2017年3月10日 星期五

GEPT Sentence Writing Exercise (Elementary) V

GEPT Sentence Writing Exercise (Elementary) V: 1-5 句子改寫
班級:       座號:   姓名:         
  1. John and Terry moved into their new house last month.
When ______________________________________________?

  1. This chair and that chair look different.
This chair ___________________________________. (the same as)

  1. We will miss the bus if you don’t hurry.
Unless ______________________, we’ll ______________________.

  1. Sam wants to win the prize, so he practices very often.
_________________________________________. ( in order to)

  1. Who is that woman standing next to Jerry?
Do you know _____________________________________?

GEPT Sentence Writing Exercise (Elementary) V: 6-10 句子合併
  1. Why was Rick late this morning?
Perhaps Alice knows that.
Perhaps Alice knows ___________________________________.

  1. John has three dogs.
Bogi is John’s dog.
Bogi _______________________ one of _________________.

  1. You control your diet.
You lose weight.
If you ___________________, ___________________________.

  1. Sammi learned something from Jim.
Sammi knows how to draw.
Sammi __________________________________________ Jim.

  1. Lucy asked me something.
She wanted me to lend her some money.
Lucy asked me _____________________________________________.

GEPT Sentence Writing Exercise (Elementary) V: 11-15 句子重組
  1. please / the window / for / Would / close / me / ? / you

  1. has / several / times / Disneyland / been to / My brother / .

  1. do / your homework / not / Please / bring / forget / . / to

  1. . / a / concert / Nancy and I / went / together / last weekend / to

  1. shining / is / . / the / singing / are / sun / Look! The / and / birds

