2017年3月30日 星期四

Book 4 Unit 3: Reading & Grammar

Reading P1
Welcome aboard, everyone! I’m Rosa and I will be your guide2 for today. During our twenty-minute cruisež to the Statue3 of Liberty, I will give you an introduction to this amazing monument4. In 1886, France presented the Statue of Liberty to America to celebrate its independence5 from the United Kingdomž. The gift signified6 the friendship that existed7 between France and the United States. 歡迎大家上船!我是Rosa,將是你們今天的導遊。在我們抵達自由女神像的二十分鐘航程中,我將會為大家介紹這座令人讚歎的紀念碑。在1886年,法國把自由女神像贈送給美國,以慶祝美國脫離英國獨立。這個禮物代表著存在於美、法之間的友誼。
1 During our twenty-minute cruise to the Statue of Liberty, I will give you an introduction to this amazing monument.
1. 複合形容詞中的名詞須用單數,該名詞通常與時間、價值或長度有關:
• My father gave me a five-speed bicycle as a present.
2. an introduction to... 對……的介紹/入門
• This book, which is an introduction to English grammar, is suitable for beginners.
SPP 3: give + sb. + sth.  give + sth. + to + sb.
² give表示「把(某物)給(某人)」,所以需要兩個受詞,一為直接受詞(某物),一為間接受詞(某人)。
² give後先接直接受詞(某物),後面要先加to才能接間接受詞(某人)。
² 同類型的動詞還有bringbuygetlendsendwrite等。
² hand作動詞表示「給」時,和give用法相同。
Ÿ I will give you an introduction to this amazing monument.
Ÿ Walter gave his girlfriend a box of chocolates on Valentine’s Day.
Ÿ Could you hand me the flashlight?
2 In 1886, France presented the Statue of Liberty to America to celebrate its independence from the United Kingdom.
present A to B 把A贈送給B= present B with A
• The husband presented a necklace as an anniversary gift to his wife.
= The husband presented his wife with a necklace as an anniversary gift.
3 The gift signified the friendship that existed between France and the United States.
Reading P2
When we get a little closer, you might be surprised by the size of this statue. Its height8 is 305 feet, which is more or less the same as that of a 30-story9 building. The statue is made of copperž and steelž. When it was constructed, it was reddish-brownž. But as you see, it’s actually green now. That is because the surface of the statue is made of copper, which oxidizesž and turns green with age when it is exposed to the air. 當我們靠近一點時,你們可能會對雕像之大感到驚訝。她的高度是305英尺,大約是和30層樓的高度一樣高。雕像是由銅和鋼所製成的。在被建造的時候,她是紅褐色的。但是正如你們所看見的,她現在事實上是綠色的。那是因為雕像的表面是由銅所製成的,與空氣接觸之後,隨著時間氧化而變成綠色的。
4 When we get a little closer, you might be surprised by the size of this statue.
SPP 2: …that/those + of/in…
² 在此thatthose是代名詞,代替先前提過的同類事物,避免名詞重複。that為單數,those為複數。
² 此用法常用於比較性的句子,如比較級或意思有「相同、相異、相似、相像」時。
² 同類事物相比較,二者是不同個體,所以不可用「代替同一個體」的代名詞itthem
Ÿ Its height is more or less the same as that of a 30-story building.
Ÿ The shoes in this store are cheaper than those in the department store.
Ÿ The challenges young people face today are different from those in the past.
1. might表示對現在或未來的推測,但might的可能性比may還要小一點。
• It may rain later. Take an umbrella just in case.
• There might be a parking space near the market. Let’s go check it out.
2. surprised為過去分詞,其後的by有時可以用at代替。
• Sunny was surprised at what her boyfriend did for her during her birthday.
5 Its height is 305 feet, which is more or less the same as that of a 30-story building.
1. which引導一「非限定」的形容詞子句,用來補充說明前面提過的事情,在此指「高度為305英尺」。
• Peterson survived the earthquake, which was great news to his parents.
2. the same as... 和……一樣
• Jack’s smartphone is the same as Ted’s.
