2017年3月11日 星期六


1 How do you spell your first name?
How do you spell your first name? 怎麼拼寫你的名字?
1. It is spelled H-A-R-R-Y. 它的拼法是 H-A-R-R-Y spell (v.) 拼字
2. L-I-N-D-A
3. I spell it T-O-M. 我的名字拼為T-O-M
4. My first name is spelled C-H-R-I-S. 我的名字是拼成C-H-R-I-S
5. J-O-H-N is how it is spelled. J-O-H-N是我名字的拼法

2 Do you go to restaurants? Why or why not?
Do you go to restaurants? Why or why not? 你會去餐廳用餐嗎?為什麼去或為什麼不去呢?
1. Yes, I often go to restaurants. My mom works and doesn’t have time to cook, so my family eats out every day. 是的,我常常去餐廳。我的媽媽要工作,沒有時間煮飯,所以我們家每天都外食。*eat out (ph.) 外食
2. No, I don’t go to restaurants. I think they are too expensive. I would rather cook at home and save my money. 不,我不會去餐廳,我覺得上餐廳太貴了。我寧願在家煮飯,把錢省下來。*expensive (adj.) 昂貴的*would rather (ph.) 寧願*save (v.) 節省
3. Yes, I do go to restaurants, but not very often because I am too busy. I only go on special occasions like birthdays and holidays. 是的,我會上餐廳,但並不常去,因為我太忙碌了。我只在特殊的時刻,像是生日、假日時才會去。*special (adj.) 特殊的*occasion (n.) 時刻;場合*holiday (n.) 假日
4. No, I don’t go to restaurants. My grandma cooks for me every day, so I always eat at home. Her cooking is much better than any restaurant food. 不,我不上餐廳的。我的阿嬤每天煮飯給我吃,所以我總是在家吃飯。她煮的菜比任何餐廳的食物要好吃多了。
5. Yes, I love going to restaurants. I like going to them because there are many dishes to choose from. I enjoy trying new dishes every time I go. 是的,我很喜歡去餐廳。我喜歡去那裡是因為餐廳有很多菜餚可以選擇。我喜歡每次去都嘗試新的菜色。*dish (n.) 菜餚*choose (v.) 選擇

3 Do you like to travel? Why or why not?
Do you like to travel? Why or why not? 你喜歡旅遊嗎?為什麼喜歡?為什麼不喜歡?
1. I like traveling a lot. It is fun to go to new places and learn new things. It's also a good way to meet new friends. 我非常喜歡旅遊。到新的地方學習新的事物是有趣的事。這也是一個認識新朋友的好方法。
2. I don't like to travel. I think it is boring and too expensive. Watching travel shows on TV is good enough for me. 我不喜歡旅遊。我認為旅遊很無聊,而且昂貴。在電視上看旅遊節目對我來說就已經很足夠了。*expensive (adj.) 昂貴的
3. Yes, I like to travel. It is a good way to explore the world. I want to travel to many different countries. 是的,我喜歡旅遊。這是一個探索世界很好的方式。我想要到很多不同的國家旅遊。*explore (v.) 探索*different (adj.) 不同的*country (n.) 國家
4. I hate traveling. I don't like sitting on buses and airplanes. It makes me feel sick. 我討厭旅遊。我不喜歡坐公車和飛機,它讓我有想嘔吐的感覺。*airplane (n.) 飛機*sick (adj.) 噁心的; 想嘔吐的
5. Yes, I do. It is interesting to learn about new cultures. I also like trying new kinds of food in different places. 是的,我喜歡旅遊。學習新的文化是件有趣的事。我也喜歡嘗試不同地方的食物。*culture (n.) 文化

4 What do you do for fun?
What do you do for fun? 你做什麼娛樂活動?
1. I like playing computer games. I play them almost every day. I think they are lots of fun. 我喜歡玩電腦遊戲,我幾乎每天玩電腦遊戲。我認為它們很好玩。*computer (n.) 電腦*almost (adv.) 幾乎*lots of (ph.) 許多
2. I like to go hiking in the mountains for fun. It is a good way to spend time outside and learn about nature. It is also good exercise. 我喜歡的做的娛樂活動是到山上健行。這是到戶外活動與認識大自然一個很好的方式,健行也是一種很好的運動。*go hiking (ph.) 健行*mountain (n.) 山*spend (v.) 度過*nature (n.) 自然*exercise (n.) 運動
3. I play basketball for fun. It is my favorite sport. I enjoy playing it with my friends. I play every day after school. 我的娛樂是打籃球。它是我最喜歡的運動。我喜歡和我的朋友打籃球,我每天放學後都會打籃球。*basketball (n.) 籃球*favorite (adj.) 最喜愛的*enjoy (v.) 喜愛*after school (ph.) 放學後
4. For fun, I like reading novels. A lot of students think it is boring, but not me. I would rather read than waste my time on things like computer games. 我喜歡的娛樂是看小說,很多學生認為看小說很無聊,但我可不這麼想。我寧願看書,也不願意把我的時間浪費在像電腦遊戲這類事情上。*novel (n.) 小說*boring (adj.) 乏味的*would rather...than (ph.) 寧願...而不...waste (v.) 浪費
5. My favorite thing to do for fun is to go shopping. I go shopping with my friends every Sunday. We usually go to Yuanlin or Taijhong to shop. 我最喜歡做的娛樂是購物。我每個星期天都和我的朋友一起去逛街買東西,我們通常到員林或臺中逛街。*go shopping (ph.) 購物; 逛街

5 What TV show do you like to watch the most? Why?
What TV show do you like to watch the most? Why? 你最喜歡觀賞什麼電視節目?為什麼?
1. I like watching cartoons the most. They are funny. I watch them every Sunday morning. My favorite cartoon is One Piece. 我最喜歡看卡通。卡通很有趣。我每個星期日早上都會看。我最喜歡的卡通是航海王。*cartoon (n.) 卡通*One Piece (卡通)航海王
2. I like to watch soap operas. They are very entertaining. I look forward to watching them every day. My mom usually watches them with me because she likes them too. 我喜歡看連續劇,因為連續劇很有娛樂效果。我每天都期待看連續劇。我的媽媽經常跟我一起看,因為她也喜歡看。*soap opera (ph.) 連續劇*entertaining (adj.) 娛樂的*look forward to (ph.) 期待
3. I like watching basketball on TV the most. My favorite team is the Bulls. I try to watch every game on TV. Some days I hurry home from school just to watch them play. 我最喜歡在電視上看籃球比賽。我最喜歡的隊伍是公牛隊。我試著在電視上看每一場比賽。有時候我從學校趕回家,就只為了要看他們的比賽。*the Bulls (n.) 公牛隊*hurry(v.)
4. I watch detective shows like CSI. It is interesting to see how the police solve crimes and catch criminals. Maybe I will be a detective one day. 我會看偵探節目,像是犯罪現場調查。看警察偵辦案情和抓犯人很有趣。或許在未來的某一天,我會成為一個偵探。*CSI (Crime Scene Investigation) 犯罪現場調查*detective (n.) 偵探*solve (v.) 解決*crime (v.) 犯罪*criminal (n.) 罪犯
5. I like to watch the news as often as possible. I think it is important to know what is going on in my country. I learn something new every time I watch it. 我喜歡看新聞,並且盡可能常看。我認為了解我的國家正在發生什麼事是很重要的。每次我看新聞都會學習到新的事物。*as as possible (ph.) 盡可能…*important (adj.) 重要的*country (n.) 國家

6 How many people are there in your family?
How many people are there in your family? 你的家裡有多少人?
1. There are 5 people in my family. Along with my parents, I have 2 older sisters and a younger brother. 在我家有五個人。除了我的父母外,我有兩個姐姐和一個弟弟。*along with (ph.) 除了...之外*parent (n.) 雙親*註:實際加起來應該是6個人才對。
2. There are only 3 people in my family. I am an only child. I wish that I had a baby brother. 我家只有三個人,我是獨生子(),但願我能有個小弟。*child (n.) 小孩
3. There are 4 members in my family. I have 1 brother. He is 4 years older than me. 我家有四個人。我有一個哥哥,他比我大四歲。*member (n.) 成員
4. I have a big family with 8 members. My parents had 6 children. All my brothers and sisters are older than me. I am the youngest. 我有一個八個人的大家庭。我的父母有六個小孩,我的哥哥和姐姐都比我大,我是最小的。*children (n.) child的複數
5. There are 5 people in my family, including my parents. I have 2 brothers. One is older and      one is younger than me. I am the middle child. 包括我的父母在內我家有五個人。我有兩個兄弟,一個比我大,而一個比我小,我是老二。*including (prep.) 包括*middle child (ph.) 出生排行在中間的小孩

7 Do you enjoy fast food? Why or why not?
Do you enjoy fast food? why or why not? 你喜歡速食嗎?為什麼喜歡或者是為什麼不喜歡?
1. Yes, I love fast food. It is very convenient. I can stop, eat and go in about 15 minutes. 是的,我喜歡速食。它非常的便利。我可以在十五分鐘內停下來、吃,然後離開。*fast food (ph.) 速食*convenient (adj.) 便利的*minute (n.) 分鐘
2. No, I don't like fast food at all. Most fast food is high in fat, so it isn't good for you. I prefer     to eat healthy food. 不,我一點都不喜歡速食。大部分的速食都是高脂肪,所以對你不好。我比較喜歡吃健康的食物。*not at all (ph.) 一點都不*healthy (adj.) 健康的
3. Yes, I enjoy fast food, but only as a treat. It isn't very healthy, so I only eat it once in a     while, like on my birthday. 是的,我喜歡速食,不過只是當作點心。它非常的不健康,所以,我只是偶爾才吃一次,像是在我生日的時候。*treat (n.) 點心*once in a while (ph.) 偶爾
4. I don't like fast food. I wouldn't even feed it to my dog. It is full of unhealthy preservatives.     Fresh food is much healthier. 我不喜歡速食,我甚至不會拿它餵我的狗。它充滿不健康的防腐劑,新鮮的食物健康多了。*feed (v.) 餵*unhealthy (adj.) 不健康的*preservative (n.) 防腐劑*fresh (adj.) 新鮮的
5. Fast food is my favorite kind of food. I think it is delicious. I would eat it every day if I could. 速食是我最喜歡的食物,我認為它很美味,假如我可以的話,我要每天吃速食。*delicious (adj.) 美味的

8 Do you like going shopping? Why or why not?
Do you like going shopping? why or why not? 你喜歡購物嗎?為什麼喜歡?為什麼不喜歡?
1. Yes, I really enjoy going shopping. My friends and I go every weekend. We always have a good time doing it. 是的,我真的很喜歡購物。我的朋友和我每個週末都去購物。我們購物時    總是很快樂。
2. I hate shopping. The stores near my house are always too busy and I don't like crowds. 我討厭購物。我家附近的商店太多人了,我不喜歡人群。*store (n.) 商店*crowd (n.) 群眾
3. Shopping is the best thing ever! I would spend all my time shopping if I were rich. I especially like finding bargains. 購物是最棒的事了!如果我很有錢的話,我會花所有的時間購物。我尤其    喜歡尋找物超所值的物品。*especially (adv.) 特別地*bargain (n.) 物超所值的物品
4. I have never liked shopping. It's probably because I'm cheap and like to save my money. I only go shopping if I have to. 我從未喜歡過購物。這或許是因為我很捨不得花錢、喜歡省錢的緣故。我只在有必要的時候才會購物。*probably (adv.) 或許*cheap (adj.) 小氣的;捨不得花錢的
5. Yes, I love it. There is nothing better than shopping for new clothes. I feel like a model when I try on different outfits. 是的,我愛極了。沒有什麼事情比買新衣服更棒的了。當我試穿不同的服裝時,我覺得自己就像是模特兒一樣。*model (n.) 模特兒*different (adj.) 不同的*outfit (n.) 服裝

9 When is your birthday?
When is your birthday? 你什麼時候生日?
1. It's on March 26th. I usually have a small party and invite my friends. 我的生日在三月二十六日。我通常有一個小型的派對,並且會邀請我的朋友參加。*March (n.) 三月*invite (v.) 邀請
2. My birthday is April 21st. My grandparents often come to visit that day. Sometimes they give me a birthday card with money in it. 我的生日是四月二十一日。我的祖父母往往在這一天來訪,有時他們會送我裡面裝有錢的生日卡。*April (n.) 四月*grandparent (n.) 祖父母*sometimes (adv.) 有時*birthday (n.) 生日
3. My birthday is coming up next month. It's on the 8th of October. My sister is going to take me shopping that day. 我的生日即將在下個月來臨,是十月八日。我的姐姐將在那一天帶我去逛街。*October (n.) 十月
4. It's on the 19th of February. My mom always makes me a birthday cake and puts candles on it. Then I blow out the candles and make a wish. 我的生日是在二月十九日,我媽媽總是為我製作蛋糕,並且在上面插蠟燭。然後我吹完蠟燭後許願。*February (n.) 二月*candle (n.) 蠟燭*blow out (ph.) 吹熄
5. It was on the 23rd of last month. My parents took me out for dinner to celebrate. They even gave me a gift. 我的生日是在上個月的二十三日。我的父母帶我到外面吃晚餐慶祝。他們甚至還送我一份禮物。*celebrate (v.) 慶祝

