2017年3月8日 星期三

GEPT Sentence Writing Exercise (Elementary) II

GEPT Sentence Writing Exercise (Elementary) II: 1-5 句子改寫
班級:       座號:   姓名:          
  1. It is very strange to eat ice cream in winter.
Eating _________________________________________.

  1. Mary's father gave me the book and then drove Lisa home.
After __________________________________________.

  1. Sara: Did you buy the new Harry Potter?
Bill: Of course I did.
Bill bought ________________________________.

  1. John went to the super market.
When _______________________________________?

  1. Whether being vegetarian is good for one's health is being discussed.
It is being discussed ___________________________________________.

GEPT Sentence Writing Exercise (Elementary) II: 6-10 句子合併
  1. She studied in America.
I didn't see her then.
Since _______________________________________________.

  1. The police saw the woman in the theater.
The woman was talking to Ken.
The police _________________________________________.

  1. I gave my sister dress.
I gave my sister a birthday gift. (as)

  1. You don't have a passport.
You can't travel abroad. (without)

  1. "Hello Kitty" is very popular.
Everyone knows it.
"Hello Kitty" is so ____________ that ____________.

GEPT Sentence Writing Exercise (Elementary) II: 11-15 句子重組
  1. in summer / rains / . / in Taiwan / often / a lot / It

  1. have / in Taiwan / you / lived / can / how long / ? / me / you / tell

  1. I / about / directions / am / . / confused / the

  1. count / to / the / Let's / down / . / new year

  1. most beautiful / ? / Europe / in / Paris / the / city / is

