2017年3月21日 星期二

B6 Lesson 4 Reading & Vocabulary & Phrases

Lesson 4 Taiwanese Snacks Not to Be Missed!
  Taiwan is known far and wide for its snacking culture, which can be experienced by visiting its countless1 night markets and roadside food vendors2. Taiwan’s snacks, known as “small eats” in Mandarinž, are so varied that the country is a hungry person’s paradise3. In this brochure4 we introduce three “small eats” that you can’t miss. Not until you try these three snacks have you really experienced Taiwan!


Lurou Fan (Taiwanese Braisedž Pork Rice)
Few Taiwanese can resist5 ordering a bowl of lurou fan after they catch a sniff of it. Who would have thought such a simple dish could become one of the country’s most loved snacks? Lurou fan consists of rice topped6 with meat gravyž. The pork used in the gravy is chopped7 into small pieces and then cooked in soy saucež until it absorbs8 the flavor9. The dish originated in times when meat was an expensive luxury10, so cheaper portions of the animal were used, such as the belly or neck. If you are seeking comfort foodž, then look no further than a steaming11 bowl of lurou fan.


Stinky12 Tofu
As the name suggests, this snack truly is smelly. In fact, the stinkier it is, the better it tastes. To prepare the dish, food vendors deep-fry cubes13 of tofu, making them crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Then they add a spicy pastež and soy sauce and serve the dish with pickled cabbagež. It is generally believed that stinky tofu was invented in the Qing dynasty14. One day a food vendor found that he had forgotten about some tofu and had left it in a jar for several days. When he opened the jar, he saw that the tofu had changed color and smelled as if it had gone bad. He tasted it and found it surprisingly delicious. He decided to start selling his new invention, and it instantly became a hit!


Pearl Milk Tea
Pearl milk tea is a sweet, milky15 drink that you can literally16 chew. It is typically17 served in a cup with a fat straw18 used to suck19 up the squishyž black “pearls,” or “bubbles20” of tapiocaž. In Taiwan, people traditionally drank hot tea without sugar. Later, they started to drink cold tea in the summer. After sugar, milk, and pearls were added, pearl milk tea was invented. Now the drink is available at every street corner in Taiwan. It is so popular that it has spread throughout Asia and is now even becoming common in the West.


“Small eats” are a big thing in Taiwan. With so many mouth-watering21 snacks available, we suggest that you come with an empty stomach. If you see something that looks good in the night market, try a bite. Gourmet22 snacks are available around the clock, so don’t be surprised if you put on a few pounds during your visit!


Words for Production
1.   countless  adj. 無法計算的,數量很多的 
● Before the New Year’s concert, the singer rehearsed countless times to perfect       her performance.

2.   vendor  n. [C] 攤販
    ● On the way to Kenting, I got out of the car to buy a box of fresh, juicy wax apples from a street vendor.

3.   paradise  n. [U] 天堂,完美的地方
    ● Hawaii is recognized as a surfer’s paradise due to its large waves and beautiful beaches.

4.   brochure  n. [C] 小冊子
    The backpacker, who used information from travel brochures, took a trip from city to city across Australia.

5.   resist  vt. 抗拒
● Many schoolchildren can’t resist the temptation of online games and have trouble paying attention to their studies.
resistance  n. [U] 抗拒,反抗
● The new and stricter security check-in procedures at the airport encountered no resistance from passengers.

6.   top  vt. 覆蓋
In winter, all the roofs are topped with snow and the town becomes a silvery-white world.

7.   chop  vt. 切碎;砍,劈
● This long piece of bamboo will be chopped into small pieces for the baby       panda to eat.
● It’s a pity that the government will chop down this huge forest to build an       amusement park.

8.   absorb  vt. 吸收(水分、知識等)
● In our biology class, we did an experiment to see how fast red ink was absorbed into the stem of the vegetable.
● Little children absorb knowledge like sponges. They can learn faster than grown-ups.

9.   flavor  n. [C] 味道,口味
● According to CNN, century eggs are ranked as one of the most       horrible foods due to their peculiar flavor.

