2020年2月7日 星期五

VQC 2420 range

range [rendʒ] vt. (ranged) 

= rank, 表示「排列,順序」,來源於古法語rangier「排成直線」。

1 - 來自古法語 range,排列,佈置,成排,來自 reng,排,行,線,詞源同 rank.引申諸相關詞義。

① 排列;使成行<on, in, along> 
The teacher ranged his students along the path. 老師令其學生沿著小徑排隊。 
I ranged the books on the shelf by [according to] their authors. 我把書按作者排在書架上。 

② [常用被動式或作range oneself]列(身於某一邊);偏袒;站在…的方面<among, with, on> 
They were ranged against the government [with the opposition]. 他們站在反對政府[列身於反對黨]的一邊。 
We should range ourselves on the side of law and order. 我們應該列身於法律與秩序的一邊。 

③ 漫遊;徘徊於(某地)(★不可用被動式)

⑴ 排成一直線,並排;排列;(山脈等)連亙;綿亙(★不可用進行式) 【+副(片)】 
The mountains ranges east and west. 那山脈綿亙東西。 
⑵ 位列<with, among> 【+介+(代)名】 
He ranges with [among] the great poets. 他位居大詩人之列。 

② (植物等)分布,蔓延 
This plant ranges from France to Italy. 這種植物分布於法國至義大利。 

⑴ 漫遊;徘徊<through, over> 【+介+(代)名】 
Many animals ranged through the jungle. 許多動物在叢林中漫遊。 
⑵ (話題等)涉及某範圍,涉及 【+副(片)】 
Their conversation ranged widely. 他們的交談範圍很廣。 
His studies range over several subjects. 他的研究涉及好幾個科目。
The pupils' ages range from seven to fourteen [between seven and fourteen]. 那些學生的年齡自七歲到十四歲。 

④ (價格等)變動;(溫度計等)升降 
The temperature ranges from 15 to 35 degrees [between 15 and 35 degrees]. 溫度在十五度到三十五度之間升降。 

⑤ (槍、砲彈)射程達到 
These guns range eight miles. 這些砲射程可達八英里。 

n. (pl. ranges) 
① [C] 行;列;連續;山脈 
a mountain range 山脈 
a long range of arches 一長排的拱門 

⑴ [U] (活動、知識、經驗等所及的)範圍,區域 
within range of vision 在視覺的範圍內 
⑵ [用單數形](動植物的)分布[棲息]區域 
The range of this flower is Indonesia. 此花的分布區域是印尼。 
⑶ [用單數形](變動的)範圍 
the range of a thermometer 溫度計的升降幅度 
the price range 價格的變動幅度
The age range is from six months to twelve years. 年齡範圍自六個月到十二歲。 

⑴ [U] (子彈、飛彈等的)射程
⑵ [U] [或作a range]彈著距離
⑶ [U] [或作a range]音域;視界
⑷ [C] 射擊場,靶場;飛彈[火箭]試射場→rifle range

④ [C] 〖美〗(大)放牧場,牧場(參照ranch)

⑤ [C]
⑴ 同類不同物件的一套
⑵ (昔日的)多用途鐵製壁爐 

⑥ [C] 〖美〗(瓦斯、電、電子)爐 

ranger  n.  森林或公園的看守員

單數: range
複數: ranges

現在式: range
現在式(第三人稱單數): ranges
現在分詞: ranging
過去式: ranged
過去分詞: ranged

1.at long [short, close] range 在遠[近]距離 
2.beyond the range of ...
3.out of one's range
4.within [out of] range

range: 指憑心理感覺所能理解或領悟的範圍,或機械力量的運用所能達到的範圍
Many stars are out of the range of the telescope.
reach: 指伸手即可達到的範圍,或某種效果、影響所及的範圍
Riches and fame are above our reach.
scope: 指理解、見解、適用性所達的範圍,並暗示其所能達到的限度
The plan is out of the scope of our activities.
compass: 指某種事物所能行動、作用的範圍或界限
The idea was not within the compass of his mind.
gamut: 指某一範圍或限制內的各種等級、程度、深淺
The family experienced the whole gamut of suffering.

roam: 指漫無目的地,在廣大地區信步行走;暗示自由、樂趣等
roam over the countryside
ramble: 指離開固定路線或計畫,毫無目的地,隨興之所至,到處走走
ramble through the country
rove: 指在廣大地區有精神地[熱心地]走來走去;常用於無目的地但有目的的場合
We roved through the woods searching for edible mushrooms.
stray: 指沒有目的,離開平常的路(線)而徘徊
stray off the path in the woods
range: 指在廣大但有限的土地上,為尋求某物而走動
Cattle range over plains.
wander: 指沒有目的、路線等而悠遊
wander through a park

align  v.  排列
line  v.  排列
meander  v.  漫步
roam  v.  漫步
ramble  v.  漫遊
rove  v.  漫遊
province  n.  範圍
sphere  n.  範圍
array  v.  部署
field  n.  領域

