2017年3月13日 星期一

OELM語言學習電子報 No. 52

                  BEG: Are you a Smartphone Addict? 你對智慧型手機上癮了嗎?
                  ADV: The History of the Universe in One Year 宇宙歷史一年記
Are you a Smartphone Addict?
Smartphones have added a lot of convenience to our lives, but how much usage is too much? Smartphone addiction can have some serious negative effects. It is bad for relationships and bad for your health. The following are signs that you are a smartphone addict.
智慧型手機對我們 的生活加入許多便利性,但使用多少才會太多智慧型手機上癮症可能有一些嚴重的負面影響。這可對你的感情關係不好,對健康也不好。以下徵兆顯示你是智慧型手機上癮症患者。

1. You take your phone to the toilet with you.
2. Looking at your smartphone is the first thing you do in the morning, and the last thing you do before you go to sleep at night. 一大早第一件事就是查看手機,晚上睡覺前最後一件事也是查看手機。

3. When you feel uncomfortable in a new place, you take out your smartphone. 當你在新地方覺得不自在時,你會拿出手機。

4. You feel anxious when you don’t have your smartphone in your hand or right beside you.你的手機不在手上或在身旁,你覺得很憂慮。

5. You need to fully charge your smartphone more than once per day. 你一天需要充電超過一次。
6. Your wrists hurt or you have trouble focusing your eyes. 你的手腕痠疼,或你的眼睛無法專注。

7. You sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and check your phone. 有時候你會在半夜醒來然後查看手機。

8. You regularly look at your phone even when you are hanging out with your friends. 當你和朋友出去時,你經常查看手機。

9. You talk to people without even looking up from your phone. 你和人談話時眼睛也盯著手機看。

10. Your loved ones complain that you seem to like your smartphone more than them.

Vocabulary 好字精選
1. addict (n) a person who can’t stop doing something. 對…上癮
Both my parents are coffee addicts. 

2. usage (n) the action of using something 使用,用法;處理、對待
The usage of calculators is not allowed during the math exam.   數學考試中使用計算機是不被允許的。

3. anxious (adj) nervous, worried
Many people get anxious before taking a flight. 

4. charge (v) to add power to an electronic device  充電,索價
The battery power on my laptop is down to 6%. I need to charge it.    

5. wrist (n) the part connecting your hands and arms  手腕
Jamie’s wrists hurt after carrying the heavy bag of groceries. 

Phrases and Sentence Patterns句型解析
1. hang out (phr) to spend time together  和…在一起
Would you like to hang out after work?  
2. to v without v-ing (sentence pattern) do something and not do something else at the same time  做…而沒有…
Marcus was looking at his notes without actually reading them. 

3. S + seem to + v (sentence pattern) somebody appears to V
My sister seems to be happy all the time, even though I know she’s not. 
The History of the Universe in One Year
What if we compared the history of the universe to 365 days? This is roughly how it would go: 如果我們將宇宙歷史以一年365天來比喻?大略也就是以下:

January 01 Big Bang
Our universe begins expanding after an enormous explosion called the Big Bang.
11  宇宙大爆炸(the Big Bang)
我們的宇宙在一場稱為the Big Bang的巨大的爆炸後開始擴張。

January 22 Galaxy Formations
The first galaxies, systems containing millions of stars, begin to form.
122  銀河系的形成

March 16 Milky Way Forms
Our own galaxy, knows as the Milky Way, begins to take shape. The Milky Way contains millions of stars. 
316  銀河帶形成

September 2 Solar System Forms
Our own solar system, that is, the system containing several planets circling a star we call the sun, first forms.
92  太陽系形成

September 6 Earth Forms
The oldest known rocks on earth date to 4.5 billion years ago, suggesting the Earth was formed around this time.
96  地球形成

September 21 First Life
The first forms of life appear, knows as prokaryotes, a kind of organism consisting of a single cell.
921  生命形成

October 29 Appearance of Oxygen
Oxygen in the form of O2 first appears in the earth’s atmosphere.
1029日 氧氣的出現
Appearance of fish (December 17), plants (December 20), insects (December 21), amphibians (December 22), reptiles (December 23), dinosaurs (December 25), mammals (December 26), birds (December 27), and flowers (December 29).
Adv -4-2魚類的出現(1217)植物(1220)昆蟲(1221)兩棲類 (1222)爬蟲類(1223)恐龍(1225)哺乳類(1226)鳥類(1227)花朵(1229).

December 30 Dinosaurs Die Out
All the dinosaurs suddenly disappear, about 65 million years ago, in a mass extinction event.
1230  恐龍大滅絕

December 31 at 2:24 p.m. Hominids
Hominids, the first human-like apes, appear.
1231 下午2:24

December 31 at 11:52 p.m. Modern Humans
The first anatomically modern humans appear about 200,000 years ago.

December 31 at 11:59:49 The wheel and the first alphabet are invented.
1231日晚間11:59  發明輪軸以及第一套字母系統。

December 31 at 11:59:55 p.m. Jesus Christ is born, the year 0.
1231日晚間11:59:55  耶穌基督出生,0年啟動。

Vocabulary 好字精選
1. enormous (adj) very large  巨大的,龐大的
The wedding cake was so enormous that there was enough for all 200 guests.  

2. solar (adj) related to the sun 
Solar energy is a clean, renewable form of energy.   

3. cell (n) the smallest structural unit of an organism
Your DNA is found in every cell in your body except for red blood cells.

4. atmosphere (n) all the gases surrounding a planet  大氣層,氣氛
The earth’s atmosphere is 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen.

5. amphibian (n) group of cold blooded animals   兩棲類
The frog is the most well-known amphibian.  青蛙是最廣為人知的兩棲類。

6. extinction (n) the death of an entire species
According to a recent study, 21,000 species are currently facing extinction.

7. anatomically (adv) related to anatomy (biology)
Even though Richard is anatomically male, he considers his gender to be female.

8. alphabet (n) symbols that make up a written language
The English alphabet contains 26 letters.

Phrases and Sentence Patterns句型解析
1. compare A to B (sentence pattern) To say A is like B (note: it’s different than compare A with B, which means to point out the similarities and differences, or make a comparison, between A and B)  將…比喻成…
The poet compared his lover’s eyes to twinkling stars. 這位詩人將愛人的眼睛比喻成閃耀的星星。
2. take shape (phrasal verb) to develop or form  形成,發展成
After days of work, the sculptor’s piece was finally beginning to take shape.     

3. date to (phrasal verb) goes back to, originates in
The largest of the Great Pyramids of Giza dates to 2580-2560 BCE.
(注意:BCE = Before Common Era表西元前 ’BC’, ‘Before Christ’耶穌出生前相同。)

