish          (C) I finished            (D) finished I

( ) 10. Julia makes a wish ________ she can travel around the world some day.

(A) that                (B) which                  (C) what                    (D) whose


II. 改錯:挑出語法有誤的選項,並加以改正。

( ) ____________ 1. Mark has an idea which he can take his mother out for dinner on her birthday.

                                                                  (A)        (B)                                (C)      (D)

( ) ____________ 2. This sign is used to warning people about the danger of drunk driving.

                                                        (A)          (B)                    (C)               (D)

( ) ____________ 3. No other university is as good than this one.

                                                          (A)  (B)   (C)  (D)

( ) ____________ 4. Angela tries to keep fit by do regular exercise.

                                                    (A)      (B)  (C)        (D)

( ) ____________ 5. Never I have seen such a beautiful place before.

                                                  (A)  (B)  (C)               (D)


III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。

1. 每個人都可以藉由回收廢棄物來保護環境。
Everyone can protect the environment ________________ ________________ waste.

2. 許多人有這樣的想法,認為聽音樂有助於放鬆。
Many people have the ________________ ________________ listening to music would help relax.

3. 為了準備考試,昨晚我幾乎沒睡。
Hardly ________________ ________________ ________________ last night to prepare for the exam.

4. 有些香料被用來增加菜餚的味道。
Some spices are ________________ ________________ ________________ flavor to dishes.

5. 這家醫院裡沒有其他護士比Claire更有耐心。
________________ ________________ nurse in the hospital ________________ ________________ Claire.