10 What did you do last night?
What did you do last night? 你昨晚做什麼?
1. I stayed at home and studied for an upcoming math test. I studied for about 3 hours and then I went to bed. I hope that I pass the test. 我待在家裡讀書,為即將來臨的ㄧ個數學考試作準備。我讀了大約三小時,然後我上床睡覺。我希望我可以通過考試。*upcoming (adj.) 即將來臨的*math (n.) 數學
2. I went to Taijhong to see a movie with my friends. After the movie, we went out for pizza. Then we took the train home. 我和我的朋友到臺中看一場電影。看完電影之後,我們出去吃披薩。然後我們就搭火車回家。*movie (n.) 電影*pizza (n.) 披薩
3. Last night, I went to visit my grandmother. I often go to see her when I have free time. She is always happy to see me. 昨晚我去拜訪我的祖母。當我有空閒的時間時,我經常去探望她。她看到我總是很高興。*visit (v.) 拜訪*grandmother (n.) 祖母*free time (ph.) 空閒時間
4. I watched the game show on TV with my family and I read a book until I fell asleep. 我和我的家人看電視上的遊戲節目,而且我看了一本書,直到我睡著為止。*fall asleep (ph.) 睡著*asleep (adj.) 睡著的
5. My friend came over to see me last night. We stayed up late talking about school and watching TV. 昨晚我的朋友來看我,我們熬夜,一邊談論學校的事情一邊看電視。*stay up (ph.) 熬夜

11 Do you play baseball? Why or why not?
Do you play baseball? Why or why not? 你打棒球嗎? 為什麼打棒球?或者是為什麼不打棒球?

1. Yes, I do. It is my favorite sport. I have played since I was 8 years old. It is so much fun to    play. 是的,我打棒球。它是我最喜歡的運動,我從八歲的時候開始打,打棒球非常好玩。*sport (n.) 運動
2. No, I don't. I don't have time to play baseball. I am too busy to play. Maybe I would try it if I had more time. 不,我沒有。我沒有時間打棒球。我太忙了以至於沒時間打。假如我有比較多的時間,或許我會試試看。*baseball (n.) 棒球*maybe (adv.) 或許
3. Yes, I play baseball. I play on a team in Tienwei with some of my friends. We practice twice a week. I like hitting the ball. 是的,我打棒球。我和我一些朋友在田尾的一支隊伍裡打球。我們一星期練習兩次。我喜歡擊球。*team (n.) 隊*practice (v.) 練習*twice (adv.) 兩次*hit (v.)
4. No, I don't play baseball. I don't like sports. I think they are boring and a little dangerous. I would rather play computer games. 不,我不打棒球。我不喜歡運動。我覺得運動很無聊,並且有點危險。我比較喜歡玩電腦遊戲。*dangerous (adj.) 危險的*rather (adv.) 寧願
5. Yes, I do play baseball. I love playing it. It is a very exciting game. I want to be a   professional baseball player when I am older. 是的,我打棒球。我喜歡打棒球。它是一個非常刺激的運動。當我長大後,我想要成為一個職業棒球的球員。*exciting (adj.) 令人興奮的*game (n.) 運動*professional (adj.) 職業性的

12 What kind of music do you like the best? Why?
What kind of music do you like the best? Why? 你最喜歡聽哪種音樂?為什麼?
1. I like dance music the best because I love to dance. I feel great when I dance. It is also a good way to stay in shape. 我喜歡舞曲,因為我喜歡跳舞。當我跳舞時,我感覺很棒。這也是個保持 健康的好方法。*dance (v.) 跳舞*stay in shape (ph.) 保持健康
2. Rock and Roll is my favorite kind of music. The sound of an electric guitar is awesome. I like to listen to it when I ride the bus. 搖滾樂是我最喜歡的音樂。電吉他的聲音棒極了。我喜歡在搭公車的時候聽搖滾樂。*Rock and Roll (n.) 搖滾樂*electric (adj.) 電子的*awesome (adj.) 棒極的
3. I like rap the best. It has a cool sound. It is really different from other kinds of music. I also like the way rappers dress. 我最喜歡饒舌樂。它有很酷的聲音。它跟其他種類的音樂真的很不同。我也喜歡饒舌樂歌手的穿著。*rap (n.)饒舌樂*different from (ph.) 不同於*rapper (n.)饒舌樂歌手*dress (v.) 穿著
4. Classical music is my favorite kind of music. I find it relaxing. It helps me to concentrate when I study, too. 古典樂是我最喜歡的音樂。我覺得它很令人放鬆。它也幫助我在學習時能夠專心。*classical music (ph.) 古典樂*relaxing (adj.) 令人放鬆的*concentrate (v.) 專注
5. I like pop music more than anything else. It makes me forget about my problems for a while. I always listen to it on my mp3 player. 我喜歡流行樂勝過其他種類的音樂。它能讓我暫時忘記我的煩惱。我總是用mp3播放器聽流行樂。*pop music (ph.) 流行樂*problem (n.) 煩惱;問題*for a while (ph.) 暫時

13 Where were you born?
Where were you born? 你在哪裡出生的?
1. I was born in a hospital in Taijhong in 2001. My mom says that I was a very happy baby and that I was always smiling. 我在2001年於台中的一間醫院出生。我的媽媽說我是一個非常快樂的嬰兒,並且總是在微笑。*hospital (n.) 醫院
2. I was born in Taipei on March 14th, 1999. I was very small and had to stay in the hospital for 2 weeks. 我在1999314於臺北出生。我那時很弱小,必須要在醫院待兩個禮拜。
3. I was born at the local hospital in 2005. I came 3 weeks before I was supposed to. My parents were very surprised. 我在2005年於當地醫院出生。我在預產期的前三週就出生了。我的父母非常的訝異。*local (adj.) 當地的*be supposed to (ph.) 應該*parent (n.) 父母(其中一方)
4. I was born in Yuanlin in 2010. My mother tells me that I cried a lot when I was a baby. She had many sleepless nights because of me. 我在2010年於員林出生。我的媽媽告訴我,當我還是嬰兒時,我常常哭。因為我, 她有許多晚上無法入睡。*sleepless (adj.) 失眠的*night (n.) 夜晚*because of (ph.) 由於
5. I was born in the Changhua County Hospital. It was 2002. I was the first child born in my family, so my parents were very proud. 我在彰化縣立醫院出生。那時是2002年。我是家裡面第一個出生的孩子,所以我的父母以我為榮。*proud (adj.) 光榮的;驕傲的

14 Who is the most unforgettable person in your life?
Who is the most unforgettable person in your life? 你生命中最難忘的一個人是誰?
1. My grandmother is the most unforgettable person in my life. She is the kindest person that I have ever known. I could never forget her. 我的阿嬤是我生命中最難忘的一個人。她是我所知道最善良的人。我不可能會忘記她。*unforgettable (adj.) 難忘的
2. The most unforgettable person in my life is Mr. Black. He taught me Chinese in grade 4. I will always remember how nice he was to me. 我生命中最難忘的人是Black先生。他在我四年級的時候教我中文。我會永遠記得他對我有多好。*remember (v.) 記得
3. My uncle Joe is the most unforgettable person in my life. He always gives me advice when I am having trouble. I don't know what I would do without him. 我的叔叔Joe是我生命中最難忘的人。他總是在我遇到困難時給我忠告。我不知道沒有他我會怎麼樣。*uncle (n.) 伯父;叔父;姑父;姨丈;舅舅*advice (n.) 忠告*trouble (n.) 麻煩*without (prep.) 沒有
4. That would have to be my neighbor, Mrs. Li. She is always cooking and bringing food over for my family. I will never forget her kindness. 那個人非我鄰居李太太莫屬了。她總是會下廚,並把她煮好的食物帶來給我們家吃。我永遠不會忘記她的好。*neighbor (n.) 鄰居*kindness (n.) 仁慈
5. The most unforgettable person in my life is my mother. She is the greatest mother ever. She is like a best friend to me. I can't imagine the world without her. 我生命中最難忘的人是我的媽媽。她是最棒的母親。她就像是我最好的朋友。我無法想像沒有她的世界。*imagine (v.) 想像*world (n.) 世界

15 What is the last movie you watched?
What is the last movie you watched? 你上後一次看的電影是哪一部?
六種回答方式 :
1. The last movie I watched was Twilight 3. It was a horror movie about vampires and werewolves. I liked it a lot, but my younger brother didn’t. 我上次看的電影是暮光之城第三集。這是一部有關吸血鬼和狼人的恐怖片。我非常喜歡它,但是我的弟弟並不喜歡。*horror movie (ph.) 恐怖片*vampire (n.) 吸血鬼*werewolf (n.) 狼人
2. Madagascar was the last movie I saw. It was really funny. I would like to watch it again. 馬達加斯加是我上次看的電影。它真的很好笑。我想要再看一次。
3. I saw Ice Age at a theater in Taichung last weekend. I went to see it with my parents. I thought it was ok. 我上個週末在台中的一間電影院看冰原歷險記。我跟我的父母一起去看的。我覺得這部電影還可以。*theater (n.) 電影院
4. My friends and I went to see Saw this summer. It was so scary that I screamed a few times. I will never watch another horror movie again. 我的朋友和我今年夏天去看了奪魂鋸。這部電影如此可怕以至於我尖叫了幾次。我以後不會再看恐怖片了。*scary (adj.) 可怕的*scream (v.) 尖叫
5. My mother rented Marley and Me a while ago. It was a comedy about a family and a big dog. I didn’t like the end of the movie because the dog died. 我的媽媽前一陣子租了馬利與我。這是一部有關家庭和一隻大狗的喜劇。我不喜歡這部電影的結尾,因為那隻狗最後過世了。*rent (v.) 租*comedy (n.) 喜劇片
6. I watched a romantic movie called You are the Apple of my Eye. It was a love story about senior high school students in Taiwan. Many people liked it, but I thought it was really boring.    我看了一部愛情片叫做那些年,我們一起追的女孩。這是一個有關台灣高中學生的愛情故事。很多人喜歡這部片,但我覺得這部片真的很無趣。*romantic (adj.) 浪漫的

16 Who is your best friend? What is he or she like?
Who is your best friend? What is he or she like? 你最好的朋友是誰?他或她是怎麼樣的一個人?
五種回答方式 :
1. My best friend is Tom. He is very helpful. He always helps me with my homework if I have trouble. He is a great helper because he is very smart. 我最好的朋友是Tom。他非常樂於助人。他總是在我功課有困難時幫助我。他是一個很棒的幫手因為他非常聰明。*helpful (adj.) 有幫助的; 樂於助人的*trouble (n.) 麻煩*helper (n.) 幫手*smart (adj.) 聰明的
2. Mary is my best friend. We have been friends for 5 years. She is really outgoing and friendly. Everybody likes her. Mary 是我最好的朋友。我們當了五年的朋友了。她真的很外向和親切。    每個人都喜歡她。*outgoing (adj.) 外向的*friendly (adj.) 親切的; 友善的
3. Joe is the best friend that I have ever had. I have known him since grade 3. We are great friends because we like the same things. Joe 是我有過最好的朋友。我從國小三年級時就認識他了。我們是好朋友因為我們喜歡相同的事物。*grade (n.) 年級
4. My best friend is my mom because she treats me well. I tell her all my problems and she always listens. She is very thoughtful. 我最好的朋友是我的媽媽,因為她對我很好。我會把所有的煩惱告訴她,而她總是會聆聽。她非常的體貼。*treat (v.) 對待*problem (n.) 煩惱*thoughtful (adj.) 體貼的
5. Mike has been my best friend since elementary school. I like him because he is cool and popular. We spend lots of time together after school. 從國小的時候,Mike就一直是我最好的朋友。我喜歡他是因為他很酷也很受歡迎。放學之後,我們聚在一起的時間很長。*popular (adj.) 受歡迎的

17 What holiday is your favorite? Why?
What holiday is your favorite? Why? 你最喜歡的節日是什麼?為什麼?
1. The Moon Festival is my favorite holiday. I enjoy getting together with my family and having a barbeque. Also, I love eating mooncakes and staring at the moon. 我最喜歡的節日是中秋節。我喜歡跟我的家人聚在一起,並且一起烤肉。我也喜歡吃月餅和賞月。*Moon Festival (ph.) 中秋節*barbeque (n.) 烤肉*mooncake (n.)月餅*stare (v.) 凝視
2. My favorite holiday is the Dragon Boat Festival. Every year I go to watch the dragon boat races. They are quite exciting to see. I hope to join the races one day. 我最喜歡的節日是端午節。每年我都會去看龍舟競賽。觀看這些比賽相當刺激。我希望未來可以參加競賽。*Dragon Boat Festival (ph.) 端午節*dragon (n.) 龍*race (n.) 競賽
3. Chinese New Year is the best holiday because I get a break from school. During this time, I like to sleep in every day. Getting a red envelope is pretty cool, too. 農曆新年是最棒的節日,因為我可以放假不用上學。在這段期間,我喜歡每天睡到很晚。拿到紅包也是一件非常酷的事情。*Chinese New Year (ph.) 中國農曆新年*sleep in (ph.) 睡到很晚*red envelope (ph.) 紅包
4. I like Chinese New Year more than all the other holidays. All my relatives come to visit and bring gifts. The best part of all is that I get a RED ENVELOPE! Then I can go shopping. 我喜歡農曆新年勝過其他的節日。所有的親戚都會來拜訪我們,並且帶禮物來。最棒的地方就是我可以得到紅包!這樣我就可以去購物了。*relative (n.) 親戚
5. I like any holiday where I don't have to go to school. I guess that Chinese New Year is the best because I get the most time off from school. It is also a good holiday because I can spend time with my family. 我喜歡任何不需要上學的節日。我想新年是最棒的,因為學校放假最多天。這也是個好的節日,因為我可以跟我的家人相處。

