2017年3月29日 星期三

Blank Filling 04

Test 10
Without soil, man cannot grow most plants. It is not possible for man to make _1_. It is formed by nature from rock, very slowly. It _2_ hundreds of years for a few inches of soil to be formed. _3_ it takes a long time to form, soil can be lost very quickly. It has three main enemies. They are running water, wind and _4_ himself. Streams and rivers _5_ away large amounts of soil every year. The wind blows soil from _6_ place to another. It often drops the soil in places where the _7_ can wash it away, plants and trees cover _8_ ground. These keep the soil in place. Man _9_ the ground for farming or building houses. This makes it easier _10_ wind and water to carry the soil away. In the end the moving soil is carried to the sea.
1. soil   2. takes       3. Though (or Although)     4. man  5. wash       6. one   7. water
8. the    9. clears      10. for
Test 11
Paper is made _1_ wood, and many of the world's paper mills are found in those countries _2_ have great forests, such as Canada, Sweden and Finland. The newly cut _3_ are usually stripped of their bark, branches _4_ foliage where they have fallen, so that by the time they arrive _5_ the paper mill, they are ready for processing. The tree trunks are first cut _6_ thin strips, _7_ with water, and ground to a heavy, sticky pulp. This wood pulp is then cleaned of dirt and other impurities, and also chemically bleached _8_ remove the brownish colour of the wood. The cleaned and bleached pulp next _9_ through special rollers which flatten it and draw it out _10_, at last, it begins to look like sheets of rather soggy paper.
1. from 2. which (or that)    3. trees  4. and   5. at      6. into   7. mixed      8. to
9. passes     10. until
Test 12
All people, however simply they live, require at least food, clothing, and shelter. To some extent we can satisfy our wants _1_ growing, for example, our own food, but for the most part we rely _2_ others to provide our wants in return for money. Those _3_ satisfy wants by providing goods and services are producers, and those who _4_ these goods and services are consumers. Producers include not _5_ workers who make goods or grow crops, but also those who _6_ services in offices, banks, hospitals, etc. A factory worker _7_ think clerks and engine drivers are not producers _8_ they do not make goods which can be _9_ for the money required to pay their wages. But _10_ the railway men, the lorry drivers, the typists, and many others, the factory would soon come to a standstill.

1. by     2. on     3. who  4. use    5. only  6. provide    7. may  8. because   9. sold  10. without

