2020年2月13日 星期四

VQC 2436 view

view [vjun. 

= see, 表示「看」,拉丁語videre(to see)的完成分詞為visus, 對應詞根vid-, vis-. visus演變為古法語的veue, 對應詞根view。原始印歐語形式為*weid-(to know, to see)。和希臘語hist-是同源關係,希臘語h對應拉丁語v.
同義詞  [關閉]
aspect, landscape, outlook, panorama, perspective, picture, prospect, scene, scenery, spectacle, vista;
look, sight, vision;
attitude, belief, conviction, idea, notion, opinion, perception, thought;
behold, consider, contemplate, examine, eye, gaze at, inspect, observe, perceive, regard, scan, stare at, survey, witness;
look at, see, watch   詳細...
1 - 來自法語,來自拉丁語 videre,看,詞源同 visit,evident.

不拘一格背單詞  [關閉]
1. view n. 觀點 view - w → vie v. 競爭 百家爭鳴(vie),觀點(view)出新。 

2. 【辨析】view sight 與 scene sight指"景色"是可數名詞時,往往指眼見的景色,如供人遊覽的"景"和"名勝",但尤指人工製成的景。 One of the beautiful sights is the castle.那城堡是美景中的一個。 view和scene所表達的景色都是scenery中的一部分,往往指自然景色。view強調看到景色的整體印象,scene強調景色本身。 如: Do you enjoy the ten famous views of the West Lake?你喜歡西湖十景嗎? There is a lovely view from this window .從這個窗子可以看到一片秀麗的景色。 There is a happy scene of children playing in the garden.孩子們在花園裡玩耍,好一派歡樂的景象。

① [用單數形]看,觀察,考察;〖法律〗實地查證 
a private view 預展 
It was their first view of the desert. 這是他們頭一次看到沙漠。
This ruin is well worth our view. 這廢墟頗值得我們一看。
The jury had a view of the body. 陪審團檢視了屍體。 

② [U] 視力;視域,眼界 
a field of view 視野 
The trees blocked his view. 那些樹擋住了他的視線。
exposed to view 出現;看見
disappear from view 消失不見
come in view of ... (某人)出現於…看得見的地方
come into view 出現,看得見了
pass from one's view 自視界消失,不見了 

③ [C] 風景,景色;眺望 
a distant view 遠景 
a house with a good view of the lake 一間可眺望該湖的房屋
the quiet view of the countryside 寧靜的田園風光
Distance lends enchantment to the view. 〖諺〗遠看無瑕。 

④ [C] 風景畫[照片];展望圖 
a postcard with a view of the mountains 有山景的明信片 
a back [front] view 背[正]面圖
a perspective view 透視圖
do [take] some views of ... 描繪[描述]…風景。 

⑤ [C] [通常用單數形;附有修飾語](某特殊的)觀點 
take the long view of ... 對…採取長遠的看法 
take a dark [a favorable, an impartial] view of ... 對…持有悲觀[有利、公平]的看法
take a dim [poor] view of ... 對…有不好的看法,瞧不起…
He presented quite a new view of the issue. 他對該問題提供了全新的見解。 

⑥ [U,C] 目的,計畫;預測,期待;考慮 
a project in view 考慮中的計畫 
with this [that] view 為這[那]目的
leave ... out of view 對…不加考慮,不把…當作問題
He had other views for the vacation. 他對休假別有計畫[考慮]。
I have views on a trip to Hawaii. 我想去夏威夷旅遊。
Will this meet [fall in with] your views? 這樣是否合你意? 

⑦ [C]
⑴ 所見,印象;感覺
⑵ 意見,見解,想法 【+that子句】 
take a different view 持不同意見[見解] 
hold extreme views 持過激的意見
That was his view of the matter. 那是他對該事的看法。
What are your views on this issue? 你對這個問題有何高見?
They persisted in the view that there was life on Mars. 他們堅持認為火星上有生命。 

① 看,望;調查,檢視 
view a movie 看電影 
view a house 看房子 

② (從某角度[觀點])看,考察,考慮 
How do you view his plans? 你對他的計畫有何看法? 
He viewed the matter very seriously. 他很認真地考慮那件事情。
Let's view the issue in the same light. 讓我們以同樣的角度來看這個問題。
We view the situation with anxiety. 我們抱著焦慮的心情去看那局勢。
This problem must also be viewed from their standpoint. 此問題也得從他們的觀點來考慮。
I viewed his behavior as an insult. 我把他的行為視為侮辱。 

③ 〖口〗在電視上看

① 看電視

② 察看

viewer  n.  (尤指電視的)觀眾

現在式: view
現在式(第三人稱單數): views
現在分詞: viewing
過去式: viewed
過去分詞: viewed

1.have ... in view 有…打算,對…有所期待;把…放在心上;對…有所企圖 
2.in view 看得見;在可看見的地方;考慮中,意圖;盼望著,在期待 
3.in view of ...
4.keep ... in view 把眼睛盯住…;放…於看得見的地方;留意…;記住… 
5.on view 陳列,展示中 
6.with a view to ... [通常接動名詞]為了…的目的,以便(★一般用(in order) to-V或with the intention of V-ing) 

view: 為表從某一地點所見到的景色、風光等之意的一般用語
a view from the bridge
sight: 指憑視覺所看到的原來景象
It was a cheerful sight.

scene: 指由某一地點所看到的風景,尤常用以指美麗的景色等
country scenes
scenery: 指某一地方的自然風景的特徵全體
mountain scenery
landscape: 指陸地的風景、景色,一眼可望及的範圍

see: 為表「看」之意的最普通用語,與此相對的look (at)則指以視線朝向而看
I looked at the garden and saw many flowers.
watch: 指集中注意而看
I watched a baseball game.
在此例句中亦可用see,但watch有注意動作的含意(★不過, see亦有作「注意看」之意而用者)。
behold: 為文學用語,意義比see強,指目不轉睛地看一會兒
She beheld her friend with envy.
view: 指為了調查等而注意觀察
The police viewed the broken car.

opinion: 指對於有爭論餘地的事物,根據事實而仔細想出來的判斷或結論
view: 指多少受到個人的見解、感情等所影響的opinion
belief: 指使人心中接受的某種思想、結論、主義等
conviction: 指探信不疑的、強烈的belief
sentiment: 指由熟思的結果所得的opinion,常帶有感情色彩
persuasion: 指由於握有確證等所得的堅強的belief

perceive  v.  察覺
thought  n.  想法
feeling  n.  感受
attitude  n.  態度
scan  v.  掃視
spectacle  n.  景象
conception  n.  概念
notion  n.  概念
look  n.  注視
glimpse  n.  瞥見
survey  v.  縱覽
sight  n.  視界
vision  n.  視野
observe  v.  觀察
landscape  n.  風景
scenery  n.  風景

