2021年7月13日 星期二

句型重點解析 UNIT 5.8



1. whoever = anyone who

whatever = anything that

whichever = any/either one of them that


whoeverwhateverwhichever等字均稱為「複合關係代名詞」。「複合關係代名詞」大多由關係代名詞加上-ever字尾形成,相當於「先行詞 + 關係代名詞」,在名詞子句中可當主詞也可當受詞。



1. Whoever (= Anyone who) is a born lefty has to learn to survive in a world dominated by righties.

2. Whatever (= Anything that) you say would not influence my determination.

3. You can choose whichever (= any/either one of them that) you like to bring home.


2. Not until + S + V... + Aux + S + V....


本句型為not until之倒裝用法,當句中出現not...until時,可將not untiluntil引導之副詞子句置於句首,並將助動詞移至主詞前形成倒裝,用來加強否定的語氣。



1. These early people did not begin to favor their left or right hands until they invented more sophisticated tools.
Not until they invented more sophisticated tools did these early people begin to

favor their left or right hands.

2. Sarah did not begin to write her homework until her mother scolded her.
Not until Sarah’s mother scolded her did she begin to write her homework.

3. Henry did not know the importance of studying until he began to work.
Not until Henry began to work did he know the importance of studying.


3. such as...                          例如……





1. Everyday activities such as opening a can of food with a can opener or cutting paper with scissors can be challenging.

2. Michael can speak many kinds of languages, such as Chinese, English, and French.

3. I like to take exercise, such as playing tennis and jogging, in my free time.


4. Gerunds as the Objects of Prepositions



1. have + difficulty/trouble/a hard time + (in) V-ing (難以做到……)

2. be busy + (in) V-ing (忙著……)



1. In addition, left-handed computer users’ hands easily get tired from using a traditional mouse.

2. Mary is good at singing.

3. Fiona is shy. She has difficulty (in) talking to strangers.


5. ...N + why/when/where + S (+ Aux) + V....


1. 以上關係副詞(why/when/where)分別用來修飾表「原因/時間/地點」的先行詞,同時具有連接詞及副詞兩種詞性,用於結構完整之關係子句中。

2. 關係副詞可用「介系詞 + 關係代名詞」來代替,why = for whichwhen = at/in/on/during which,而where = at/in/on/from which。故關係副詞直接置於先行詞之後,其前面不需再加任何介系詞。

3. 當關係子句結構完整時,可使用關係副詞;但若關係子句結構不完整時,則須使用關係代名詞。



1. In addition, there are communities on the Internet where left-handers can share their experiences.

2. Julia cannot figure out the reason why she failed in the interview.

3. Nora still remembers the days when she spent with Linus. (×)
Nora still remembers the days which/that she spent with Linus. ()





I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。

( ) 1. Not until Ariel failed in the exam ________ to regret.
(A) was she beginning                             (B) did she begin
(C) she began                                           (D) she begins

( ) 2. Sue usually helps her mother do housework, ________ washing dishes.
such as             (B) as such                (C) such like             (D) like as

( ) 3. Kate is excited about ________ a trip to Japan.
took                  (B) take                     (C) taking                 (D) to take

( ) 4. We decided to go swimming in the river instead of ________ at home.
to stay              (B) staying                (C) stayed                 (D) stay

( ) 5. John and Sally held their wedding in the restaurant __________ they met each other.
where               (B) when                   (C) why                     (D) who


II. 改錯:挑出語法有誤的選項,並加以改正。

( ) ____________ 1. Not until I saw the movie I did realize why it became a hit.

                    (A)                 (B)  (C)          (D)

( ) ____________ 2. Mike is looking forward to go to America for his next vacation.

                          (A)            (B)         (C)       (D)

( ) ____________ 3. Peter couldn’t find out the reason where he was not welcome

                              (A)  (B)          (C)

in his class.


( ) ____________ 4. Cindy missed the time which she was in love with her husband

                         (A)          (B)        (C)     (D)

                   very much.

( ) ____________ 5. Mary was happy about won the game because she had spent

                                      (A)                     (B)

much time preparing for it.

                              (C)     (D)


III. 判讀題:依各題句意選出適當的複合關係代名詞。(可重複選擇)

A. whoever

B. whatever

C. whichever

( ) 1. I think ________ respects others will gain others’ respect in return.

( ) 2. You can choose ________ dish you like and eat as much as you can in the restaurant.

( ) 3. Kevin trusts his girlfriend so much that he believes ________ she says.

( ) 4. Candy believes that ________ listens to the teacher’s words is a good student.

( ) 5. ________ I do would never satisfy my parents.


IV. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。

1. 我相信無論是誰只要努力就會成功。

I believe that ________ ________ hard would succeed.

2. 人們常常在失去健康後才知道它的重要性。
Not ________ people lose their health ________ ________ ________ the importance of it.

3. 我喜歡聽不同類型的音樂,像是爵士、藍調和搖滾。
I like to listen to different types of music, ________ ________ jazz, blues, and rock.

4. Daniel靠著努力工作買了人生中的第一棟房子。

Daniel bought the first house in his life by ________ hard.

5. Jeremy正忙著準備明天的考試。
Jeremy is busy ________ for the exam tomorrow.

