2021年7月13日 星期二

Reading Smart B: Test 30

 Part I. Grammar & Vocabulary (40%)         Name: _______________ Score: _________

(   ) 1. The virus _____ with how the body's cells absorb nutrients from the bloodstream.

(A) negotiates            (B) interferes               (C) sympathizes                                  (D) communicates

(   ) 2. Dried goods like rice and nuts will keep better and longer in these air-tight _____.

(A) containers            (B) elevators               (C) districts                                  (D) monitors

(   ) 3. We received a lot of free _____ when the high-profile actress was seen wearing our shoes.

(A) publicity              (B) contempt               (C) outbreak                                  (D) therapy

(   ) 4. Albert's _____ ability with languages means he can learn new ones faster than the average person.

(A) notorious             (B) disastrous              (C) remarkable                                  (D) vulnerable

(   ) 5. Most soft drinks come in either _____ bottles or aluminum cans.

(A) gold                     (B) silver                     (C) copper                                  (D) plastic

(   ) 6. You must have excellent coordination to become a(n) _____ basketball player.

(A) impersonal           (B) professional          (C) additional                                  (D) fictional

(   ) 7. To help the environment, I use _____ cloth napkins at home instead of paper ones.

(A) reusable               (B) admirable              (C) unbearable                                  (D) refundable

(   ) 8. Nothing could weaken Stella's _____ to move out of her parents' home and make it on her own.

(A) tendency              (B) incentive               (C) syndrome                                  (D) resolve

(   ) 9. With no one in the community willing to support it, the cause fell on its _____.

 (A) sword                (B) face                       (C) knee                                  (D) ground

(   ) 10. The manager will address your _____ at the next staff meeting.

(A) belongings           (B) stocks                    (C) concerns                                  (D) portions

Part II. Fill-in-the-Blank (40%)

(A) interaction     (B) shampoo      (C) foundation    (D) announcer    (E) alcohol

(F) stainless         (G) rescued        (H) pregnant       (I) smooth          (J) unfortunately

(   ) 11. People are more likely to get into a car crash if they drive after drinking _____.

(   ) 12. Regular _____ with other children is a good way for your son to learn how to behave in social situations.

(   ) 13. Many people dream of becoming rich by winning the lottery, but _____, these dreams generally do not come true.

(   ) 14. The _____ has an unusual fragrance that makes your hair smell like oranges.

(   ) 15. My cat was stuck high up in a tree, so I got a ladder from my garage and _____ it.

(   ) 16. Smoking puts _____ women at a higher risk of having premature babies.

(   ) 17. The singer's _____ voice helped make this song even more enchanting.

(   ) 18. Angela makes it a rule to carry _____-steel chopsticks with her wherever she goes.

(   ) 19. A(n) _____ was set up to provide scholarships for poor university students.

(   ) 20. The radio _____ always talks with exaggerated tones to draw the attention of listeners.

Part III. Cloze Test (20%)

Plastic practically lasts forever because it takes lifetimes to decompose. It's found in everything from the clothes we wear, the tools we use, and the gadgets we kill time with _(21)_ even the food we eat. Therefore, you'd be hard pressed to find anything without plastic in it.

Even so, there are people who have had enough of the man-made material because it does more harm to the environment than good. As a result, they have chosen to eliminate plastic from their lives. Called _(22)_, they do this by either not using or buying it. One such person is a California woman named Beth Terry. She has been living _(23)_ for a long time. She made the conscious decision to live this kind of _(24)_ out of her worries about the planet as well as her own health, for plastic has been linked to cancer, heart disease, and problems with development in babies and children.

There are many ways to cut down on the amount of plastic in your life, and it's never too late to start. One of the simplest things you can do is stop _(25)_ bottled water and other beverages. Furthermore, you can shop at farmers' markets, where it's easy to get fresh produce and meat not packaged in plastic. Also, replace bottled liquid soaps and shampoos with paper-wrapped bars of soap and shampoo. A little bit of effort can go a long way to a healthier life and a cleaner planet.

(   ) 21. (A) over                   (B) to                          (C) for                                               (D) within

(   ) 22. (A) plasticarians       (B) vegetarians            (C) fruitarians                                               (D) humanitarians

(   ) 23. (A) user-friendly      (B) must-have             (C) plastic-free                                               (D) ever-changing

(   ) 24. (A) technique           (B) shade                    (C) function                                               (D) lifestyle

(   ) 25. (A) purchase            (B) to purchase           (C) purchasing                                               (D) by purchasing

