2017年3月28日 星期二

Unit 5 Log On

Taiwan Technology
 Over the past ten years, computers have become extremely important in our daily lives and no one is benefiting more than Taiwan. Hsinchu Science Park has put Taiwan on the map as one of the world's most important IT (information technology) centers. Producing computer materials like computer mice, screens and computer chips, Taiwan has become a popular destination for computer companies. Its success plays an important role in the economy and has helped create thousands of jobs for Taiwanese people. Now, with the start of the new Science-based Industrial Park in Tainan and the continuing growth of the computer industry worldwide, Taiwan will continue to play an important role in creating better computers for people all over the world.
(   ) 1. Which of the following WOULDN'T be made in Hsinchu Science Park?
(A) Keyboards.       (B) Telephones.       (C) Disks.               (D) Printers.
(   ) 2. Why is IT industry important to Taiwan?
(A) It creates more jobs in Taiwan.
(B) People can find Taiwan on a map.
(C) More people can now speak Chinese.
(D) Taiwanese people can get computer chips at any time.
(   ) 3. Where is the new Science-based Industrial Park being built?
(A) California.         (B) Hsinchu.            (C) Taichung.          (D) Tainan.
The Internet Café Problem
Internet cafés have been a growing concern for parents and teachers in Taiwan. Some people feel that many of _1_ cafés are places _2_ drugs and alcohol are being introduced to _3_. Internet cafés are often set _4_ near schools and are visited by _5_ people such as gang members or people who sell drugs. Most young kids are not _6_ to enter these places late at night unless they are accompanied by an adult, but this will not necessarily the problem. Since over 80 % of Taiwan's Internet _8_ are under eighteen, there _9_ to be somewhere for them to go _10_. They should not be denied this right to gain information and education because of the dangers in our society.
(   ) 1. (A) these                (B) those                 (C) this                   (D) that
(   ) 2. (A) that                  (B) when                 (C) where                (D) which
(   ) 3. (A) farmers             (B) teachers             (C) doctors             (D) students
(   ) 4. (A) up                    (B) in                      (C) down                (D) around
(   ) 5. (A) funny               (B) safe                   (C) dangerous         (D) big
(   ) 6. (A) could                (B) let                     (C) asked                (D) allowed
(   ) 7. (A) solved              (B) solves               (C) solve                 (D) solving
(   ) 8. (A) users                (B) watchers            (C) drinkers                   (D) players
(   ) 9. (A) need                 (B) needs                (C) needed              (D) needing

(   ) 10. (A) offline             (B) school               (C) home                 (D) online
X-Box: Internet Action
X-Box has become the most popular video game system today. _1_ X-Boxes are just like computers. _2_ This allows people to do many things. _3_ Yet, the biggest attraction is being able to play Internet games at your own home. _4_ This has been especially popular for fans of role-play games. _5_ As a result, X-Box has brought the future into the present.
(A) For example, people can check e-mail and surf the net.
(B) They can enjoy the fun of an Internet café without all the dangers.
(C) A unique feature of X-Box is its ability to connect to the Internet.
(D) They come with an internet connection.
(E) Therefore, trips to the Internet cafes are no longer necessary.
(   ) 1. How is X-Box like a computer?
(A) It has an Internet connection.                  (B) It has a screen.
(C) You can take it to the Internet café.   (D) The price is the same.
(   ) 2. Besides playing games, what else can you do with X-Box?
(A) You can watch TV.                         (B) You can listen to the radio.
(C) You can check your e-mails.             (D) You can take it to school.
(   ) 3. According to the passage, what can users of X-Box avoid?
(A) Going to the Internet cafés.              (B) Spending a lot of money.
(C) Going online slowly.                              (D) Meeting lots of friends .
The Matrix
The Matrix is a very popular movie that was released a few years ago. It described the world we know as a computer program created to fool us. In other words, according to the movie, nothing is real; everything we see, hear, touch, taste or smell is all one big computer program. In reality, none of this is possible, but what if we could do such a thing? We would be able to learn things at unheard of speeds. Information would just need to be downloaded into our minds. You could have all the knowledge of a great artist in minutes, or learn how to dance in the blink of an eye. The possibilities would be amazing.
(   ) 1. According to The Matrix, the world we know is actually _____.
(A) happy               (B) a computer program (C) a TV show (D) a DVD
(   ) 2. If we lived in the world of "The Matrix", how would we learn?
(A) We would eat books.
(B) We would read books like how we do now.
(C) A computer would download the information into our brain.
(D) Movies would teach us.
(   ) 3. According to the passage, how long would it take to become a great (a) artist?
(A) Minutes.            (B) Days.                (C) Weeks.              (D) Years.
(   ) 4. Mary is really smart. She received _____ scores in her college entrance exams.
(A) in other words   (B) in reality            (C) unheard of
(   ) 5. I always heard that Mr. Wang was a horrible teacher. _____, he is really kind.
(A) In other words   (B) In reality           (C) Unheard of
(   ) 6. We lost all of our money. _____, we are broke.

(A) In other words   (B) In reality           (C) Unheard of