18 Where do your grandparents live?
Where do your grandparents live? 你的祖父母住在哪裡?
1. My grandparents live in Yuanlin. I go to visit them every Sunday. Sometimes I stay with them for a few days. I really like that. 我的祖父母住在員林。我每個星期日都去拜訪他們。有時候我會跟他們一起住幾天。我真的很喜歡這樣。
2. My grandparents live with me and my family in Tienwei. It is nice because my parents are very busy, so my grandparents help look after me. 我的祖父母跟我和我的家人一起住在田尾。這樣很棒,因為我的父母非常忙碌,所以我的祖父母幫忙照顧我。*look after (ph.) 照顧
3. My grandparents live in Taipei with my uncle. I don't get to see them very much because they are far away. I wish they lived closer. 我的祖父母跟我的叔叔一起住在台北。我無法常常看見他們,因為他們住很遠。我希望他們能住得近一點。*uncle (n.) 伯父;叔父;姑父;姨丈;舅舅*far away (ph.) 遙遠
4. My grandparents live in Nantou. They have a beautiful house in the mountains there. My family and I go to see them as often as we can. 我的祖父母住在南投。他們在南投的山裡有一間漂亮的房子。我的家人和我盡可能常去看他們。*mountain (n.) 山*as as one can (ph.) 盡可能…
5. My grandparents live upstairs in our house. I am very close to them. My dad says they spoil me, but I don't think so. 我的祖父母住在我家的樓上。我和他們感情很好。我的爸爸說他們把我寵壞了,但我並不這麼認為。*upstairs (adv.) 樓上的*close (adj.) 親密的*spoil (v.) 寵壞

19 What are you wearing today?
What are you wearing today? 你今天穿的是什麼?
1. I'm wearing my school uniform. The shirt is yellow and green and the shorts are green. I    also have a hat to go with it. 我穿學校制服,襯衫是黃色和綠色的,短褲是綠色的。我還有一頂搭配制服的帽子。*wear (v.) 穿著*uniform (n.) 制服
2. Today I am wearing my favorite blue T-shirt, a pair of jeans and white sneakers. They are very comfortable. 今天我穿我最喜歡的藍色T恤,一件牛仔褲和白色運動鞋。他們非常的舒適。*jeans (n.) 牛仔褲*sneakers (n.) 運動鞋*comfortable (adj.) 舒適的
3. I am wearing a striped shirt, black pants and matching black shoes. I just bought this shirt     last week. 我穿一件條紋襯衫,黑色的長褲以及可以搭配的黑色鞋子。這件襯衫是我上星期剛買的。*striped (adj.) 有條紋的*pants (n.) 褲子*match (v.) 相配*shirt (n.) 襯衫
4. I have on sandals, basketball shorts and a light T-shirt. I dressed this way because it is     hot out today. 我穿涼鞋,籃球短褲和一件淺色的T恤,因為今天外面很熱,所以我這麼穿。*sandal (n.) 涼鞋*shorts (n.) 寬鬆運動短褲*light (adj.) 淺色的*dress (v.) 穿*because (conj.) 因為
5. I am wearing a grey sweater, a plaid skirt and red shoes. My mom made me wear this    outfit. I think it looks terrible. 我穿了一件灰色的毛衣,一件格子裙和紅色的鞋子,我媽媽要我穿這套服裝,我認為它看起來很醜。*grey (adj.) 灰色的*sweater (n.) 毛衣*plaid (adj.) 有格子圖案的*outfit (n.) 全套服裝*terrible (adj.) 很糟糕的

20 How often do you watch TV? What do you usually watch?
How often do you watch TV? What do you usually watch? 你多常看電視?你通常看什麼?
1. I watch TV almost every day. I usually watch the news when I get home from school to catch up on current events. 我幾乎每天看電視。放學回到家後我通常會看新聞,以便掌握最近的時    事。*catch up on (ph.) 掌握最新動態*current (adj.) 目前的*event (n.) 事件
2. I rarely watch TV because I am too busy. When I do watch it, I like to watch cartoons like Sponge Bob. 我很少看電視,因為我太忙碌了。真的要看的話,我喜歡看卡通,像是海綿寶寶。*rarely (adv.) 很少*cartoon (n.) 卡通節目
3. I usually watch TV 3 or 4 times a week. Game shows are my favorite kind of show. My father and I watch them together. 我通常一週看三到四次電視。遊戲節目是我最喜歡的節目。我爸爸會跟我一起看。*game show (ph.) 遊戲節目
4. I only watch TV on Sunday morning. It is the only time that I am allowed. I usually watch nature programs. 我只在星期日早上看電視。這是我被允許看電視的唯一時間。我通常看大自然相關的節目。*allow (v.) 允許*nature (n.) 自然*program (n.) 節目
5. I watch television about twice a week. I usually watch horror movies on HBO. To make it scarier, I turn off the lights and watch them in the dark. 我一週大約看兩次電視。我通常在HBO頻道上看恐怖片。為了讓節目看起來更可怕,我會把燈關掉,在黑暗中觀賞。*horror movie (ph.) 恐怖片*scary (adj.) 可怕的

21 How do you get to school? How long does it take to get there?
How do you get to school? How long does it take to get there? 你怎麼到學校?到那裡要花多久時間?
1. My mother drives me to school in the car. It usually takes about 10 minutes unless the traffic is bad. She is a crazy driver. 我的媽媽開車載我去上學。除非交通不順暢,不然到學校通常要花大約十分鐘。她是一個瘋狂的駕駛。*traffic (n.) 交通
2. I ride my bike to school. I can get there in about 15 minutes. Sometimes, I take a shortcut through the park. 我騎腳踏車去上學。我可以在大約十五分鐘內到達學校。有時候,我會走    穿越公園的那條捷徑。*shortcut (n.) 捷徑
3. I take the bus to school. It is about a 20 minute bus ride from the bus stop to my school. I usually nap on the way there. 我搭公車到學校。從公車站到我的學校大約要二十分鐘。我經常會在到學校的途中小睡一下。*nap (v.) 小睡
4. My father takes me to school on his scooter. It is less than a 10 minute ride from my house. My father drives very fast. 我的爸爸用機車帶我去學校。從我家出發到學校不用十分鐘。我的爸爸騎很快。*scooter (n.) 機車
5. I walk to school because it isn’t very far away. It takes me between 5 and 10 minutes to get there. But if it rains, my father drives me there. 我走路上學,因為學校離我家並不是很遠。我通常花五到十分鐘到學校。但是如果下雨,我的爸爸會載我上學。

22 How do you feel when you get the flu?
How do you feel when you get the flu? 當你得到流行性感冒時你會覺得怎樣?
1. I feel awful when I get the flu. It is the worst feeling. My whole body aches. I have to take medicine so that I can sleep. 當我得到流行性感冒時,我覺得很不舒服。這是最糟糕的感覺了。我整身都在疼痛。我必須吃藥才能夠睡覺。*awful (adj.) 不舒服的;糟透的*worst (adj.) 最糟糕的*whole (adj.) 整個*ache (v.) 疼痛*medicine (n.) 藥*so that (ph.) 以便於
2. When I get the flu, I feel like death. I get terribly bad headaches and can’t think clearly. 當我得到流行性感冒時,我感覺像是死掉一般。我的頭疼得很厲害,而且無法清楚地思考。*death (n.) 死亡*terribly (adv.) 非常*headache (n.) 頭痛*clearly (adv.) 清楚地
3. The flu is the worst. I hate being sick. I feel so drowsy and can’t breathe properly. Sometimes I get a fever, too. 得到流行性感冒是最糟糕的。我討厭生病。我感到昏昏欲睡,而且無法正常呼吸。有時候我也會發燒。*drowsy (adj.) 昏昏欲睡的*breathe (v.) 呼吸*properly (adv.) 恰當地*fever (n.) 發燒
4. Whenever I get the flu, I feel so down. I usually rush to see the doctor right away. He gives me a prescription to make me feel better. 當我得到流行性感冒時,我感到情緒低落。我經常會立刻奔去看醫生。他會給我處方,讓我覺得舒服一點。*down (adj.) 情緒低落的*rush (v.) ;奔*right away (ph.) 馬上*prescription (n.) 處方
5. The flu makes me cough and sneeze. I hate it. It is the worst feeling in the world. But, I do get to stay home from school. That part is good. 流行性感冒使我咳嗽和流鼻涕。我討厭流感。這是世界上最糟糕的感覺。但我可以待在家裡不用去學校。這個部分很棒。*cough (v.) 咳嗽*sneeze (v.) 流鼻涕

23 Do you like reading? Why or why not?
Do you like reading? Why or why not? 你喜歡閱讀嗎? 為什麼喜歡?或者是為什麼不喜歡?
1. Yes, I really enjoy reading. I find it extremely relaxing. It helps me to forget about my worries for a while. 是的,我真的很喜歡閱讀。我發現閱讀能讓人非常放鬆,它幫助我暫時忘掉我的煩憂。*extremely (adv.) 極度地*relaxing (adj.) 使人放鬆的*forget (v.) 忘記*worry (n.) 擔心*for a while (ph.) 暫時
2. I don’t like reading. It is boring. I have to read so much in school that I don’t want to do it in my free time. 我不喜歡閱讀,它很無聊。在學校我就必須讀那麼多書,以致於我不想在空閒的時間做這件事。
3. Yes, I do like reading. It is the best way to learn about new things. I especially like reading about history and science. 是的,我的確喜歡閱讀。它是學習新的事物最好的方式。我特別喜歡閱讀與歷史和科學相關的書。*especially (adv.) 特別*history (n.) 歷史*science (n.) 科學
4. I like reading, but only comic books. I think the artwork makes them more interesting than     novels. I have a big collection of comic books. 我喜歡閱讀,但只喜歡看漫畫書。我認為插圖使他們比小說更有趣。我有非常多的漫畫書。*comic book (ph.) 漫畫書*artwork (n.) 插圖*collection (n.) 搜集的東西
5. I don’t care for reading. If I read for too long, I get headaches and my eyes hurt. Maybe I need glasses or something. 我不喜歡閱讀,假如閱讀太久,我頭會痛,並且眼睛酸痛。或許我需要眼鏡之類的東西。*care for (ph.) 喜歡*headache (n.) 頭痛*glasses (n.) 眼鏡*or something (ph.) 諸如此類的什麼

24 Do you like comic books? Why or why not?
Do you like comic books? Why or why not? 你喜歡看漫畫書嗎? 為什麼喜歡?或者是為什麼不喜歡?
1. Yes, I really like comic books. They are fun to read. I can read an entire comic book in a day.    是的,我真得很喜歡漫畫書。他們讀起來很有趣。我可以在一天內看完一整本漫畫書。*entire (adj.) 整個的
2. No, I don’t like comic books. I think they are a waste of time. They are for people who can’t read well. 不,我不喜歡漫畫書。我認為看漫畫書很浪費時間,他們是給閱讀能力不好的人所看的書。
3. Yes, comics are the best. They are very entertaining. Every time I go to the library, I get a big stack of comics to read. 是的,漫畫書是最棒的。他們非常的有趣。每次我到圖書館,我都會拿一大堆的漫畫來看。*entertaining (adj.) 有趣的*library (n.) 圖書館*stack (n.) 一堆
4. No, I don’t like comic books at all. I think they are childish. My little brother reads them all     the time. 不,我一點也不喜歡漫畫書。我認為他們很幼稚。我的弟弟無時無刻都在看漫畫。*childish (adj.) 幼稚的*all the time (ph.) (在該段時間內)一直
5. Yes, comic books are great. I really admire the artwork in them. Sometimes I even try to     draw comic book characters myself. 是的,漫畫書很棒。我真的很欣賞漫畫的插圖。有時我甚至自己嘗試去畫漫畫人物。*great (adj.) 極好的*admire (v.) 欣賞; 佩服*character (n.) 角色

25 What day is today?
What day is today? 今天是星期幾?
1. Today is Friday. I’m so excited that the weekend is finally here! 今天是星期五。我很興奮週末終於要來了。*Friday (n.) 星期五*finally (adv.) 終於
2. It’s Wednesday today. Wednesday is my favorite day of the week. 今天星期三。星期三是我一星期裡最喜歡的一天。*Wednesday (n.) 星期三
3. It’s Tuesday the 16th of September. It’s almost my birthday! 今天是九月十六日星期二,我的生日快到了。*Tuesday (n.) 星期二*September (n.) 九月
4. Today is Monday the 3rd of October. I hate Mondays! It is my busiest day of the week. 今天是十月三日星期一。我討厭星期一。它是我一星期裡最忙碌的一天。*Monday (n.) 星期一*October (n.) 十月
5. It’s Thursday today. I think it is my mom’s birthday today. I better get her a present after
    school. 今天星期四,我想今天是我媽媽的生日。放學後我最好準備一份禮物送她。*Thursday (n.) 星期四*present (n.) 禮物*I better I had better的簡稱,had better (ph.) 最好

26 What did you have for breakfast this morning?
What did you have for breakfast this morning? 你今天早上吃什麼早餐?
1. I had a ham and egg sandwich and a glass of orange juice. It was very delicious. I bought it at a breakfast shop near my house. 我吃一塊火腿蛋三明治,並且喝了一杯柳橙汁。它非常的美味。我在我家附近的一間早餐店買的。*ham (n.) 火腿*sandwich (n.) 三明治*orange (n.) 柳橙*juice (n.) 果汁
2. I have oatmeal for breakfast every morning. It fills me up and gives me lots of energy for       the day. Plus, it’s easy to make. 我每天早上早餐吃燕麥片。它讓我有飽足感,並且給我一天很多能量。此外,燕麥片很容易準備。*oatmeal (n.) 燕麥片*energy (n.) 能量*plus (adv.) 此外
3. For breakfast, I ate some bread and fresh fruit. I try to have fruit at every meal because it     is good for me. 早餐我吃一些麵包和新鮮的水果。我試著每一餐吃水果,因為它對我有益。*bread (n.) 麵包*meal (n.) 一餐
4. I had a hearty breakfast. I had bacon and eggs with hash browns and a piece of toast. My grandma made it for me. 我吃營養豐富的早餐。我吃培根和蛋加馬鈴薯煎餅,以及一片土司。我祖母幫我準備的。*hearty (adj.) 營養豐富的*hash browns (ph.) 馬鈴薯煎餅*toast (n.) 土司
5. I ate a bagel for breakfast. With it I had a glass of milk. 我早餐吃貝果。我喝一杯牛奶搭配。*bagel (n.) 貝果

