2017年3月28日 星期二

Unit 6: Asian Cuisine

Ginseng has always been an important part of Chinese medicine. In the past, only royal families and the rich could afford it. Ginseng roots have a pleasant smell and a bitter taste. The roots cannot be harvested until they are six years old. The value of ginseng depends on its shape, color, taste, feel and the place it is grown. Generally, wild ginseng is considered superior to ginseng grown in fields. People used to believe that heavenly spirits planted the ginseng plant giving it a soul. Thus people were not allowed to talk when they went to pick ginseng fearing it might hear them and hide. Then people put up poles around the ginseng to make sure it did not run away.
(   ) 1. What do ginseng roots taste like?
(A) Sweet.               (B) Bitter.                (C) Sour.                 (D) Salty.
(   ) 2. Which of the following aspects would increase the value of ginseng?
(A) Its moisture.            (B) Its leaves.          (C) How dry it is.    (D) Its location.
(   ) 3. Which of the following is NOT true about ginseng?
(A) Ginseng is a kind of plant.
(B) Ginseng used to be very expensive.
(C) Ginseng grown in fields is better than wild ginseng.
(D) It takes more than five years for ginseng to become mature.
Many Taiwanese people use garlic when they cook food. Does garlic only _1_ you of food and vampires? According to the _2_ Preventive Medicine, a 3500-year-old Egyptian document claimed that the Egyptians thought that garlic was a useful for treating _3_ diseases. It was said that the slaves who worked for the _4_ ate a great _5_ of garlic to keep fit and healthy. Romans regarded garlic as a _6_ that could change people's moods.
Today, researchers are still studying the _7_ of garlic for lowering blood pressure and protecting the heart. They are also considering its possibility of being _8_ as a painkiller or to kill germs. Other than _9_ uses, garlic brings out the _10_ of many dishes. In addition, there is no fat in garlic.
(A) drug      (B) used      (C) amount (D) flavors  (E) magazine
(F) king       (G) heart     (H) effects   (I) medical   (J) remind
1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____
6. _____ 7. _____ 8. _____ 9. _____ 10. _____
(   ) 1. Which of the following is NOT true?
(A) The Egyptians thought it was healthy to eat garlic.
(B) The Romans thought garlic could raise people's blood pressure.
(C) Garlic can be used to add flavor to food.
(D) People do not need to worry about the fat garlic contains.
(   ) 2. According to a 3500-year-old document, what did Egyptians believe about garlic?
(A) It could lower blood pressure.                 (B) It was a pain-killer.
(C) It would leave a sweet smell in one's mouth. (D) It could treat heart diseases.
(   ) 3. According to the passage, what does "fit" (Line 5) mean?
(A) To be suitable.                            (B) To be ready to do things.
(C) To be in good health.                         (D) To try on clothes.
Traditional Chinese Feasts
There are several things to note when attending a traditional Chinese feast. _1_ They are arranged mostly according to one's age, social status, or their position within the family. _2_ Once seated, guests will stand up and hold their drinks with both hands to show their appreciation to the host. _3_ The honored guest is the first to eat. _4_ There is a small bone plate for each guest. _5_ This prevents the food from dropping.
(A) This action is repeated three times.
(B) Seats are arranged in a special order.
(C) When picking up food, a spoon is held under the chopsticks.
(D) The honored guest will take a seat that faces the door.
(E) The dishes will be served from the left side of the honored guest.
(   ) 1. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
(A) To show respect, the host takes the seat next to the door.
(B) The Chinese usually use chopsticks as well as spoons when eating their meals.
(C) Before meals, guests usually hold their drinks to show appreciation to the host.
(D) There is usually a small bone plate on the table for each guest.
(   ) 2. Which of the following is NOT a consideration in deciding seat arrangements?
(A) Age. (B) Social status. (C) Family name. (D) The position within the family.
(   ) 3. Which of the following is TRUE?
(A) The dishes can be served in any way as long as it is convenient.
(B) Any guest can start eating as soon as the dishes are served.
(C) The small plate in front of everyone is used to place chopsticks.
(D) All guests should take their seats in an appropriate order.
Japanese Table Manners
There are certain rules you have to note when you eat meals in Japan. Never use chopsticks to pass food to someone in Japan. You are supposed to pass them the plate instead. If you take food from a shared plate, do not use the ends of your chopsticks that go in your mouth. Eat sushi pieces in one bite. Hands, in addition to chopsticks, can be used to eat sushi. Never leave rice after meals. Leaving any kind of food is considered rude, but leaving rice is especially so. In Japan, you start eating after saying "Itadakimasu (I will receive)" and finish with "Gochiso sama deshita. (Thank you for the feast, when having noodles or soup, one had better slurp. Explanations Burping is considered bad manners. Blowing your nose at the table is also considered very rude.
(   ) 1. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
(A) Japanese people can use chopsticks to eat sushi.
(B) Japanese people usually eat sushi in two bites.
(C) Japanese people encourage burping.
(D) It is considered polite to pass food to someone using chopsticks.
(   ) 2. What do the Japanese think about leaving rice after a meal?
(A) They think it is considerate.
(B) They think that leaving rice is OK, but not the food.
(C) They think it is rude.
(D) They never eat rice, but sushi.
(   ) 3. When should one say "Itadakimasu"?
(A) Before eating.    (B) After dessert.     (C) After eating.             (D) Never.
(   ) 4. Humans are _____ act civilized, but they don't always do so.
(A) supposed to             (B) had better          (C) in addition to
(   ) 5. Judy bought some drinks _____ the food she had bought.
(A) supposed to             (B) had better          (C) in addition to
(   ) 6. You _____ not cheat in your college exam.

(A) supposed to             (B) had better          (C) in addition to

