2017年3月7日 星期二

GEPT Sentence Writing Exercise (Elementary) I

GEPT Sentence Writing Exercise (Elementary) I: 1-5 句子改寫
班級:       座號:   姓名:          
  1. My sister cleans the kitchen every Sunday.
    The kitchen ______________________________.

  1. The Browns are going to buy a new car.
    Who ________________________________________?

  1. That all creatures can move is not always true.
    It is not always true ________________________________.

  1. Jane: What was your decision?
    Bill: I didn't take the sweater.
    Bill ____________________________________.

  1. Why don't you go to see a movie?
    Why not ___________________________________________?

GEPT Sentence Writing Exercise (Elementary) I: 6-10 句子合併
  1. John drank a soda before lunch.
    His father told him not to do it.

  1. The coffee in that cafe is good.
    The coffee in that cafe is cheap. (
    not only . . . but also . . .)

  1. Something is true.
    Helping people can win their respect and friendship is true.
    It is true __________________________________________________.

  1. The teacher is working now.
    We met the teacher yesterday.(
    The teacher _______________________________________________.

  1. You feel tired and sleepy.
    You'd better stay at home.
    If ______________________________________________________.

GEPT Sentence Writing Exercise (Elementary) I: 11-15 句子重組
  1. program. / I've ever / that / This is / interesting / seen / the most

  1. to go to / fun and exciting / It is / different food / . / different restaurants / and eat

  1. ? / How many / there / in Taiwan / cities / are

  1. I could / if / I wondered / your house / tonight / to / . / go over

  1. this / is / evening / The newspaper / . / cloudy / it / says