27 What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite color? 你最喜歡的顏色是什麼?
1. My favorite color is blue. It is the color of the sky and the ocean. I think it is the most     beautiful color of all. 我最喜歡的顏色是藍色。它是天空和海洋的顏色。我認為它是所有的顏色中最漂亮的。*ocean (n.) 海洋*beautiful (adj.) 美麗的
2. I like green because it is the color of money! If they change the color of money, then I will     change my favorite color. 我喜歡綠色,因為它是錢的顏色。假如他們改變錢的顏色,我會隨之改變我最喜歡的顏色。*change (v.) 改變
3. I like pink the best. It is such a pretty, happy color. I wear pink all the time. I even have a     pink bicycle. 我最喜歡粉紅色,它是如此漂亮、快樂的色彩。我總是穿粉紅色的衣服,我甚至還有一輛粉紅色的腳踏車。*pink (n.) 粉紅色*pretty (adj.) 漂亮的
4. Black is my favorite color for some reason. I don’t know why. I just have always really liked     it. 不知怎麼,黑色是我最喜歡的顏色,我也不知道為什麼?我就是一直喜歡它。*reason (n.) 原因
5. Bright yellow is my favorite color. I find it a very cheerful color. It reminds me of sunshine     and lemonade. 鮮黃色是我最喜歡的顏色,我覺得它是使人愉快的顏色。它讓我想起陽光和檸檬水。*bright (adj.) 鮮亮的*cheerful (adj.) 使人愉快的*remind (v.) 使想起*sunshine (n.) 陽光*lemonade (n.) 檸檬水

28 What special things do people usually do during Chinese New Year?
What special things do people usually do during Chinese New Year? 人們經常在農曆新年做什麼特別的事情?
1. Most people get together with their families during Chinese New Year. Usually, they have big meals with lots of traditional dishes. 大部分的人在農曆新年的時候跟家人團聚。通常他們會吃有很多傳統菜色的大餐。*traditional (adj.) 傳統的*dish (n.) 菜色
2. During Chinese New Year, children and elders get red envelopes. They have money in them. Adults give them to their parents or grandparents. 農曆新年時,小孩子跟年長輩會得到紅包。裡面放了錢。大人會把紅包送給他們的父母或祖父母。*elder (n.) 年長者*red envelope (ph.) 紅包*adult (n.) 成年人
3. Many people have family reunions during Chinese New Year. They have feasts, set off firecrackers and visit with each other. 很多人會在農曆新年時與家人團圓。他們會吃大餐、放鞭炮和彼此拜訪。*reunion (n.) 團圓*feast (n.) 宴會*set off (ph.) 點燃*firecracker (n.) 鞭炮*each other (n.) 彼此
4. Some people like to travel during Chinese New Year. It is the longest holiday, so there is time to go abroad. However, it is expensive to travel at this time. 有些人喜歡在農曆新年時旅遊。這是最長的假期,所以有時間出國。然而,這時候旅遊很昂貴。*abroad (adv.) 到國外*expensive (adj.) 昂貴的
5. Traditionally, people have family reunions, eat big meals and give out red envelopes. My father and uncles always play mahjong. It is a kind of tradition in our family. 傳統來說,人們會與家人團圓、吃大餐並且發紅包。我的爸爸跟姨丈/叔叔們總是會打麻將。在我們家,這是一項傳統。*traditionally (adv.) 傳統地*give out (ph.) 發出*uncle (n.) 伯父;叔父;姑父;姨丈;舅舅*mahjong (n.) 麻將*tradition (n.) 傳統

29 What's the weather like in your hometown?
What's the weather like in your hometown? 你的家鄉氣候如何?
1. The weather in my hometown is usually quite nice. However, in the summer, it can get quite hot and humid. I prefer winter because it is cooler and drier. 我家鄉的氣候通常很好。然而,夏天的時候,天氣會變得又熱又潮溼。我比較喜歡冬天,因為天氣比較涼爽與乾燥。*humid (adj.) 潮溼的*prefer (v.) 偏好
2. It is always windy in my hometown. Every day, it blows and blows. It is even worse during typhoons. 我的家鄉總是很多風。風每天都一直吹,一直吹。颱風時,風吹得更厲害。*typhoon (n.) 颱風
3. It is usually nice and sunny, but there can be a lot of rain, too. I don’t care for the rain. I would rather live in a desert. 我家鄉的天氣經常很晴朗,但是也會下很多雨。我不喜歡雨。我寧願住在沙漠。*care for (ph.) 喜歡*would rather (ph.) 寧願*desert (n.) 沙漠
4. The weather in my hometown changes every day. One day it is hot and sunny and the next day is cloudy and rainy. You just never know. 我家鄉的天氣每天都在改變。一天炎熱晴朗,另一天就下雨多雲。你永遠不知道天氣會是怎麼樣。*cloudy (adj.) 多雲的
5. In my hometown, the weather is generally bright and sunny. But you should always carry an umbrella because you never know when it might rain. 在我的家鄉,天氣通常晴朗的。但是,你應該時時帶一支雨傘,因為你不知道什麼時候可能會下雨。*generally (adv.) 通常*bright (adj.) 晴朗的
30 What's your favorite dessert?
What's your favorite dessert? 你最喜歡的甜點是什麼?
1. My favorite dessert is apple pie. I like to eat it with ice-cream on top. I love the taste. 我最喜歡的甜點是蘋果派。我喜歡上面有冰淇淋的蘋果派。我喜愛這樣的味道。*taste (n.) 味道
2. I like yogurt with strawberries. It isn’t too sweet and it is very healthy. Sometimes I add bananas to it too. 我喜歡有草莓的優格。它不會太甜,而且很健康。有時候我也會把香蕉加上去。*yogurt (n.) 優格*strawberry (n.) 草莓
3. Chocolate cake is my favorite. I could eat it every day. I am definitely a chocolate lover. 巧克力蛋糕是我的最愛。我可以每天都吃。我絕對是一個巧克力的愛好者。*definitely (adv.) 絕對地
4. I don’t like desserts, but mooncakes are alright. They aren’t too sweet. They are a treat because I only get them during the Moon Festival. 我不喜歡甜點,但月餅還可以接受。月餅不會太甜。月餅是一項難得的享受,因為我只有在中秋節才能吃得到。*mooncake (n.) 月餅*treat (n.) 難得的享受*Moon Festival (ph.) 中秋節
5. My favorite dessert is pudding. The best flavor is banana or chocolate. I often buy it at 7-11 for a treat. 我最喜歡甜點是布丁。最棒的口味是香蕉或是巧克力。我通常到7-11買來享受。*pudding (n.) 布丁

31 When do you wash your face?
When do you wash your face? 你什麼時候洗臉?
1. I wash my face after I get up and before I go to bed. My mom always has to remind me to     wash it, or I will forget. 我起床之後以及上床之前洗臉。我媽媽總是提醒我要洗臉,否則我會忘記。*get up (ph.) 起床
2. I wash it before and after every meal. I don’t like eating with a dirty face. I think it is    disgusting. 我在每餐之前和之後洗臉。我不喜歡吃東西的時候有一張骯髒的臉。我認為那是十分噁心的。*dirty (adj.) 骯髒的*disgusting (adj.) 令人作嘔的
3. I wash my face whenever it is dirty. I usually wash it several times a day. I don’t like having a dirty face. 當我臉髒的時候我會洗臉。我一天總是洗好幾次。我不喜歡有一張骯髒的臉。*whenever (conj.) 每當*several (adj.) 數個的
4. I wash my face when I feel hot and sweaty. It feels nice and cools me off. I use really cold     water. 當我感到很熱和流汗的時候我會洗臉。它讓我感覺很好,並且讓我涼快下來。我用非常冷的水。*sweaty (adj.) 滿身是汗的
5. I wash my face in the morning and in the evening. I use lots of soap and water so that it is squeaky clean. 我在每天早上及傍晚洗臉。我使用很多的香皂和水,以便把臉洗的乾乾淨淨。*soap (n.) 香皂*squeaky clean (ph.) 純淨的; 無瑕疵的

32 Where are you going this weekend? What will you do there?
Where are you going this weekend? What will you do there? 你這個週末要去哪裡?你會在那裡做什麼?
1. I’m going to go to Taichung this weekend with my mother. We will go shopping for new clothes. I’m hoping to buy a new pair of basketball shoes. 我這個週末要跟我媽媽去台中。我們會去購買一些新衣服。我希望買一雙新的籃球鞋。*pair (n.) ;
2. This weekend I will go to Yuanlin with my friends. There is a new movie playing at the theater that we want to see. 這個週末我會跟我的朋友到員林。電影院現正放映一部我們很想看的新電    影。*theater (n.) 電影院
3. I am going to go to visit my aunt and uncle in Beidou this Saturday. They invited me to come and stay with them. They will probably take me out for dinner at a nice restaurant. 我這個星期六將要拜訪住在北斗的阿姨和姨丈。他們邀請我去跟他們住。他們大概會帶我到一間很棒的餐廳吃晚餐。*probably (adv.) 大概
4. I will go to the mountains in Nantou. My father and I are going to ride our bikes through the mountains. We often go cycling in our free time. 我會到南投的山區。我爸跟我會在山裡騎腳踏車。我們通常在空閒的時間去騎腳踏車。*mountain (n.) 山*go cycling (ph.) 騎腳踏車

33 Where do you usually go shopping?
Where do you usually go shopping? 你通常都去哪裡購物?
1. I usually go shopping in Taichung. There are many department stores and malls there. My favorite mall is Tiger City. 我通常都去台中逛街購物。那邊有很多百貨公司跟商場。我最喜愛的商場是老虎城。*go shopping(ph.) 購物*department store (ph.) 百貨公司*mall (n.) 購物中心
2. I often shop at RT-Mart. It is a big department store. I can buy everything I need there and it is not far from my house. 我通常會在大潤發購物。這是間很大的百貨公司,在那裏我可以買到我需要的任何東西,而且它離我家不會很遠。*RT-Mart (n.) 大潤發
3. I like to go shopping on Guan Ming street in Yuanlin. There are lots of little clothing shops there. It is fun to go to the different stores. 我喜歡去員林的光明街逛街。那邊有很多小間的服飾店。逛不同的商店很有趣。*different (adj.)不同的
4. When I go shopping, I usually go to the night market. You can find lots of deals there. It has games to play, too. 當我去逛街時,我通常會去夜市。你可以在那邊找到很多特價商品。那邊    也會有多遊戲可以玩。*night market (ph.) 夜市*deal (n.) 特價商品
5. I don’t often go shopping. When I do, I like to shop close to home. There are a few stores around my neighborhood where I can get what I need. 我不常逛街。如果有的話,我喜歡去離家近的地方逛。我家附近就有一些商店,可以讓我買到我需要的東西。

34 Where is Kaohsiung? Is it far from your home?
Where is Kaohsiung? Is it far from your home? 高雄在哪裡?離你家很遠嗎?
1. Kaohsiung is a large city in southern Taiwan. I live in central Taiwan, so it is quite far.
    高雄是南台灣一個很大的城市。我家在台灣中部,所以距離我家有點遠。*southern (adj.) 南方的*central (adj.) 中心的
2. Kaohsiung is in the south of Taiwan and I am in the north. It is very far from my hometown.
3. Kaohsiung is north of where I live. It is only about 30 minutes by bus—not too far. 高雄在我家北邊,從我家搭公車約30分鐘可以到達,不會很遠。
4. I think Kaohsiung is east of here. I live in south-west Taiwan about an hour away by car. It isn’t too far for me. 我想高雄是這裡的東邊。我住在台灣的西南方,到高雄車程大約一小時。對我來說不會很遠。
5. I believe Kaohsiung is located in southern Taiwan. I live on the west coast in central Taiwan. It is about 4 hours away by car. 我想高雄位於台灣南部。我住在中台灣的西岸,離高雄車程大約四小時。*locate (v.) 座落於*coast (n.) 海岸

35 Which season do you like the best? Why?
Which season do you like the best? Why? 你最喜歡哪一個季節?為什麼?
1. I like spring the best. The flowers start to grow and all the trees become very green at this time. Birds start making nests, too. 我最喜歡春天,春天的時候,花開始生長,樹變得很翠綠。鳥也開始築巢。*spring (n.) 春天*grow (v.) 成長*nest (n.)
2. My favorite season is summer. This is because it is time for summer vacation and I don’t     have to wake up early. Also, I love the heat. 我最喜歡的季節是夏天,這是因為這個時節是暑假,而且我不用早起。此外,我喜愛高溫。*season (n.) 季節*summer vacation (ph.) 暑假*heat (n.) 高溫
3. Fall is the best season. It is cool at this time. I really don’t like the heat. It makes me sweat too much. 秋天是最棒的季節,這個季節是涼爽的,我真的很不喜歡高溫,它使我流太多的汗。*fall (n.) 秋天*sweat (v.) 流汗
4. I think winter is the best season. I enjoy winter the most because the weather is cool and     dry. It is also when Chinese New Year’s vacation comes. 我認為冬天是最棒的季節,我最喜歡冬天,因為天氣涼爽乾燥。它也是農曆新年假期到來的時節。*winter (n.) 冬天*weather (n.) 天氣*Chinese New Year (ph.) 農曆新年
5. I like summer the best because it is a good time to hang out at the beach. I often go there     and swim during the summer months. It is one of my favorite things to do. 我最喜歡夏天,因為它是待在海灘的好時光。我經常在夏天這幾個月去那裡游泳。這是我最喜歡做的事情之一。*hang out (ph.) 消磨時間*beach (n.) 海灘*swim (v.) 游泳*during (prep.) 在…的期間

36 Your friend is speaking too quickly. What would you say to him?
1. I would say, “Slow down. You’re speaking too quickly. Could you speak slower, please?”
2. I’d ask, “Can you speak more slowly, please? You are talking too fast. I can’t understand you.”
3. I would say, “Pardon me, but you are talking too fast. Could you slow down so that I can understand?”
4. I’d say, “Excuse me. Could you speak slowly? My English isn’t very good.”
5. I would ask, “Could you repeat that slowly? I can’t understand when you are speaking so fast.”