3. that代替前面所提過的名詞,此處指的是height
  請參閱本課Focal Point 2
6 When it was constructed, it was reddish-brown.
reddish-brown 為「形容詞 + 形容詞」的複合形容詞。
• I don’t like food such as sweet-sour porkribs and fish.
7 But as you see, it’s actually green now.
as意思是「如同」,類似關係代名詞which的用法,代替後面的it’s actually green nowas引導的關係子句可置於主要子句之前或之後。
• Smoking is bad for health, as/which everyone knows.
 = As everyone knows, smoking is bad for health.
SPP 4: 準關代as
² as在此表示「依照」,兼具連接詞和代名詞的功能,所以後面接不完整句(缺少主詞或受詞),如課文例句「As you see」就缺少see的受詞。
² 因為用法和關係代名詞類似,所以叫做準關代。準關代as和關代which的差別:as引導的句子可置於主要子句前或後,用逗點隔開,但which引導的句子只能置於主要子句後。如:「A doctor treats patients, which/as is his duty.」和「As is his duty, a doctor treats patients.」都可用,但不能說「Which is his duty, a doctor treats patients.」。
² as的意思和用法種類繁多,建議從上下文及as所擺放的位置來判斷意思和詞性,並以熟習用法為主,文法專有名詞為次要。
Ÿ As you see, it’s actually green now.
Ÿ The new design helped save 30% on energy, as the report shows. (新設計幫助節省了百分之三十的能源,如報告所示。)
8 That is because the surface of the statue is made of copper, which oxidizes and turns green with age when it is exposed to the air.
1. because 引導的子句不可單獨成句,必須改為that/this is because...
• Chuck is very popular among teenagers.
That’s because he is a talented singer.(○)
Because he is a talented singer.(╳)
2. 在此which引導「非限定」的形容詞子句,用來補充說明先行詞copper
• I want to move to Taipei, which is a big and busy city.
3. turn 為連綴動詞,後接形容詞,意思為「變成」。
• Maple leaves often turn red in autumn.
Reading P3
OK, were getting quite close to the Statue of Liberty now. If you look to your left, you should have a very clear view of the whole statue. You probably notice that in her left hand she is holding a giant tablet. The tablet is inscribed10 with the date July 4, 1776 Americas Independence Day. In her right hand is a giant torch. This symbolizes that Lady Liberty can enlighten11 the world and guide poor people and exilesž to a new land. 好的,我們現在已經相當接近自由女神像了。如果你們往左手邊看,應該可以清楚地看到整座雕像。你們可能有注意到她的左手抱著一本巨大的書板,上面刻著日期「177674日」――美國的獨立紀念日。她的右手則拿著一把巨大的火炬,象徵著自由女神可以給世界方向,並引導窮人及流亡者到達新國度。
9 We’re getting quite close to the Statue of Liberty now.
get/be close to 接近;在附近
• Don’t get too close to the fence. The wild animals might hurt you.
10 If you look to your left, you should have a very clear view of the whole statue.
1. look to... 朝……的方向看
• If you look to the east, you will see three doors.
2. view在此是可數名詞,表「風景、景色」。
11 You probably notice that in her left hand she is holding a giant tablet.
that 引導名詞子句,作notice的受詞。
12 In her right hand is a giant torch.
地方副詞倒裝,原為A giant torch is in her right hand.
請參閱本課Focal Point 1
SPP 1: 地方副詞 + V + S.
² 強調地點時,可將句中的地點移到句首,後接動詞(常是be動詞或不及物動詞),最後再接主詞,形成倒裝句。
² 地點就是地方副詞,大致分成下列幾種:
1 單一字的副詞:herethere
2 介副詞(外型是介系詞,但詞性是副詞,後面沒有接受詞):awaybackupdownoffout等。
3 「介系詞+名詞」形成的片語:如on the tablein the house等。
² 主詞若是代名詞(hesheIweyoutheyit),倒裝時不用和動詞調換位置。如:「Here he is!」正確,「Here is he!」錯誤。
Ÿ In her right hand is a giant torch.
Ÿ In the center of the town stands a church.
Ÿ It’s time. Off we go!
