2017年3月30日 星期四

Blank Filling 05

Test 13
It is a simple matter to acquire postage stamps. Friends and relatives will often give you stamps from letters they receive. Or _1_ may buy packets of stamps for very little money in many department or stationery stores. Ask _2_ a packet containing about a hundred different _3_. You will sometimes find stamps stuck to pieces of the envelope or wrapper in _4_ they were carried through the mail. _5_ general, these stamps can be removed from the attached paper by water. _6_ spoiling the colour or the design. Simply place a stamp face upward _7_ a saucer of lukewarm water. In a few minutes _8_ will be free of the paper. Do _9_ try to force it loose or you may damage the stamp. Once you _10_ begun your collection, you will need an album in which to put your stamps.
1. you 2. for 3. stamps 4. which 5. In 6. Avoid 7. in 8. it 9. not 10. have
Test 14
Games are good for all people. They _1_ the body. _2_ a hard day's work, one should have some kind of _3_. One important _4_ of exercise is games. Games can be divided _5_ outdoor games and indoor games. Outdoor games are played outside while indoor games are played indoors. In one sense, it may be generally said that outdoor games require more physical activity than indoor games. The _6_ requires more _7_ ability than physical strength. Games are essential particularly _8_ those who work in offices. They have no form of physical exercise in those _9_. It is important _10_ they should have physical exercise in the evening.
1. exercise   2. After       3. relaxation           4. form       5. into   6. latter      7. mental
8. for   9. places     10. that
Test 15
Précis is nothing other _l_ the summary of a passage given to us. How can we write the summary unless we read it over and over _2_ till we understand it? Our main idea must be to get _3_ the central fact of the passage. _4_ is irrelevant to the central idea is unimportant for the exercise. In the final draft of our précis, these irrelevant ideas will be discarded. Whatever is _5_ to the central idea must find a place in the précis. This we write down in our own _6_. A précis exercise implies the suggestion of a title. The _7_ of the resulting passage will be about one-third of the original size. _8_ long practice a normal passage could be reduced to a proper size.

l. than 2. again     3. at     4. Whatever      5. relevant 6. words     7. size 8. By

