2017年3月22日 星期三

B2 Unit 4 課文重點

Unit 4  Fast Food or Fatty Food?
1. 課文
These days, fast food is very popular worldwide, and many people like it very much. However, 1__________ a study, people who eat fast food more than twice a week 2_____ weight more easily than those who eat it less than once a week. Another study shows that children who start eating fatty food at an early age are more likely to become unhealthy.
Here is a real example of how eating fast food can 3_____ one’s health. In 2003, an American filmmaker, Morgan Spurlock, did an interesting but 4_____ 5_____. To 6__________ how fast food would 7_____ a person’s health, Spurlock ate three meals a day at McDonald’s for 30 days. After drinking milkshakes and eating hamburgers and French fries for a month, he found that he had gained around 11 kilograms. He also began to 8_____ liver damage and terrible mood swings. Later, Spurlock 9_____ his eating experience 9_____ a movie which was called Super Size Me. Since more and more people in Asia are eating fast food, Super Size Me is a film that Asians should see.
Though all the big names in the fast-food 10_____—McDonald’s, KFC, Burger King—are from the United States, more Asians now eat at these restaurants than Americans. There is an important reason why fast food is so popular in Asia. Many Asians today are busy with school and work, so they 11_____ eat at home. They choose to eat fast food because it can easily 12_____ homemade meals. However, unlike most Asian food, food in places like McDonald’s has a lot more salt and fat. As a result, more and more Asians are getting fat. In Taiwan, 13__________ 30 14_____ of children eat fast food once a week, and over 25 percent of children are overweight.
Is there any way to stop this 15_____ toward eating fatty food? Some 16_____ have 17_____ that fast food makes them fat. They think that they should be 18_____ about the health risks of fast food. These complaints might 19_____ fast-food restaurants to make some changes to their menus. In fact, many fast-food restaurants now list calorie counts on their menus. They even offer salads and fresh fruit 20__________ 21_____ more customers. Maybe it’s time for everyone to cut down on fatty food and start having a healthy 22_____.

1. according to   2. gain   3. damage   4. shocking  5. experiment
6. find out   7. affect   8. suffer   9. made; into   10. industry
11. rarely   12. replace   13. at least   14. percent   15. trend
16. customers   17. complained   18. warned   19. force
20. in order to   21. attract   22. diet

1­1 these days = today = nowadays = the present (day),表示「現今,當今」。例:
These days, many people cannot live   
without the Internet.
1­2 ...people [who eat fast food more than twice a week]...those [who eat it less than once a week].
(1) who eat...a week
who eat it...a week
(2) more than為「超過」之意,可用over代換。例:
Susan has been studying French for  
more than ten years.
(3) those who... = people who...,表示「……的人們」,指稱一般的狀態;those為指示代名詞,在此作先行詞,被who所引導的關係子句修飾。例:
Those who break the school rules will  
be punished.
1­3 ...at an early age are more likely to become unhealthy.
(1) at/from an early age = at a very young
Wilson started playing the piano at an
early age.
(2) become unhealthy為連綴動詞become + Adj的用法,詳細用法請參見本課句型解析一。
2­1 [Here is a real example of how eating fast food can damage ones health].
Here/There + be/V + S
Here is the ticket that you need.
There it is.
(2) how eating fast food...health為間接問句
2­2 To find out [how fast food would affect...].
(1) To = In order to
(2) how fast food...
間接問句,作find out的受詞。
2­3 After drinking milkshakes and eating..., he found that he had gained....
(1) After drinking milkshakes and eating....
可還原為After he drank milkshakes and
ate hamburgers....。因從屬子句和主要
2­4 ...a movie [which was called Super Size Me].
(1) which was called Super Size Me
用法的關係子句,修飾先行詞a movie
(2) A be called B表示「A被稱為B」之意。
Kates pet cat is called Taffy.
2­5 Since more and more people in Asia....
(1) since在此為表原因的從屬連接詞,可
Since you are free, why not go hiking
with us?
(2) more and more...表示「越來越多的……」,後面可接可數或不可數名詞。例:
More and more people become   
LOHAS followers these days.
less and less + 不可數名詞
fewer and fewer + 複數可數名詞
Because it didn’t rain a lot, people could use less and less water.
The food at that restaurant is not good, so fewer and fewer customers eat there.

3­1 fast­food為連字號形成的複合形容詞,修飾後面的名詞industry
3­2 There is an important reason why fast food....
3­3 ...are busy with school and work....
be busy with + N = be busy + V­ing
While my mother is busy cooking dinner,  
I am busy with my homework.
3­4 ...a lot more salt and fat.
a lot表示「更加」之意,用來修飾比較級,強調比較的程度。例:
Karens younger brother is a lot heavier  
than she.

3­5 As a result, more and more...getting fat.
(1) as a result = therefore = thus,作「因此」 
解,為表示因果關係的副詞片語。  例:
Judy forgot to water the flowers, and
as a result, they died.
(2) getting fat為連綴動詞的用法,詳細用法請參見本課句型解析一。
3­6 ...over 25 percent...are overweight.

4­1 ...fast food makes them fat.
make + O + OC (Adj/N)
make 為不完全及物動詞,接了受詞後,後面還需接形容詞或名詞作受詞補語,表示「使……覺得/成為……」。例:
Percys rude behavior made his father angry.
This action movie made the young actor a superstar.
4­2 ...make some changes to their menus.
make a change to sth
Vera made some changes to her report
before she handed it in.
4­3 Maybe its time for everyone to cut down on fatty food....
(1) ...it
s time for everyone....
its time (for sb) to V/for N 
Hurry up! Its time to go.
Its time for dinner.
(2) cut down on 「減少,削減」之意。例:
The doctor asked the patient to cut
down on drinking and smoking.

