2017年3月28日 星期二

Unit 4: Searching For Life

The Cloning Controversy
To create a clone, you need to remove genetic material from one living thing and place it into an egg of another, which has had its genetic material removed, thereby making an exact double of the living thing. Since the cloning of Dolly the sheep in 1996, people have wondered whether it is morally right to clone another living creature. After that, Taiwanese scientists cloned a pig. Recently, a couple of international organizations claim to have cloned a human being. Lots of medical advances are achievable using cloning technology but are we going too far too fast? This is something that we have to decide. To clone or not to clone is up to us.
(   ) 1. What animal was cloned first?
(A) A pig.         (B) A sheep.            (C) A hen.         (D) A man.
(   ) 2. When was Dolly cloned?
(A) 1990.          (B) 1991.          (C) 1992.          (D) 1996.
(   ) 3. What did scientists in Taiwan clone?
(A) A human.    (B) A chicken.   (C) An egg.       (D) A pig.
Water On The Red Planet
Recently, scientists have discovered water on the surface of Mars. This is a _1_ discovery because where there is _2_, there is a possibility that life can be found. This life form may be very _3_ and frozen. This _4_ may give us proof that life exists on other planets. Many people have _5_ this, and the movie industry has made millions of _6_ from our curiosity. This finding also gives _7_ new options if they decide to go to Mars. Astronauts can use the water to grow new _8_. This way, they do not have to carry water with them. It will help make great advances in _10_ exploration. It brings us one step closer to Mars.
(A) small           (B) dollars        (C) food            (D) space          (E) water
(F) suspected     (G) scientists     (H) extra           (1) great            (J) discovery
1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____
6. _____ 7. _____ 8. _____ 9. _____ 10. _____
(   ) 1. Scientists have found water on Mars, which means that may also exist.
(A) life              (B) air               (C) cities           (D) food
(   ) 2. Who has made a lot of money from the idea that life may exist on Mars?
(A) Scientists.   (B) NASA.        (C) Aliens.        (D) Moviemakers.
(   ) 3. What can astronauts use the water on Mars for?
(A) Fishing.       (B) Washing.     (C) Growing food. (D) Sailing.

SETI - The Search For Extra-terrestrial Intelligence
Now, you too can search for E.T. by joining SETI. SETI is an organization in South California. _1_ However, it has one big problem, _2_ This is how you can help out. _3_ Then download their screensaver to your computer. _4_ SETI needs more computers connected. _5_ The future is in our hands.
(A) When your computer is not in use, the screensaver will study the data gathered from different stars.
(B) There is a lot of space and not enough computers to analyze the data.
(C) With a little help, they may soon find life out there quicker than we think.
(D) Its main goal is to find radio waves from other worlds.
(E) Just go to SETI's homepage
1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____
(   ) 1. What does "SETI" stand for?
(A) See Tim.                                    (B) Sleep, Eat, Talk, Inspire.
(C) Super Ending To Increase.         (D) Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence.
(   ) 2. What is SETI searching for?
(A) People.       (B) Alien students.  (C) Radio waves.     (D) A homepage.
(   ) 3. What would you have to download to your computer to help SETI analyze data?
(A) Different stars.  (B) A screensaver.   (C) a homepage.      (D) Nothing.
China's Venture Into Space
In late 2003, China successfully sent a man into space for the first time, bringing him back to Earth safely a day later. The launch, which occurred on October 15, made China the third country in the world to send people into space. Apart from China, Russia and the United States are the only other countries to have done so. Although Russia's space program had an impact on China's efforts, the technology used was Chinese. The Russians simply offered advice as well as teaching their pilots how to work in space. After years of work, astronaut Yang Li Wei was sent into space on the Shenzhou 5. The successful Explanations mission was a victory for China and showed the world how they have progressed as a nation.
(   ) 1. Which country put its first man into space in 2003?
(A) The United States.   (B) Russia.        (C) China.         (D) Canada.
(   ) 2. When did Yang Li Wei return to Earth?
(A) October 14, 2003.                            (B) October 15, 2003.
(C) October 16, 2003.                            (D) We don't know.
(   ) 3. What did the Russians do to help China with its space program?
(A) They built the Shenzhou 5.               (B) They trained the Chinese pilots.
(C) They went to the moon.                   (D) They paid for the program.
(   ) 4. _____ Dave, no one has seen the movie.
(A) Having an impact on            (B) Apart from        (C) As well as
(   ) 5. At the party, they had many cookies _____ a birthday cake.
(A) have an impact on         (B) apart from         (C) as well as
(   ) 6. My mother _____ what my brother did with his life.

(A) had an impact on is       (B) apart from         (C) as well as