37 There is going to be an exhibit at the museum.
1. Hi. I’m calling about the exhibit at the museum. What is it about? When does it start? How much does it cost?
2. Hello. I’m Joe Li. I have a few questions about the upcoming exhibit. Can you tell me what it’s about? When is opening day? What is the price of admission?
3. Good afternoon. I’d like to ask you about your exhibit. What will it feature? When will it end? What hours are you open?
4. Hi. Can I ask you about the new exhibit? I’d like to know what it’s all about? How long will it be there for? How much are tickets?
5. Sorry to bother you, but I have a couple of questions. What is the new exhibit about? Will it be there long? Is there a discount for students?

38 How much time do you usually spend eating breakfast in the morning?
1. I don’t spend too much time eating breakfast. Probably about 10 minutes or so.
2. I spend around 15 minutes eating breakfast. Then I have to rush to school.
3. I would guess about 5 minutes. I eat very quickly because I usually wake up late.
4. I spend between 20 and 30 minutes eating breakfast. I like to take my time and enjoy the food.
5. I don’t spend much time at all eating breakfast. I can finish my breakfast in less than 5 minutes.

39 A person calls one phone and wants to talk to your sister but she is not at home.
1. I’d probably say, “Could you call back later? She isn’t here right now.”
2. I might say, “I’m sorry, but she is out. Can I take a message?”
3. I would say, “She’s not at home at the moment. Would you care to leave a message?”
4. I would say something like, “My sister isn’t here right now. Call back in about 30 minutes.”
5. I’d say, “She hasn’t come home, yet. If I could take your name, I’ll tell her that you called.”

40 There is a dog following you from school. What will you do?
1. I would shout loudly and try to scare it away. I don’t like dogs. They frighten me.
2. I would stop and pet the dog. If it was friendly and clean, I might take it home.
3. I would run really fast and try to lose the dog. Then I would hide behind a tree.
4. I would see if the dog has a tag. If it does, I would call the owner and tell him to come and get it.
5. I am scared of dogs, I would probably scream and hope that someone came to save me.

41 How was the traffic on your way here?
1. It was rush hour, so there was a lot of traffic on the road. I was almost late.
2. It wasn’t too bad. There wasn’t a lot of traffic on the road today. It was OK.
3. It was terrible. There was a traffic jam on Jhongsan Road. Traffic was backed up for 2 blocks.
4. Traffic was bad today. It’s always bad in Taiwan. There are too many cars, trucks and scooters on the road.
5. It wasn’t good at all. There was an accident near my house. Cars moved very slowly through that area.

42 Do you like riding a bicycle?
Do you like riding a bicycle? 你喜歡騎腳踏車嗎?
1. Yes, I really like riding a bicycle. I think it is fun and good exercise. It is also much faster     than walking. 是的,我真的很喜歡騎腳踏車。我想它是有趣及很好的運動。它也比走路快多了。*bicycle (n.) 腳踏車*exercise (n.) 運動
2. No, I don’t like riding a bicycle. It is dangerous. There are too many crazy drivers on the     road in Taiwan. 不,我不喜歡騎腳踏車,它是危險的。在臺灣馬路上有很多瘋狂的駕駛人。*crazy (adj.) 瘋狂的*driver (n.) 駕駛人
3. Yes, I enjoy bike riding. In fact, my father and I often go to Nantou to ride our bikes. There are many beautiful bike paths there. 是的,我喜歡騎腳踏車。事實上,我爸爸和我經常到南投騎腳踏車。那裡有很多的美麗的腳踏車道。*in fact (ph.) 事實上*often (adv.) 經常*path (n.) 道路
4. No, I don’t like riding a bike because it makes me sweaty. I prefer to walk when I go     anywhere. 不,我不喜歡騎腳踏車,因為它會使我流汗。當我外出時,比較喜歡用走路的方式。*prefer (v.) 較喜歡*anywhere (adv.) 任何地方
5. Yes, I love riding bikes. It is one of my favorite things to do. I own a really nice bike that I     bought in Taijhong. 是的,我喜歡騎腳踏車,它是我最喜歡做的事情之一。我自己有一輛很棒的腳踏車,是我在臺中買的。*own (v.) 擁有

43 Tell me about your hometown.
1. I was born in the small town of Tienwei. I have lived there all my life. It is a beautiful town with many flower gardens. And the people there are all so friendly. I enjoy living there.
2. My hometown is Jongjing. It is quite small and there isn’t much to do there. There aren’t even any good places to shop.
3. I come from Yuanlin which is located in Changhua County. It is a very big town with lots of tall buildings. There is even a university there.
4. Taipei is my hometown, but I live in Tienwei now. Taipei is the largest city in Taiwan and has one of the tallest buildings in the world—Taipei 101.

44 Do you think TV is good for children?
1. Yes, I do. It keeps them out of trouble. It is also a good way to learn new things if they watch educational programs.
2. No. I think TV is bad for children to watch. There are too many violent TV shows. It also teaches them bad words.
3. I think TV is okay for children as long as they only watch children’s shows. Parents should keep a close eye on them.
4. No, I don’t think TV is good for children. It is bad for their eyes. I think they should read or take up a hobby instead.
5. Yes, I think TV is good for children as long as they don’t watch too much. However, they shouldn’t watch adult programs.

45 How do you go to school every day?
How do you go to school every day? 你每天如何上學?
1. I walk to school every day. It isn't very far. It only takes me about 10 minutes to get there. 我每天走路上學。學校不遠,到那裡大約只要十分鐘。
2. My mother drives me to school in her car. She picks me up after school, too. I'm glad that I don't have to walk. 我媽媽開她的車載我到學校。放學後她也來接我。我很高興我不用走路上學。*pick up (ph.) 用汽車搭載某人或接某人*glad (adj.) 高興的
3. I ride my bike to school. I don't mind except when it rains. I don't like going to class wearing wet clothes. 我騎腳踏車到學校。我不介意騎車,除了下雨天之外,我不喜歡穿著濕衣服上課。*except (prep.) ...之外*wet (adj.) 濕的*clothes (n.) 衣服
4. I go to school by car. My father drops me off at school on his way to work. It's very handy     for me. 我搭車上學。我父親上班時讓我在學校下車。對我而言很便利。*drop off (ph.) ...下車*on ones way to (ph.) 在去...的路上*handy (adj.) 便利的
5. I catch a ride with my neighbor Tom. He goes to the same school as me. His father drives us there in his truck. 我搭我鄰居湯姆的便車。他跟我上同一所學校。他父親用他的卡車載我們到學校。*neighbor (n.) 鄰居*drive (v.) 用車送(人)*truck (n.) 卡車

46 Is your family a big one or a small one?
1. My family is a small one. It's just my parents and me. I am an only child. I like getting all their attention.
2. My family is a big one. I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters. It's always busy around our house in the morning. There is always a fight for the bathroom.
3. I have a small family. It's only my parents, my younger brother and me. It's pretty quiet around our house.
4. I have a large family. I have 4 sisters and 2 brothers. In addition, my grandparents live with us, too. But it's ok because they help look after us.
5. I think that I have a small family. It's just my parents, my grandma, my older sister and I living in the house. 5 people isn't very big.

47 Describe your living room at home.
1. My living room is quite small. There is only a sofa, a coffee table and a TV. I wish I had a bigger living room.
2. It is an average-sized living room. There is an entertainment center in the corner with a TV and DVD player. I also have a large brown sofa, 2 big soft chairs and a small table.
3. I have a very big living room. It is painted white and brown. There is the usual living room furniture: sofa, recliner, end tables, etc. I also have a lot of artwork on the wall.
4. My living room is on the second floor of the house. It is very spacious because I don't have much furniture; only a big chair, a small table and a TV. I like it that way.
5. My living room is very cluttered because it doubles as my office. There are books and papers everywhere. I don't have a desk, so I sit on the sofa and use the coffee table to do my work.

48 If you had to live in either Kaohsiung or Taipei, which one would you choose?
1. I would choose Taipei simply because it has a big zoo and I love going there. If I lived in Taipei, I could visit the zoo whenever I wanted.
2. I prefer Kaohsiung to Taipei. Taipei is just too busy all the time. People there are always in such a rush. I find Kaohsiung much more relaxed.
3. Definitely, Taipei. I have family and friends that live in Taipei. It would be nice to be close to them. I don't know anyone in Kaohsiung.
4. If I had to choose, I would choose Kaohsiung. It is closer to Kenting, Green Island and other popular tourist places that I would like to visit.
5. I think Taipei would be a better place to live. It is more modern than Kaohsiung and has more cool things to do.

49 Do you often go to the movies? Why or why not?
1. No, I don't often go to the movies. It is too expensive. It is much cheaper to rent a movie and watch it at home.
2. Yes, I do. I usually go to the movies once or twice a week. There is nothing better than watching a movie on a big screen.
3. No, I don't. I might see a movie once a year if I am lucky. I am too busy studying and doing homework to go out.
4. Yes, I often go to the movies. Usually, about 3 times a month. But, I never buy snacks at the theater. It is a rip-off.
5. No, not often, but I do go occasionally. I would like to go more, but I don't have enough time or money. Besides, the theater is quite far from my house.

50 Do you think it's okay for guys to grow long hair?
1. I think it's okay. Guys can grow long hair if they want. It's a free country, right?
2. No, I don't think it's okay. Men should have short hair. No one will respect you if you have long hair.
3. It doesn't matter to me. Everyone should have the right to choose their hairstyle. I won't judge them on their hair.
4. Long hair on guys looks stupid. Some people think they're so cool just because they have long hair. But I think long hair is for girls.
5. Sure it's okay. If fact, my uncle has long hair. I don't treat people differently just because of their hair. That seems ridiculous.

51 Have you ever been to a concert
1. Yes, I have been to a concert. I went with my friends last summer to see Jolin. It was awesome. She is a great entertainer.
2. No, I have never been to a concert. I've heard that they are very loud. They are also too crowded for me.
3. Yes, I have been to several concerts. The first concert I saw was Rainie. I went to see her with my mom. It was a great experience.
4. No, I haven't. I'd like to, but I never have enough free time. Hopefully, I will see one in the future. I'd really like to see SHE perform live.
5. Yes, I have been to one before. I recently say a Jay Chou concert is Taipei. I had front row seats. It was expensive, but worth it.

52 How do you usually celebrate your birthday?
1. Usually, my parents invite all my friends and family over for a party. We have a big meal and play games. My grandma always buys me a birthday cake.
2. I don't usually do too much. I might go out for a nice meal with my friends and that is about it. I don't like big parties.
3. I invite all my friends to my house on my birthday. We watch scary movies and chat. One of my friends usually brings a cake for me.
4. I don't like to do anything on my birthday. I don't want to celebrate getting older. It seems crazy to me. Who wants to get old?
5. I usually go to a KTV with my friends. We sing songs and eat snacks all night long. It is so much fun.

53 What is your favorite sport?
1. My favorite sport is basketball. I like to play it and watch it on TV. My favorite team is the Miami Heat. I watch all of their games.
2. I like baseball more than any other sport. To me, it is fun to watch and it is even more fun to play. I play twice a week with the local team.
3. Badminton is my favorite sport. I like it because you can play anywhere. All that you need is a net, 2 rackets and a birdie. I often play it with my father in the park.
4. I would say that table tennis is my favorite sport. I have played it for many years. I even play in tournaments sometimes. I am good at it.
5. I don't like sports. They are too competitive for me. Some sports are dangerous, too. I would rather read. No one ever gets hurt reading.

54 When do you usually go to bed?
When do you usually go to bed? 你通常何時上床睡覺?
1. I usually go to bed around 10:30. If I go to bed any later, I feel tired in the morning. Then I can't concentrate on my studies. 我通常大約10:30上床睡覺。假如我超過這個時間才睡覺,早上會覺得疲累。然後我就不能專心在我的課業上面。*usually (adv.) 通常地*around (prep.) 大約*tired (adj.) 疲累的*concentrate (v.) 專心
2. I go to bed between 9 and 10. My parents make me. I wish that I could stay up later and watch TV. 我在九點到十點之間上床睡覺。我的父母強迫我這麼做。但願我能夠晚點睡覺並且看電    視。*between (prep.) 在…之間*stay up (ph.) 不睡覺
3. I can't go to bed until my homework is finished. Sometimes it is 1 or 2 a.m. before I get to sleep. I hate going to bed so late. 我的功課如果無法完成便不能上床睡覺。有時是清晨1點或2點我才去睡覺。我討厭這麼晚睡覺。*finished (adj.) 完成的*homework (n.) 家庭作業*sleep (v.) 睡覺
4. I go to bed at 10 p.m. on school nights and 12 a.m. on weekends. I'm allowed to stay up late on weekends because I don't have to get up early. 平日上學時我晚上十點睡覺,在週末假日時十二點睡覺。週末假日我能得到准許很晚才睡是因為我不用早起。*weekend (n.) 週末*allow (v.) 允許
5. I go to bed at about 10:45. But, if I don't need to get up early the next day, I can stay up later, like on holidays. 我大約10:45睡覺。但是,假如隔天不用早起。我可以晚點睡,就像是假日時。holiday (n.) 假日

55 Your sister Linda got a love letter. You are very curious about it. What would you ask her?
1. I would ask her, "Who is the letter from? What does it say? Can I read it?"
2. I would ask, "Please tell me what the letter says. I'll clean your room for you."
3. I might ask, "So, who is your new boyfriend? Where is he from? Does he go to your school?"
4. I'd probably say, "I'm so happy for you. Can you tell me what he said? When is he coming to see you?"
5. I would ask something like, "Who sent you a letter? Was it a boy or girl? How old is he or she?"