13 This symbolizes that Lady Liberty can enlighten the world and guide poor people and exiles to a new land.
1. that 引導名詞子句,作symbolize的受詞。
2. 第一個and連接兩個動詞enlightenguide;第二個and連接兩個名詞 people exiles
3. guide A to B A引導到B
• The teacher guided her students through the busy street to the school.
Reading P4
Other symbolic parts of the statue include Lady Libertys crown12 and the broken chains at her feet. Can you guess how many spikes there are on her crown? Thats right. From the top of the crown rise seven spikes, representing13 the seven continents. You have probably figured out that the broken chains symbolize freedom14 from oppression15. The sculptorsž who made this statue were also inspired by Libertasž, the Roman goddess of freedom, and that is why Lady Liberty is dressed (p.56) in a traditional Roman robe. 雕像其他具有象徵意義的部分,包括自由女神的王冠,還有她腳邊破碎的鎖鍊。你們可以猜得出來王冠上有幾道尖芒嗎?答對了。王冠上共有七道尖芒,象徵七大洲。你們可能已經知道破碎的鎖鍊象徵不受壓迫的自由。製作這座雕像的雕刻家也受到羅馬的自由女神利伯塔斯所啟發,那就是為什麼自由女神穿著傳統的羅馬袍。
SPP 5: include, including, included
² include是及物動詞,意為「包含、包括」。A include B表示「A含括B」。常見的還有被動用法:B be included in A
² including是介系詞,說明後面的名詞是前面整體的一部分。通常前有逗點。
² included是過去分詞當形容詞用,置於名詞之後。
² 片語be made up of表「由……組成」,和include的差別在於include只提及部分組成份子,be made up of列出所有組成份子。
Ÿ Other symbolic parts of the statue include Lady Liberty’s crown and the broken chains at her feet.
Ÿ A service charge is included in the bill, so there is no need to leave a tip.
Ÿ The rate for the standard room is NT$ 5,000 per night, including breakfast and dinner.
Ÿ Everyone, me included, went to see the Rubber Duck.
Ÿ A computer keyboard is made up of dozens of plastic keys and a circuit board.
14 From the top of the crown rise seven spikes, representing the seven continents.
1. 在句子中,若主詞之後帶有修飾的片語或子句而使主詞太長時,常把補語或副詞片語移至句首,形成倒裝句。原為Seven spikes, representing the seven continents, rise from the top of the crown.
請參閱本課Focal Point 1
2. representing...為分詞片語,修飾seven spikes,為形容詞子句which represent...的省略。
• The teacher asked a question, confusing (= which confused) almost every student in the class.
SPP 6: N, which/who + V… N, V-ing…
² 此為分詞構句用法,從非限定形容詞子句簡化而來。簡化步驟:省略關代,動詞主動改為原形加ing。如果關代後的動詞是進行式或被動式(be + V-ing/p.p.),省略關代和be即可。
² 以課文為例:「From the top of the crown rise seven spikes, which represent the seven continents.」當中,which引導的形容詞子句補充說明先行詞seven spikes。省略which,在represent後加ing,就變成分詞構句。
² 因為原句是非限定形容詞子句,所以和先行詞間用逗點隔開,表示只是補述,不影響主要子句意義。
² 上述課文例句包含兩種句型:地方副詞移前的倒裝句(from the top of the crown)和形容詞子句簡化後的分詞構句。同時使用這兩種句型,除了有倒裝句的強調作用,也可以避免主詞seven spikes的修飾語過長,切斷主要子句的結構。原句是:Seven spikes, representing the seven continents, rise from the top of the crown.
² 此句型概念較繁瑣,理解後應把焦點放在分辨動詞變化(用主動或被動)、正確解讀句意(修飾對象為何)。
Ÿ From the top of the crown rise seven spikes, representing the seven continents.
Ÿ Belgium, founded in 1830, consists of three regions.
15 You have probably figured out that the broken chains symbolize freedom from oppression.
1. that 引導名詞子句,作figure out的受詞。
2. freedom from… 免於、不受……的自由
16 The sculptors who made this statue were also inspired by Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom, and that is why Lady Liberty is dressed in a traditional Roman robe.
