2017年3月20日 星期一

OELM語言學習電子報 No. 53

                       BEG: Cats Saving People 拯救主人的貓咪
                       ADV: The Modern Extinction Crisis 現代危機:物種滅絕
Cats Saving People
Unlike dogs, cats don’t always seem to be so loyal to their owners. They don’t really learn tricks or follow instructions, and they only seem to do something when they feel like it. At times it may even seem like humans are the pets and cats are the owners. 


Still, there are many stories out there of cats saving their owner’s life. For example, in 2014 in California, a cat named Tara saved her owners’ four-year-old son from a dog attack by attacking the dog and chasing it away. In 2006, Jack, a cat in New Jersey, chased a black bear up a tree when it tried to come near his owners’ house. What’s funny is that Jack didn’t even have claws! In yet another story of feline heroism, a cat in Chicago named Baby saved her two owners, one of who was pregnant, by waking them up when a fire started in their home. So maybe your cat loves you more than you think and just doesn’t like to show it! 

Vocabulary 好字精選
1. instruction (n) a guide for how to do something  指南,說明
They followed the instructions to build the table from IKEA. 

2. claw (n) an animal’s fingernail (動物)
The cat scratched the girl with its claws.   那隻貓咪用爪子抓傷了女孩。

3. feline (adj) related to cats 
Brandon’s cat died from a kind of feline heart disease.       

4. heroism (n) the action of being a hero英雄行為
Heroism is common among police officers and firefighters.      

5. pregnant (adj) carrying a baby in the womb 懷孕的
Pregnant women are advised not to drink alcohol.  

Phrases and Sentence Patterns句型解析
1. Unlike A, B + v (sentence pattern) B is not like because it…不像…
Unlike coffee, tea only has a little caffeine so it shouldn’t keep you awake at night.    

2. at times (phrase) sometimes  偶爾,有時候
At times the weather in Taiwan is so hot and humid you won’t even want to go outside.   
3. What’s adj is that S + V (sentence pattern)  ….的是
What’s strange is that the robber didn’t even take anything.    
The Modern Extinction Crisis 
Today we are facing the largest mass extinction since the dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. 

It is in fact normal for plant and animal species to go extinct. Under normal conditions this occurs at a rate of about 5 species per year. However, scientists are estimating that currently we are losing species at a rate of 1000-10,000 times faster. Literallydozens of species are going extinct every single day. It is predicted that 30-50% of all species could be gone forever by 2050. 

The most alarming thing is that the more species that go extinct, the more other species that rely on those ones for food will follow suit. At the moment about one quarter of all species are endangered, and this number is only going to get higher.    

So what is the cause of this disastrous situation? Well, to put it bluntly, it’s us. Clear-cutting the rainforest to make room for cattle farms, pumping garbage and polluted water into the sea, filling the atmosphere with COfrom our cars and factories; these activities are all being done at the expense of our natural environment.      

While a small number of people, including many politicians, continue to deny global warming and all the changes it is causing, the evidence clearly indicates that we are getting dangerously close to, or have already reached, the point of no return

Vocabulary 好字精選
1. crisis (n) a time of intense danger or difficulty  危機
Mr. Carter seems to be going through a mid-life crisis.    

2. literally (adv) to indicate/emphasize you mean something exactly/truly
There were literally more than 100,000 people in the stadium.     

3. endangered (adj) in danger of going extinct 
The giant panda is an endangered species.

4. clear-cut (v) to cut down all the trees in an entire area 清除,清空,剷除
Clear-cutting the Amazon rainforest is going to negatively impact all of humankind. 

5. cattle (n) cows  牛隻
The forest was cut down to make more room for a cattle farm.  森林被砍伐是為了要興建一座牛隻牧場。

Phrases and Sentence Patterns句型解析
1. The (most) adj thing is that… (sentence pattern) 也就是
The funny thing is that Mark forgot to button up his shirt before he gave the speech. 
2. follow suit (phr) to do something in the same way or pattern  步入後塵;起而效尤
If a manager works hard, his employees will surely follow suit.       

3. to put it bluntly/simply (phr) to indicate what follows is being said in a direct/simple way
To put it simply, I can’t live in this house any longer. 簡而言之,我無法再繼續住在這棟房子裡了。

4. to do A at the expense of B (sentence pattern) to indicate that doing A will negatively affect B
Why do people continue to waste resources at the expense of our planet? 

5. point of no return (phr)  
After signing the contract, we were beyond the point of no return. We would have to finish the job. 

