2017年3月29日 星期三

Blank Filling 03

Test 7
Scientists have _1_ for years that some diseases are caused by germs or bacteria. Many scientists have attempted _2_ find substances that would _3_ these disease-producing bacteria, and several _4_ them have been successful in their attempts. _5_ the more recently discovered germ killers are the so-called "wonder drugs". Scientists _6_ these drugs antibiotics. An antibiotic _7_ a chemical substance produced by a living thing _8_ can stop the growth of or even destroy bacteria and other disease germs. The _9_ known of these antibiotics is penicillin, which was _10_ by Dr. Alexander Fleming.
1. known    2. to      3. kill (or destroy)    4.of             5. Among   6. call   7. is
8. which (or that)    9. best   10. discovered (or found)
Test 8
Coin collecting is _1_ interesting hobby. Like all hobbies, it can cost little or a very great _2_ of money and time. Most enthusiasts _3_ both new and old coins. People who collect old coins _4_ called numismatists. Most libraries have several books on numismatics, which give information on the value of _5_ throughout the world. Making a coin is called minting. Often the year _6_ which a coin was minted is stamped _7_ it. Usually the older a coin is, the _8_ likely it is to be worth keeping. But this is not always _9_. The main factor affecting the value of a coin is the number of such coins minted in _10_ year.
1. an     2. amount (or deal) 3. collect     4. are    5. coins       6. in      7. on     8. more
9.so            10. that
Test 9
A newspaper's task is to provide people _1_ news in words and photographs. The most important newspapers are _2_ daily in the morning or evening, some newspapers _3_ published weekly or fortnightly. Newspapers also contain material other _4_ news. This _5_ leading articles or editorials, which comment _6_ the most important items in the news, and special articles, which explain or discuss aspects _7_ the news. A variety of other items which are of interest to _8_ are also included. These normally consist _9_ reviews of books, plays, films, and radio and television programs. _10_ may also include cartoons, crossword puzzles, fashion notes, and features on many other subjects.
1. with  2. published            3. are    4. than 5. includes  6. on     7. of      8. readers    9. of