56 Do you play video games when you are free?
1. Yes. I spend all of my free time playing video games. My father always tells me that I play them too much, but it's the only way I can relax.
2.No, I don't play video games when I am free. They are a waste of time. I prefer to exercise or read when I have the time.
3. Yes, I do. My favorite game is Angry Birds. I play it on my iPad. It is a really fun game. All my friends play it, too.
4. I never play video games. I think they are childish. They are also really bad for your eyes.
5. I often play video games in my free time. We have a Wii in our living room. My whole family sometimes plays Wii golf together. I always lose to my dad.

57 Do you keep a pet?
Do you keep a pet? 你養寵物嗎?
1. Yes, I do keep a pet. I have a small, black dog. Its name is Spot. He is a very good dog most of the time. But I don't like it when he barks. 是的,我養了一隻寵物。我有一隻小黑狗。牠的名字是黑點。大部分時間牠是一隻非常好的狗。但是當牠吠叫時,我不喜歡。*keep (v.) 飼養*pet (n.) 寵物*bark (v.) 吠叫
2. No, I don't keep a pet. I'm not allowed to have one, but I want one. Maybe one day, my parents will let me get a cat. 不,我沒有養寵物。我沒有得到允許可以養寵物,但是我想要一隻。或許有一天,我父母會讓我養一隻貓。
3. Yes, I keep many pets. I have a turtle, a mouse and a cat. I take very good care of them. They are like family to me. 是的,我養很多寵物。我養一隻烏龜、一隻老鼠以及一隻貓。我把牠們照顧的很好,牠們就像是我的家人。*turtle (n.) 烏龜*mouse (n.) 老鼠*take care of (ph.) 照顧
4. No, I don't keep any pets. I really don't like animals that much. They are smelly, messy and a lot of work. 不,我沒有養任何的寵物。我並不是那麼喜歡動物,牠們身上有股味道,會造成髒亂,而且飼養寵物很費工夫。*animal (n.) 動物*smelly (adj.) 臭的*messy (adj.) 骯髒的; 混亂的
5. I have some fish. I keep them in a small aquarium. I feed them every morning when I wake up. It is fun to watch them eat. 我養一些魚,我把牠們養在一個小的水族箱。每天早上當我醒來時,我都會餵牠們,看牠們吃東西是很有趣的。*aquarium (n.) 水族箱*wake up (ph.) 醒來

58 Your friend, Brian, will not be here next semester. What will you say to him?
1. I will say, "I'm going to miss you. Please keep in touch, ok? Don't forget about me!"
2. I will say, "I'm so sad that you are leaving. I hope you come to visit me sometime."
3. I might say, "Say it isn't true. I don't know what I'll do without you."
4. I will cry and then say, "Please don't go! You're the best friend that I've ever had."
5. I will say, "Good luck, Brian. Can I get your e-mail address before you go?"

59 Where do you usually go after school?
Where do you usually go after school? 通常放學後你會去哪裡?
1. After school, I usually go home and eat dinner. Although I sometimes go to the park to play basketball before I go home. 放學之後,我通常回家並吃晚餐,雖然有時回家以前,我會到公園打籃球。*dinner (n.) 晚餐*although (adv.) 雖然*basketball (n.) 籃球
2. I have to go to cram school after school. I go there to study English and do my homework. Then I go home. 放學後,我必須到補習班。我到補習班上英文和寫回家功課,然後我回家。*cram school (ph.) 補習班
3. I often go to my friend's house after school. We play on-line games at his house. It's lots of fun.    放學後,我往往到我朋友的家。我們在他家玩線上遊戲。遊戲很好玩。*on-line game (ph.) 線上遊戲
4. When school is finished, I usually go to a restaurant to eat dinner. Sometimes my friends       go with me and we chat. 放學時,我通常到餐廳吃晚餐。有時候我的朋友會和我一起去,我們會一起聊天。*restaurant (n.) 餐廳*chat (v.) 聊天
5. After school, my father picks me up and takes me to my music class. It is on the other side of the town. 放學後,我的父親來接我,並且帶我去上音樂課。上課地點在城鎮的另一邊。*town (n.) 城鎮

60 How often do you go to the convenience store?
1. I go there about 5 times a week. I buy my breakfast there before I go to school. It is very handy.
2.I go to the convenience store twice a week. I stop there after I play basketball to buy sports drinks.
3. I only go there about once a month because there isn't one near my house. I like to buy treats there.
4. I usually go to the convenience store every other week. I go there to pay my cell phone bill. Sometimes I buy a treat there, too.
5. I rarely go to the convenience store. It is too expensive to buy anything there. I maybe go there about once or twice a year.

61 You are waiting for the bus. Suddenly, someone pushes you. What would you say to him?
1. I'd say, "Watch where you are going! You should be more careful."
2. If someone pushed me, I would say, "Don't push me! If you do it again, I'll tell the bus driver."
3. I'm very shy, so I would just say, "Excuse me." Then I would get off at the next stop.
4. It happens all the time. I usually say, "Watch it, buddy!" Then I give them a mean look and they walk away.
5. I wouldn't say anything. I would just ignore them and hope that they went away. Or I would move to a different seat.

62 Which subject do you like more, English or Chinese? Please explain why.
1.  I like English more than Chinese. It is fun to learn a new language. And my English teacher is very cool.
2. I like Chinese more. English is too hard for me. I think Chinese is much easier because I already speak it.
3. English is the subject I like more. My Chinese teacher always gives me too much homework and she is really mean.
4. I don't like either of them. There are too many grammar rules in both of them. I don't care if I speak correctly or not!
5. I like Chinese more than English because it is easier for me. As well, my Chinese teacher is very nice to me.

63 How do you usually celebrate your birthday?
1. On my birthday, I will go to the KTV and have a party with my friends. We will eat snacks, drink soda and sing all night long.
2. I hope to go out for dinner on my birthday. I want to try the new hot pot restaurant in Beido. I hear that it is very good.
3. I probably won't do anything. I usually don't celebrate my birthday. It is just another day to me.
4. I'm thinking about inviting all my friends over for a big party. We can play X-Box games or watch a movie. Hopefully, they can sleep over, too.
5. On my birthday, my mother will cook a special meal for me. She usually invites all our relatives to join us. We will probably play card games after dinner.

64 You want to talk to your friend George on the phone. What will you say to the person who answers the  phone?
1. I would say, "Good afternoon. This is Bob. Can I talk to George, please?"
2. I'd say, "Hello. Is George there? I'd like to speak with him, please."
3. I might say, "Hello, there. I'm George's friend, Tony. Is he in at the moment?"
4. I would say, "Yes. Hello, sir. May I speak with George for a moment?"
5. I'd politely say, "This is Kevin calling. Is George there, please?"

65 You are at a store buying something, but you want a better price. What would you say to the  salesperson?
1. I'd say, "This is a little too expensive. Can you give me a discount?"
2. I would ask, "Is this your best price or can you do better?"
3. I might say, "If you can knock off a few dollars, I'll buy it. Otherwise, I won't."
4. I would say, "I'd like to buy this. Can you give me a deal on it?"
5. I would probably say, "This was cheaper at another store. Can you beat their price?"

66 A friend gives you an expensive gift that you really like. What would you say to him or her?
1. I'd probably say, "OH! You shouldn't have." Then I'd give them a big hug and a kiss.
2. I might say, "I have always wanted one of these! How did you know? You are the best friend ever."
3. I'd say, "I can't accept this. I appreciate the thought, but it's far too expensive."
4. I would say, "Wow! This is awesome. This is the best gift ever. How will I ever make it up to you?"
5. I would shout, "Thank you so much. I can't believe you bought this for me. It's perfect."

67 What are your future plans?
1. I plan to go to university. I want to be a teacher. That has always been my dream.
2. I want to be a nurse. I think I would be a great one because I am very patient and kind.
3. I'm not sure, yet. I need a few more years to think about it. I don't want to worry about my future right now.
4. After I finish school, I want to travel around the world. I want to learn about different cultures. Then I'll think about a career.
5.I would like to get married and have lots of children. Family is important to me.

68 You get lost trying to get to the bus station. Ask someone for directions.
1. Excuse me. I'm lost. How do you get to the bus station?
2. I hate to bother you, but I'm lost. Which direction is the bus station?
3. Sorry to bother you. Can you give me directions to the bus station?
4. Pardon me, sir. I don't know where I am. Where is the bus station from here?
5. Excuse me, Miss. I can't find the bus station. Do you know where it is?

69 You are at a hospital visiting a sick friend. What would you say when you are ready to leave?
1. I will say, "I hope you feel better soon. Let me know if you need anything, okay?"
2. I might say, "Take care of yourself. Everyone at school is thinking of you."
3. I would say, "I'll come and visit you again tomorrow. Hopefully, you are feeling better by then."
4. I'd probably say, "Get lots of rest. I hope you get out of here soon."
5. I would caringly say, "I hate to see you like this. Get well soon, okay?"

70 Tell me about your parents.
1. My mom is a very understanding person. I go to her with all my problems. My father is very hard-working. All he thinks about is work.
2. I have the best parents in the world. They are both caring and loving. They are also very supportive of me.
3. My parents are good, honest people. My father works hard to support the family. He makes the money, but my mom takes care of everything else.
4. Well, my father is firm and strict. He makes all the rules at home. My mom is more forgiving than him. They make a good pair.
5. I think my parents are typical parents. They want me to get good grades and study hard, just like most parents.

71 What do you do?
What do you do? 你的職業是什麼?
1. I am a student at Tienwei Junior High School. This is my second year there. It's a nice school.    我是田尾國中的學生,我是國中二年級,它是一所很棒的學校。*junior high school (ph.) 國中*second (adj.) 第二的
2. I'm a high school student. My school is in Yuanlin. This is my last year there. 我是高中生,我的學校在員林,這是我的最後一年。*high school (ph.) 高中
3. I go to elementary school in Beido. I am in grade 6. Next year, I will be a junior high school student. 我就讀北斗的國小,我是六年級,明年我將要上國中。*elementary school (ph.) 國小*grade (n.) 年級
4. I study business at Taipei University. This is my first semester there. I quite like it. 我在臺北大學就讀商科,這是我的第一個學期,我非常喜歡。*business (n.) 商業*university (n.) 大學*semester (n.) 學期
5. I'm in my third, and last year of Junior High. My school is in Changhua. I have learned a lot there. 我是三年級,也是國中的最後一年。我的學校在彰化,我在那裡學到很多東西。*third (adj.) 第三的

72 What would you do if you found a cockroach in your soup at a restaurant?
1. I would just tell the waiter to bring me another bowl of soup. It wouldn't bother me too much.
2. I would freak out! That is so disgusting. I definitely wouldn't pay for the meal. I would just leave.
3. I would ask to see the manager. Then I'd tell him that I want a free meal and order the most expensive thing on the menu.
4. I would shout, "There's a cockroach in my soup!" Then I'd call the food inspector and report the incident.
5. I wouldn't make a big deal out of it. It happens sometimes, but I'd think twice about eating there again.

73 If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Why?
1. I would go to Los Angeles. That is where all the movie stars live. I could also see a Lakers’ game there.
2. I have always dreamt of going to Greece. I want to see all the old buildings and sculptures there. I am fascinated by ancient Greek history.
3. I would like to go to Tibet. I want to see the world’s highest mountain, Mt. Everest. That is my dream.
4. I want to go to Thailand because they have the best food in the world! I also want to see the jungles there and ride an elephant.
5. India would be my choice. I am intrigued by their culture. I want to see how people there live.

74 At a restaurant, you order spaghetti, but the waiter serves you fried rice by mistake. What do you do?
1. I would tell the waiter that this was not what I ordered. Then I would send it back.
2. I would just eat it anyway. I wouldn't want to wait for them to cook another dish.
3. I'd say, "There's been a mistake. I didn't order this. Can you please get me what I ordered?"
4. I'd nicely say, "Excuse me. This is not what I ordered. I ordered spaghetti."
5. I'd complain to the manager and make a big deal out of it. Then they might give me a discount.

75 Your friend doesn't look well. What do you say to them?
1. I'd probably ask, "Are you feeling alright? You look a little pale. Maybe you should sit down for a while."
2. I would say, "You look like you are sick. Are you coming down with something?"
3. I might say, "I hate to say it, but you don't look very good. Are you getting sick?"
4. I wouldn't say anything. I would stay away from them until they looked better. I wouldn't want to catch something.
5. I'd caringly say, "Oh my god. You look as if you are sick or something. Do you feel alright?"

76 Your friend invites you to go out for dinner, but you can't go. What do you say?
1. Thanks so much for inviting me, but I already have plans. We can do it another time.
2. I'm sorry, but I can't go. I have to study for an exam tonight. Maybe next time.
3. Unfortunately, I have to decline. But thanks for the invitation. Another time perhaps.
4. I can't go tonight because I'm busy. Can we do it tomorrow instead?
5. I appreciate the invitation, but I can't go. Can I take a rain check?

77 Do you sort your trash? Why or why not?
1. Yes, we sort our garbage. Everyone in Taiwan has to separate recyclables from general garbage.
2. We always sort our garbage. We have bins in our house to make it easier.
3. We never sort our garbage. It's a waste of time. We just put it all in a garbage bag and tie it up.
4. Of course. We put recyclable materials in one bag, food scraps in another and everything else in a different bag.
5. Yes. It is policy in Taiwan to do so. This makes it easier to be recycled.