1. who引導形容詞子句,修飾先行詞the sculptorswho當主詞用,不可省略(若省略關代who,需改成分詞片語The sculptors making this statue...)。
• The actor who performed (= performing) in the movie was awarded as best actor.
2. the Roman goddess of freedom 為同位語的用法,說明前面的Libertas
• Yushan, the highest mountain in Taiwan, is 3,952 meters above sea level.
3. that is (the reason) why...為關係副詞用法,省略先行詞the reason
4. be dressed in 穿著……(= be wearing
Rita was dressed in a long skirt at work yesterday, but she is wearing short pants today.
Reading P5
Well, here we are. Please watch your step when you get off! Oh, one last thing: besides admiring16 the statue from the outside, I would also recommend that you take the stairs inside and go right up to the crown. From the top you will get a spectacular17 view of Lower Manhattanž. And if you look hard enough to the east, you might even see Paris! Just kidding! 那麼,我們已經到了。下船時請留心腳步!喔,最後一件事,除了從外面欣賞雕像之外,我也建議你們可以走內部的樓梯到最頂層的王冠。從頂端你們可以欣賞曼哈頓下城的壯觀景色。而且如果你們仔細往東邊看,甚至可以看到巴黎!開玩笑的啦!
17 Please watch your step when you get off!
1. 此為祈使句的用法,省略主詞you
Remember to mail the letter for me.
2. get off 下(車/船/火車/飛機)
  ANT get on 上(車/船/火車/飛機)
Please remember your carry-on when getting off the plane.
Hurry up! Get on the bus. We might miss the game.
18 I would also recommend that you take the stairs inside and go right up to the crown.
S +
+ that S (should) +
be p.p.(被動)
The leader asked that each of his teammates do his or her best.
We suggested that the meeting be put off.
19 And if you look hard enough to the east, you might even see Paris! Just kidding!
1. hard在這裡為副詞,修飾一般動詞look,意思為「很認真地看著」。
Looking hard at the sign, the man still couldn’t read the words on it.
2. enough當副詞時,置於所修飾字(形容詞、副詞)之後。
The room is large enough for us.
Eric didn’t run fast enough to catch the bus.
3. (I am) just kidding.
  = (I am) just joking.
句型文法 關係副詞的用法
關副 = 介系詞 + 關代
(1) where = in/at/on + which
I know a plaza where (= at which) you can buy what you want.
(2) when = in/at/on/during + which
I like winter, when (= during which) every place is covered with snow.
(3) why = for + which(省略先行詞the reason
I don’t know why (= the reason for which) she left. She didn’t leave any message.
(4) how = in/by + whichhow不可與the way並用)
I don’t like how Tom dealt with the problem.
= I don’t like the way Tom dealt with the problem.
Reading P6
All right. Thanks, everyone. Enjoy your visit, and welcome to the Statue of Liberty! 好的,感謝大家。希望你們參觀得開心,歡迎來到自由女神像!
Main Idea  Choose the best answer to the question.
    D    What is “All Aboard for Lady Liberty!” mainly about?
(A)  Boats in New York City.
(B)   Visitors to Paris.
(C)   A tour of downtown Paris.
(D)  A famous landmark in New York City.
Details Choose the best answer to each question.
    B    1. The original color of the Statue of Liberty was     .
(A) green 綠色
(B) reddish-brown 紅褐色
(C) yellow 黃色
(D) gray 灰色
    D    2. Which of the following statements about the Statue of Liberty is true?
(A) The Statue of Liberty is made of wood and stone.
(B) The Statue of Liberty is about 60 stories high.
(C) The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the United Kingdom.
(D) From the Statue of Liberty’s crown, you can see Lower Manhattan.
    B    3. The broken chains at the Statue of Liberty’s feet represent     .
(A) enlightenment 啟發
(B) freedom 自由
(C) friendship 友誼
(D) oppression 壓迫
    D    4. Which of the following statements about the Statue of Liberty is NOT true?
(A) The tablet in the Statue of Liberty’s left hand is inscribed with a specific date.
(B) There are broken chains at the Statue of Liberty’s feet.
(C) The seven spikes on the Statue of Liberty’s crown represent the seven continents.
(D) The torch in the Statue of Liberty’s right hand symbolizes independence.


