2017年3月21日 星期二

B2 Unit 3 課文重點

Unit 3  The Last Runner
1. 課文
In my town, the 1_____ marathon is very popular. One year, I joined the marathon 2_____ team. My job was [to follow the runners in an ambulance and give them medical 3_____ if they needed it].
There were a hundred runners in the race. “Remember to drive slowly,” I told the ambulance driver as we began moving 4_____, “because we 5__________ stay behind the last runner.”
As the fastest runners 6_____ in the 7_____, I noticed a 8_____ who was moving very slowly. 9_____, I knew she would be our last runner. Both her feet were turned in, but her left knee was turned out. Her legs were so 10_____ that it was probably difficult for her to walk. It would be even more difficult for her to run a marathon.
The driver and I watched in 11_____ and in 12_____ as she 13_____ forward. We drove slowly behind her. Every time she stopped, we would just stop and wait for her to continue. Before long, she was the very last runner 14__________.
We stayed behind her, and the strong 15_____ that she showed 16_____ me 16__________. In the last few miles of the marathon, she still stopped once in a while, but then she would 17__________ running in a slow, determined way.
Several hours later, we finally reached the finish line. Most of the 18_____ had already gone home. However, at the finish line stood a man who was still waiting for the last runner. He looked very proud of her. In his left hand was one end of a paper ribbon, and the other end was fastened to a post. Very slowly, the woman crossed the finish line and broke the ribbon into two pieces like a winning runner.
I never knew this woman’s name, but since then, she has changed my 19_____ toward 20_____ in life. For her, the marathon was not about 21__________ in the race. It was about finishing something that she had started, 22__________ it might be difficult. Now, when I feel that things are too difficult or time-consuming, I think of that amazing woman, the “last runner.” Then, I realize how small my own problems really are.

1. annual   2. medical   3. treatment   4. forward
5. are supposed to   6. disappeared   7. distance   8. participant
9. Immediately   10. bent   11. silence   12. amazement
13. struggled   14. in sight   15. determination
16. moved; to tears   17. go on   18. crowd   19. attitude
20. challenges   21. coming in first   22. even if

1­1 My job was [to follow the runners in an ambulance and give them medical treatment if they needed it].
(1) 此為不定詞片語當主詞補語的用法,用 
Karens dream is to study abroad after
she graduates from college.
(2) ...if they needed it.
2­1 Remember to drive slowly,” I...as we began moving forward....
(1) remember + to V
動作尚未發生)」,而remember + V­ing
Remember to turn off the light when
you leave the room.
I remember seeing Toby walking out
of the office an hour ago.
(2) as在此為連接詞,表示「當……的時候」,意義等同whenwhile例:
As Joan was doing her homework, her  
brother came home.
3­1 As the fastest runners...a participant [who was moving very slowly].
(1) as在此亦為連接詞,表示「當……的時
(2) who was moving very slowly為關係子
句的限定用法,修飾先行詞a participant,詳細用法請參見本課句型解析一。
3­2 ...so bent that it was probably difficult for her to walk.
(1) so + Adj/Adv + that...
It was so cold that we decided to stay
Alan studied so hard that he got good
grades on the final exams.
(2) ...it was probably difficult for her to
It + be + Adj + for sb + to V....
it為虛主詞,代替後面真正的主詞to V例:
It is important for students to have breakfast every morning.
3­3 ...run a marathon.
 run/take part in a marathon
More than two thousand people are going  
to run the marathon tomorrow.
4­1 Every time she stopped, we would just stop and wait for her to continue.
(1) every time
Every time Lesley feels sad, she eats
(2) wait for sb/sth to V表示「等待某人或某事……」。例:
The children are waiting excitedly for the summer vacation to come.
4­2 Before long, she was the very last runner....
(1) before long = soon
My cousin told me he would visit me
before long.
(2) the very後面可搭配firstlastsame
It is interesting that my good friend
and I were born on the very same day.
These poor people live in the very
worst conditions.
5­1 ...the strong determination [that she showed] moved me to tears.
that she showed
為關係子句的限定用法,修飾先行詞the strong determination,詳細用法請參見本課句型解析一。
5­2 (every) once in a while = from time to time = sometimes,表示「有時候」之意。例:
Peter studies in the library once in a while, but he usually studies at home.
6­1 Most of the crowd had already gone home.
這裡用過去完成式表示動作比前一句we finally reached the finish line更早發生。
6­2 ...at the finish line stood a man....
3 In his left hand was one end of a paper ribbon, and the other end was fastened to a post.
(1) in his...ribbon為地方副詞倒裝句構,詳 
(2) the other表示「另一……」,當人、事、
指稱,後提到的則用the other指稱。 例:
One of my parents likes outdoor
activities, while the other just enjoys
staying at home.
(3) A be fastened to B表示「A被繫在B
The dog that was fastened to the tree
kept barking.
6­4 ...broke the ribbon into two pieces....
break sth into pieces
George dropped the plate and broke it into
several pieces.
7­1 ...since then, she has changed my attitude toward challenges in life.
(1) since then為「since + 過去某個時間點」 
I met Terry five years ago. Since then,
we have been good friends.
(2) attitude toward/to sth/sb意指「對於……的態度」。例:
Although Eddie was very poor, he still had a positive attitude toward life.
7­2 about為介系詞,表示「目的是……,為了……」之意,後接名詞或動名詞。例:
For me, work is not about making
money. It is about self­worth.
7­3 It was about finishing something [that she had started]....
(1) it
是指前一句提到的the marathon
(2) that she had started
7­4 ...I think of that amazing woman, the last runner.
(1) think of
   I remembered meeting that girl the   
other day, but I couldn’t think of her name.
(2) the last runnerthat amazing woman的同位語。
7­5 ...I realize [how small my own problems really are].
Danny has realized how lucky he is to
have a happy family.