78 Do you keep a diary?
Do you keep a diary?

1. No, I don't keep a diary. I keep all my memories and secrets in my head. It's safer that
diary (n.) 日記
memory (n.) 回憶
secret (n.) 秘密
2. Yes. I write in it every night. It is a good way to keep track of things in my life.
keep track of (ph.) 記錄
3. I used to keep one, but I don't now. I just never have enough time to write down my
write down (ph.) 寫下
thought (n.) 想法
4. No, I don't keep a diary. I'd rather spend the time playing computer games.
would rather (ph.) 寧願
5. Yes, I do. I have kept one for many years. I only write down happy thoughts and things I       want to remember.
remember (v.) 記得

79 You must go to Taipei with your grandfather on the train immediately. What would you say to the person at the ticket booth?
1. I need 2 tickets to Taipei. Which train will get me there the fastest?
2. My grandfather and I have to get to Taipei as soon as possible. Which train do you suggest?
3. Excuse me, but I'm in a rush. Could I have to tickets for Taipei? Which train makes the fewest stops?
4. My grandfather and I need to get on the next train to Taipei. It's an emergency.
5. How can I get to Taipei as quickly as possible? There are 2 of us that need seats.

80 You are at KFC for lunch. After ordering, you can't find an empty table. What would you do?
1. I would just stand and wait for someone to finish. People come and go all the time there.
2. I would look for a table with an empty chair. Then I would ask if I could sit there.
3. I would ask the person at the counter to put my order in a bag. Then I would take it home to eat.
4. I would find a table with a seat available and sit down. I don't mind sharing a table with strangers.
5. I would eat standing up until a table became available. I don't think that I would have to wait long.

81 Tell me about one of your hopes.
Tell me about one of your hopes. 告訴我你其中的一個希望。
1. One day, I hope to visit Australia. I have always wanted to go there. It's the most beautiful     country in the world. 有一天,我希望參訪澳洲。我一直想要去那裡,它是全世界最漂亮的國家。*Australia (n.) 澳大利亞*country (n.) 國家
2. One of my hopes is to go on a cruise ship. I think that would be an amazing experience. 我其中一個希望是搭乘遊艇旅遊,我想那會是很棒的經驗。*cruise ship (ph.) 遊艇*amazing (adj.) 令人吃驚的;很棒的*experience (n.) 經驗
3. I have always dreamt of flying an airplane. Not as a job, but just for fun. That would be so cool.我一直有開飛機的夢想。我不想把它當成是我的工作,純粹只是為了好玩。那將會很酷。*fly (v.) 駕駛(飛機)airplane (n.) 飛機
4. My hope is to get accepted into Harvard so that I can study abroad. That would be a dream come true. 我的希望是能進入哈佛大學就讀,如此一來我就可以出國留學。那將會是夢想成真。*accept (v.) 接受*Harvard (n.) 哈佛大學*abroad (adv.) 到國外*dream come true (ph.) 夢想成真
5. My only hope is that I live a long and happy life. Happiness is the most important thing to me.    我唯一的希望是,我有一個長壽與快樂的人生。對我而言,快樂是最重要的事情。*happiness (n.) 快樂*important (adj.) 重要的

82 You are waiting for a friend and they are late. They finally arrive and say they are sorry. How do you respond?
1. Don't worry about it. We have all be late before. I don't mind waiting.
2. Not apology necessary. It's not that important. Like they say: "Better late than never."
3. It would have been nice if you had called. I was worried sick about you.
4. I forgive you this time, but don't let it happen again. I've got better things to do than wait around.
5. It's alright. I'm just glad you made it. I thought you weren't going to show up for a minute.

83 Are you scared of any sort of bugs?
Are you scared of any sort of bugs? 你害怕任何的蟲子嗎?
1. I'm very scared of bees. They can sting you. I run away whenever I see one. 我非常害怕蜜蜂,牠們會叮你。無論何時我看到蜜蜂,我會跑開。*scared (adj.) 害怕的*sting (v.)
2. No, I'm not afraid of any bugs. In fact, I am very curious about them. I often read books about insects. 不,我不害怕任何的蟲子。事實上,我對牠們非常的好奇。我常常閱讀關於昆蟲的書籍。*afraid (adj.) 害怕的*bug (n.) 蟲子*curious (adj.) 好奇的*insect (n.) 昆蟲
3. Yes, I’m terrified of spiders, especially, big, hairy ones. They are so creepy. 是的,我非常的怕蜘蛛,特別體型很大而且毛茸茸的蜘蛛。牠們真的會令人毛骨悚然。*spider (n.) 蜘蛛*especially (adv.) 特別*hairy (adj.) 毛茸茸的*creepy (adj.) 令人毛骨悚然的
4. I'm scared of any insects that bite or sting. But I don't mind some, like butterflies and lady bugs.    我害怕任何會咬人或是螫人的昆蟲,但是一些昆蟲我並不介意,像是蝴蝶和瓢蟲。*bite (v.) 咬*mind (v.) 介意*butterfly (n.) 蝴蝶*lady bug (n.) 瓢蟲
5. I am scared of cockroaches. They are dirty and disgusting. They make me sick. 我害怕蟑螂,牠們是骯髒且令人噁心。牠們會使我感到噁心。*cockroach (n.) 蟑螂*disgusting (adj.) 令人噁心的

84 What do you do when you feel sad?
What do you do when you feel sad? 當你感到悲傷時,你會做什麼?
1. When I feel sad, I often eat a lot of junk food. It makes me feel a little better for a while. 當我感到悲傷時,我往往吃很多的垃圾食物。它使我感覺好一會兒。*sad (adj.) 悲哀的*junk (n.) 垃圾*junk food (ph.) 垃圾食物
2. I usually watch cartoons on TV when I feel sad. Funny cartoons usually cheer me up. 我通常看電視上的卡通,有趣的卡通通常讓我感到高興。*cartoon (n.) 卡通*cheer up (ph.) 使高興起來
3. I talk to my mother when I feel sad or upset. She always has some good advice to help me with my troubles. 當我感到悲傷或是心煩時,我會告訴我媽媽。她總是會給我一些好的建議,幫助我解決我的問題。*upset (adj.) 心煩的*advice (n.)建議*trouble (n.) 麻煩的事情; 憂慮
4. I don't do anything. Sometimes I just lie in bed and hope that it goes away. 我不會做任何事。有時我只是躺在床上,並且希望它趕快離去。*go away (ph.) 離開
5. I usually play basketball with my friends or exercise. That always does the trick. 我通常和我的朋友打籃球或運動。那總是會起作用。*exercise (n.) 運動*do the trick (ph.) 起作用

85 How many times do you brush your teeth in a day?
1. I usually brush my teeth 3 times a day: once after breakfast, once after lunch and once just before I go to bed.
2. I only brush my teeth twice a day. I do it in the morning before I go to school and again before I go to bed.
3. I brush my teeth about 4 or 5 times a day. I don't want to get cavities, so I brush them a lot.
4. Most days, I brush my teeth about 4 times. I brush them after every meal and once before I go to sleep at night.
5. I brush my teeth several times a day. I hope that I never have to go to a dentist. I am scared of them.

86 Who is your best friend? Why?
Who is your best friend? Why? 誰是你最要好的朋友?為什麼?
1. Linda is my best friend. She's my classmate. I like her because she is easygoing. Linda是我最好的朋友,她是我的同班同學。我喜歡她,因為她像我一樣個性隨和。*classmate (n.) 同班同學*easygoing (adj.) 個性隨和的
2. My best friend is my neighbor, Tom. We have many things in common. We both like basketball, computer games, and riding our bikes. 我最好的朋友是我的鄰居Tom,我們有很多共同點。我們都喜歡籃球運動、電腦遊戲,以及騎我們的腳踏車。*in common (ph.) 共同
3. That would be Joyce because she is a good listener. I trust her, too. I tell her all of my secrets.    那會是Joyce,因為她是一個好的傾聽者。我也信任她。我告訴她我所有的秘密。*listener (n.) 傾聽者*trust (v.) 信任*secret (n.) 秘密
4. I would say that Carl is my best friend. I like him because he is generous. He shares everything with me. 我會說Carl是我最好的朋友。我喜歡他,因為他很慷慨。他什麼東西都會和我分享。*generous (adj.) 慷慨的*share (v.) 分享
5. Sunny is definitely the best friend anyone could have. She is such a loving and gentle person. She never gets angry about anything. Sunny肯定是任何人都想擁有的最棒的朋友,她是如此關懷別人與溫和的人。對於任何事情她從不生氣。*definitely (adv.) 肯定地*loving (adj.) 關愛的*gentle (adj.) 溫和的*angry (adj.) 生氣的

87 You meet your friend's friend for the first time. Her name is Connie. What would you say to her?
1. I would say, "Pleased to meet you, Connie. My name is Tom. Where do you go to school?"
2. I would perhaps say, "It's a pleasure to meet you Connie. I've heard so much about you."
3. I'd say, "How do you do, Connie? I'm Bob. I am pleased to make your acquaintance."
4. I would probably say, "We meet at last. I've heard a lot of good things about you."
5. I'd simply say, "It's nice to meet you, Connie. My name is Mort."

88 If you needed assistance from someone, how would you ask them for help?
1. I hate to be a bother, but do you have a second to give me a hand.
2. Would you mind helping me out with this? It will only take a minute.
3. Can you do me a favor? I need help with something and I can't do it by myself.
4. Can I borrow you for a moment? It shouldn't take too long.
5. Excuse me, but I need some assistance. Would it be a bother for a little help?

89 Can you cook anything? If so, what can you make?
1. No, I can't cook anything. No one has ever taught me. I can't even cut an apple without help.
2. Yes, I can cook a few things. I can make noodles, fried rice and salad. It's easy.
3. Not me. My grandmother does all the cooking at our house. I've never had to learn.
4. I am an excellent cook. I make the best spaghetti. Everyone loves it. I also make a delicious chocolate cake.
5. Not really. Unless you count making instant noodles. I can do that.

90 While you are watching a movie, your father asks you to go to the store for him. What would you do?
1. I would ask him if it could wait until the movie was over. But if it was REALLY important, I'd go right away.
2. I'd ask, "Do I have to do it right now or can it wait. The movie is almost over."
3. I would say, "Can't you get someone else to do it? I am busy watching a movie?"
4. I would beg and say, "Please, can I finish watching this first. I promise that I'll do it as soon as it's over."
5. I would probably just do it. My father never takes "no" for an answer. There is no sense in arguing with him.

91 Do you have cable TV at home?
1. Yes, we have cable TV at home. It's nice because there are lots of channels to choose from.
2. No, we don't have cable TV. My father is too cheap to get it. He says that it's a waste of money.
3. Of course. Doesn't everyone? I couldn't live without cable TV. What would I watch?
4. No, we don't. No one at our house has time to watch TV anyway, so what is the point.
5. Yes, we do. Actually, we just had cable TV installed last week. It didn't cost that much.

92 Who do you look up to?
Who do you look up to? 你尊敬誰?
1. I look up to my father. I think he is a good role model for me. I really respect him a lot. 我尊敬我的父親。我想對我而言,他是一個好的角色典範。我真的很尊敬他。*look up to (ph.) 尊敬*role model (ph.) 模範*respect (v.) 尊敬
2. The person that I look up to is my teacher Mr. Brown. He treats me with respect and I really admire that. 我尊敬的人是我的老師Mr. Brown,他對我尊重,我真的很喜歡那種態度。*treat (v.) 對待*respect (n.) 尊敬*admire (v.) 喜歡; 欽佩
3. I really look up to my grandmother. She is the kindest person that I know. She is very  supportive of me. 我真的很尊敬我的祖母,她是我認識的人當中最親切的。她非常的支持我。*grandmother (n.) 祖母*kind (adj.) 親切的; 和藹的*supportive (adj.) 支持的
4. I look up to my elder brother. He is the coolest person I know. I want to be just like him. 我尊敬我的哥哥,他是我認識的人當中最酷的,我想要像他一樣。*elder (adj.) 年紀較大的
5. I have a lot of respect for my mother. She is a hard-working woman. She works long hours and still manages to take care of me. 我非常尊重我媽媽,她是一個勤勞的女人,她工作的時數很長,但仍然可以照顧我。*hard-working (adj.) 勤勉的*manage to (ph.) 設法做到*take care of (ph.) 照顧

93 How do you improve your English conversation skills?
1. I improve them by practicing every day. My friends and I often speak in English just for practice.
2. I watch English TV problems. I think listening to native speakers is important. The more that I listen, the more I can understand and speak.
3. I go to conversation classes on Saturdays. It has really improved my ability to converse with people in English.
4. I have a private tutor from Canada. She helps me improve my conversation skills. So far, it has helped a lot.
5. Practice, practice, practice. That is the only way. If you don't practice speaking, you will never get better.

94 You get home one night and realize you are locked out. You don't have your keys and no one is home. What would you do?
1. I would call my mom on my cell phone. Then she could come home and let me in.
2. I would go to my neighbors house and ask if I could stay until my parents got home.
3. It would never happen. We have a spare key hidden outside just in case.
4. I would sit near the front door and read. Hopefully, I wouldn't have to wait too long.
5. I would go to my friend's house and wait for my parents. He lives on the same block as me.

95 If your friend failed an important test, what would you say to make him or her feel better?
1. I'd hug her/him and say, "Don't worry. It's not the end of the world. You'll do better next time.
2. I'd make her/him feel better by saying, "Don't be so hard on yourself. We've all failed a test before. Nobody's perfect."
3. I would say, "Everything will be okay. You'll just have to study harder next time."
4. I would rub her/his back gently and say, "It's over! There is nothing you can do about it now. Forget about it."
5. I might say, "It's okay. We all make mistakes sometimes. All we can do is learn from our mistakes."

96 If your friends came to see you at home, what would you say to make them feel relaxed?
1. I would say, "Feel free to make yourselves at home. Can I get you anything to drink?"
2. I'd probably say, "Go ahead and make yourselves comfortable. You can sit anywhere you want."
3. I might say, "Welcome to my home. Grab a seat and I'll get you all a cup of coffee."
4. I'd say, "Hello. There are drinks in the fridge and some cake on the table. Help yourselves."
5. I would say, "Have a seat and make yourselves at home. What would you like to drink?"