10. luxury  n. [C,U] 奢侈事、物;奢華
    ● Children living in poverty rarely have access to some luxuries like chocolate or cookies.
    ● Getting tired of living in luxury, the actor retired to the countryside to live a simple and quiet life.
luxurious  adj. 奢侈的,奢華的
● I doubt if any ordinary person can afford such a luxurious house located in the downtown area.

11. steaming  adj. 熱騰騰的;非常熱的
● When the weather gets cold, I like to drink a cup of steaming ginger tea to       warm myself up.
● On such a steaming hot day, a bowl of shaved ice would cool me down from       head to toe.
    steam  n. [U] 蒸氣
● Stay away from that pot of boiling water because you may get burned by the steam.

12. stinky  adj. 臭的
● Timmy’s mother hand-washed his stinky socks instead of mixing them with       the laundry in the washing machine.
stink  vi. 發臭
In the summer, the garbage in our trash can stinks within a short time, so we have to take it out more often.

13. cube  n. [C] 立方體
● The waiter added some ice cubes to the glass of whisky because the customer  wanted it on the rocks.

14. dynasty  n. [C] 朝代
● It was in the Qin dynasty that the Great Wall was built to defend against attack       from the north.

15. milky  adj. 含有牛奶的
    ● When I smelled the strong flavor of the milky hot pot, I couldn’t wait to taste it.

16. literally  adv. 確實地;不誇張地
● The fierce typhoon, which brought great damage to the area, was literally the       worst thing that had ever happened to the island.
    literal  adj. 照(字面)原義的
● If you translate an English phrase or idiom according to its literal meaning, a       misunderstanding may occur.

17. typically  adv. 通常,一般地;典型地
Typically, typhoons form in summer because of the warm air and low pressure above the ocean.
● My friend from New York has a typically American personality. That is, he’s not shy and always expresses his opinions.
typical  adj. 典型的
● Unlike typical students, who have to study for hours every night, Jake gets      high scores without even trying.

18. straw  n. [C] 吸管
● Experts warn that colored straws may contain poisonous chemicals, so we had       better avoid using them.

19. suck  vt. 吸吮
    ● My sister’s newborn baby sucks his fingers whenever he gets hungry.

20. bubble  n. [C] (本課)珍珠;氣泡
Taiwan is home to bubble tea, and many foreigners are impressed by the country’s special tea culture.
The ocean waves hit the beach and formed millions of little white bubbles.

21. mouth-watering  adj. 令人垂涎的
The customers leaned toward the food stand, waiting to get some mouth-watering roasted sausages.  

22. gourmet  adj. 美食的,美味佳餚的
● Ed likes gourmet food and fine wine, so he spends a lot of money on meals.
    gourmet  n. [C] 美食家,美食主義者
A famous gourmet is being interviewed on TV to talk about how to pick fresh seafood in the market.

Words for Recognition
1.        Mandarin  n. [U] 國語

2.        braise  vt. 燉煮,燜煮

3.        gravy  n. [U] 肉汁

4.        soy sauce  n. [U] 醬油

5.        comfort food  n. [U] 療癒系食品

6.        spicy paste  n. [C,U] 辣醬

7.        pickled cabbage  n. [U] 泡菜

8.        squishy  adj. 軟糊糊的

9.        tapioca  n. [U] 樹薯粉,木薯澱粉(加水遇熱煮熟後會呈現透明狀,口感帶有彈性,是粉圓製作的主要成分。)

1.   far and wide 到處,四處
● Thousands of people come from far and wide to participate in the annual music festival.

2.   consist of ……組成
    ● Since Jenny is on a diet, her meals consist mainly of vegetables and fruits.

3.   look no further (than)… 不用再尋找、考慮其他的(只要……就好)
● The car salesman told Eva that she needed to look no further, for he had the        perfect car for her—a small and fuel-efficient sports car.

4.   around the clock 日夜不停地,全天地
● To many foreigners’ surprise, convenience stores in Taiwan are open around the clock.

5.   put on (weight) 增(胖)
● Under the zookeepers’ care, the little koala put on weight at an amazing speed.