97 How can we become healthier?
1. We can become healthier by watching what we eat. It is important to stay away from junk food and eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
2. To become healthier, we need to exercise daily. Any exercise is fine. Even walking for 20 or 30 minutes a day will help.
3. I think sleep is important to becoming healthier. Most people don't get enough sleep. Our bodies need at least 8 hours of sleep per day.
4. Just follow these simple rules: exercise often, eat healthy foods and drink lots of water. That's all you need to remember.
5. I believe that people need to eat less meat. Red meat is especially bad for you. You can get protein and fats from nuts instead.

98 You see an old friend that you haven't seen for many years. What do you say to him?
1. Wow. I haven't seen you forever. Where have you been? What have you been doing?
2. Is that you? I can't believe it. It's been so long. How have you been?
3. Oh my god! It's so good to see you. You look great. What's new with you?
4. Holy cow! Long time no see. Where have you been hiding?
5. What a nice surprise. I can't remember the last time we talked. What's been happening?

99 What would you say to introduce a good friend to your father?
1. I would say, "Dad, this is my good friend Bob. He is my classmate. He lives near the park."
2. I might say, "Hey, Dad. I want you to meet my friend Bob. I think you will like him."
3. I'd say, "Dad, I like to introduce you to Bob. This is Bob. He is a good friend of mine."
4. I would probably say something like, "Dad, please allow me to introduce you to Bob. We are best friends."
5. I would say, "Dad, I'd like you to meet Bob. He goes to the same school as me. We have some classes together."

100 When you give someone a present, what should you say to them?
1. Here you go. I picked it out just for you. I hope you like it.
2. I got this for you in Taipei. I wanted it to be a surprise.
3. This is for you. It's just a little something I thought you'd like.
4. Here's a gift for you. But you have to guess what it is first?
5. Here's something just for you. Go ahead and open it.

101 What would you do if someone took your seat in the movie theater?
1. I would politely say, "Excuse me. You're in my seat. Would you mind moving, please?
2. I would nicely say, "I'm terribly sorry, but I think this is my seat. Could you please move?"
3. I would angrily say, "Hey buddy. You're in my seat. Get out!"
4. I might say, "Pardon me, but I believe you're in my seat. Can I have it please?"
5. I wouldn't want to make a scene, so I would just find an empty seat and sit there.

102 Give a short introduction of yourself.
Give a short introduction of yourself. 簡短的介紹你自己。
1. Hi. Hi. My name is Bob. I am 10 years old and live in Tienwei. I like basketball, baseball     and playing online games. !我名字是Bob,我十歲,住在田尾。我喜歡籃球、棒球、和玩線上遊戲。
2. I'm Melissa. I study at Tienwei Junior High School. In my free time, I like to read and hang     out with my friends. 我是Melissa,我就讀於田尾國中。在我閒暇時,我喜歡閱讀、以及和我的朋友聚在一起。*junior high school (ph.) 國中*hang out (ph.) 消磨時間
3. My name is Henry. I'm 11 and in grade 5. I like swimming and hiking. I want to be a doctor when I grow up. 我的名字是Henry,我十一歲,就讀五年級。我喜歡游泳和健行。當我長大時,我想要成為一位醫生。*grow up (ph.) 長大
4. Hello. My name is Carla. I live in Beido with my family. My hobbies include playing the     piano and gardening. 哈囉!我的名字是Carla,我和我的家人住在北斗。我的興趣包括彈鋼琴和園藝。*hobby (n.) 嗜好*include (v.) 包括*gardening (n.) 園藝
5. My name is Jason Li. I am an honor student at my school. I spend all my time studying. I     want to be an engineer. 我的名字是Jason Li,我在學校是一個成績優異的學生。我所有的時間都在讀書,我想要成為一個工程師。*honor student (ph.) 成績優異的學生*spend (v.) 花費*engineer (n.) 工程師

103 There is a phone call for your father, but he isn't at home. What would you say to the caller?
1. I'm sorry. He's not in right now. Would you like to leave a message?
2. He's not here at the moment. Can I get your name and number and have him call you back?
3. I'm sorry, but you just missed him. Call back in about 30 minutes and he should be home.
4. He's not available right now. Can I take a message or do you want to call back later?
5. He's not at home. May I take a message? You can also call back later if you want.

104 You are studying at the library. The boys at the next table are talking loudly. What would you do?
1. I would nicely ask them to be quiet. If that didn't work, I would tell the librarian that they are bothering me.
2. I would probably move to a different table. I wouldn't want to make a scene.
3. I'd stand up and say, "Excuse me! This is a library. Please, lower your voice or leave."
4. I would politely ask, "Could you not speak so loudly, please? I can't concentrate on my studies."
5. I'd stare at them with raised eyebrows and only say, "Ahem!" Hopefully they would get the point.

105 What time do you get up on Sundays?
What time do you get up on Sundays? 星期日你幾點起床?
1. Not very early. I try to sleep as late as I can. I usually wake up after 10 on Sundays. 不是很早,我儘可能睡到很晚。我星期日通常十點後才醒來。
2. Unless I have plans, I usually sleep in till at least 11. Sunday is the only day that I can do     this. 除非我有計畫,我通常睡到至少十一點。星期天是我唯一能做這件事的一天。*unless (conj.) 除非*plan (n.) 計畫*sleep in (ph.) 睡到很晚起床*at least (ph.) 至少
3. I usually wake up at around 9 on Sundays. Sometimes I wake up earlier, but not often. 星期天我通常大約九點起床。有時早一點起床,但不是常常。
4. About 8 because I have piano lessons at 9. If I sleep past 8, I would be late. 大約八點,因為我九點有鋼琴課。假如我睡超過八點,我將會遲到。*piano (n.) 鋼琴*past (prep.) 超過
5. My father makes me get up at 6 on Sundays to go hiking. He says that he likes to go hiking     early while it is still cool. 我父親要我星期天六點起床去健行,他說他喜歡趁天氣還涼爽的時候早一點去健行。*go hiking (ph.) 健行*cool (adj.) 涼爽的

106 What would you do if the electricity went out while you were taking a bath?
1. I'd yell for my mother to bring me a candle or flashlight so that I could see.
2. I'm afraid of the dark. I'd probably scream. Hopefully, my father would hear me and come help me.
3. I would get out of the tub. Then I would find a flashlight and check the breaker box.
4. It wouldn't bother me. I'd just finish my bath in the dark and then go to bed.
5. It wouldn't be a problem for me. I keep candles in the bathroom all the time. I could just light one and finish my bath.

107 What would you do if your friend looked upset?
1. I'd ask, "Is everything alright? You look upset. What's going on?"
2. I would kindly say, "Are you okay? You don't seem like yourself today. What is bothering you?
3. I would give my friend a hug and say, "What's the matter? Is something wrong?"
4. I would just pretend that everything was okay. I wouldn't want to get involved.
5. If my friend looked upset, I would ask, "You want to talk? It looks like you need a friendly ear?"

108 What would you do if you won a million dollars?
1. I would put all of it in the bank. It would be nice to have some financial security. Then I wouldn't have to worry about money.
2. I would buy so many things. I would buy a new computer, a new bike, an X-Box and anything else I wanted.
3. I would probably save half of it. The other half I would put toward my education.
4. I'm not very good with money. I would probably blow it all buying stuff that I wanted. Then I'd be broke again.
5. I think that I would travel the world for a while. Then I would use what is left over to buy a house.

109 Do you like to play computer games? Why or why not?
Do you like to play computer games? Why or why not? 你喜歡玩電腦遊戲嗎?為什麼喜歡?或者是為什麼不喜歡?
1. Of course, I do. What child doesn't. There is nothing more exciting than playing computer     games. 我當然喜歡。哪一個小孩不喜歡?沒有甚麼比玩電腦遊戲更刺激的了。*of course (ph.) 當然*exciting (adj.) 刺激的
2. Not really. I think they are a waste of time. I have better things to do than play computer     games. 不算喜歡,我認為這是在浪費時間。我有比玩電腦遊戲更好的事情可做。*a waste of time (ph.) 浪費時間
3. I sure do. They help me relax. But I am only allowed to play them when I am finished my     homework. 我當然喜歡。電腦遊戲幫助我放鬆。但是當我完成回家功課時,才能得到允許玩電腦遊戲。*relax (v.) 放鬆*allow (v.) 允許
4. I don't like playing them at all. They're childish. I outgrew them when I was 8 years old. 我一點也不喜歡玩電腦遊戲,它們很幼稚。當我八歲的時候我已經不再玩它們了。*not...at all (ph.) 一點都不*outgrow (v.) 長大了便不再適用
5. No, they're not for me. I never understood the point of them. The whole idea seems a bit     ridiculous to me. 不,它們不適合我。我一直不懂電腦遊戲存在的意義,整個電腦遊戲的概念是很荒謬的。*understand (v.) 理解*point (n.) 意義; 目的*ridiculous (adj.) 荒謬的

110 Do you have any credit cards? Why or why not?
1. Of course not. I'm just a child. Nobody gives credit cards to children.
2. Yes, I have one. I try not to use it too much because I don't like to pay interest.
3. No, I don't have any credit cards. They make it too easy to spend money you don't have.
4. Yes, I have a couple of them. They are very handy. You can even use them to buy stuff online.
5. I have never had a credit card. I wouldn't trust myself with one. I'd probably end up in debt.

111 You are at a friends house for a visit. It is time to go. What would you say?
1. I’d say, “It was nice talking to you. Let’s get together again soon.”
2. I would say, “Thank you for inviting me over. I’ll see you at school tomorrow.”
3. I’d say, “It’s been fun, but I have to go. We should do this more often.”
4. I would probably say, “I really enjoyed our visit. I’ll talk to you later. Bye.”
5. I might say, “Thank you for everything. You’ll have to come to my house some time.

112 If your friends pet died, what would you say?
1. I would give him a big hug and say, “I’m so sorry to hear about your dog. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?”
2. I’d say, “I heard the bad news. How are you feeling? It must be a tough time for you right now.”
3. A dead pet isn’t a big deal, so I’d say, “Don’t worry. You can always get another one.”
4. I would console him by saying, “You gave Spot a good life. You took good care of him. He was lucky to have you.”
5. I would say, “I’m deeply sorry to hear about Tiger. He was such a wonderful cat. I’m going to miss him.”

113 Youre at the checkout counter of a department store. After the clerk finishes totalling up your items, you realize you forgot your wallet. What would you say to the clerk?
1. Oh my god! I forgot my wallet at home. I’ll have to come back later. My apologies.
2. This is so embarrassing. I don’t have my wallet with me. Can you set this stuff aside and I’ll go get it?
3. I am so sorry, but I seem to have left my wallet at home. Do you want me to put this stuff back?
4. Shoot! I didn’t bring my wallet. I think it’s in the car. Please, wait a moment.
5. Well this is awkward. I can’t pay for this stuff. I don’t have my wallet on me. Sorry.

114 Does taking this test bother you?
1. Yes. If I don’t pass the test, my parents will be very upset. I hope that I do well.
2. No. I never lets exams bother me. I can only do my best. I’ve prepared as much as I can.
3. Yes, it really does. Tests always make me nervous. I don’t like failing at anything.
4. Yes, it does. I feel like my life depends on it. I even went to a temple this morning to pray.
5. Kind of. But only because my father promised me a new bike if I do well.

115 You are at a steak house for dinner. The waiter asks you, How would you like your steak done? How do you answer them?
1. I would say, “Medium-rare please. And could you put some BBQ sauce on it?”
2. I would say, “I’d like it well-done. Would you mind cutting off the fat before you cook it?
3. I would say, “I want my steak rare, thanks. If it’s overcooked, I’ll send it back.”
4. I might say, “Please make it medium-well. I’d rather it be undercooked slightly.”
5. I would say, “Can you do it extra rare please? I like my steak really juicy.”

116 You run into your friend, Paul at supermarket?. What would you say to him?
1. I would say,'' Hello, Paul. Nice to see you. What have you been up to? You're looking well.''
2. I'd say, '' Hi there. I'm surprise to see you here. How are you?"
3. I might say," Good afternoon, Paul. I haven't to seen you for a long time. What's new?'
4. I would probably say," Good to see you, Paul. It's been so long. How are you doing?"
5. I'd say something like, "Paul, wow! It's been a while. I almost didn't recognize you."

117 How often do you get your hair cut?
1. I get my hair cut about 3 or 4 times a year. I usually go to a hair salon in Taijhong. It is more expensive, but worth it.
2. I only get my hair cut once a year. I like to have long hair, so I don’t need to get it cut very often.
3. I like my hair really short, so I go for a trim every couple of weeks. There’s a barber shop near my house that does it.
4. I get a haircut at least every 2 months. I don’t like having the same hairstyle any longer than that.
5. I get it cut whenever my bangs get too long; usually, every couple months. I hate having hair in my eyes.

118 If you wanted to invite Leo to lunch, what would you say to him?
1. I’d politely ask, “Leo, would you like to join me for lunch? I’m buying.”
2. I’d nicely say, “Do you want to have lunch with me? I’m going to try a new restaurant near here.”
3. I might say, “Hey, Leo. I’m going out for lunch. It would be great if you came along. How about it?”
4. I would likely say, “Are you free this afternoon? I want you to join me for lunch. What do you say?”
5. I’d say, “Leo, if your free, I’d love you to come along with me for lunch.

119 Someone is talking to you, but you dont understand what they said to you. What do you say to them?
1. What was that? I don’t understand. Could you repeat that?
2. Excuse me, but could you say that again. I didn’t catch that.
3. Could you speak up a bit? I’m having trouble hearing you.
4. Sorry to interrupt you. I missed that. Could you speak a little slower please?
5. Could you say that again please? I didn’t understand what you said.


